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All posts for Rat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Increasing bed mesh points?
PT1000 Problem
VAOC probleem
mcu pin name vs board pin name
NOT!!!! Yet another VAOC problem I did not read the commision guide!!
MCU shutdown: 'Timer too close' at the end of VAOC Calibrate Z-Offsets
toolboard device conflict
Change Wifi SSID without configurator
[VC3.1-400][ratos 2.1.0-RC2] Do I have to restart from scratch?
Filament runout detection pausing at start of sprint
DataCloneError: The object can not be cloned.
Ellis pressure advance tool won't print
Trying to flash Ebb 42 Can 1.2 but it will not go into DFU mode for flashing? any suggestions?
Bug report Mis-asigned pin
VAOC won't connect
Update to new version
"Invalid wifi credentials"
klippy location
RatOs invalide
RatOS Post-Processing Introducing Errors in GCode (More like destroying good GCode)
Movement problem and config of the EZ board
VAOC not connecting
Hard recovery killed Klipper
PT1000 problem
Error evaluating 'gcode_macro PROBE_FOR_PRIMING:gcode': gcode.CommandError: No probe, beacon or blto
vaoc cant finde camera
Prusa Einsy Configuration Issues
Problem with first layer EXTRUDER_TEMP in COPY and MIRROR mode
VOAC calculating offset wrong by the same amount every time
Belt tension graph interpretation help
Orbiter 2.0 Current
can´t flash Octopus V1.1 - Core-V4 500 IDEX
Can not open RatOS in the browser
Merc 1 Hydra RatOs 2.1
Chamber heater settings question
Cant update/change printer.cfg
Both toolheads require Z-probe for IDEX?
Extra’s.resonance_tester ERROR
ratos-configurator: invalid
Hotend Fan Speed
Octopus Pro 446 and RatOS firmware not updating
IFCNT driver error
Klippy Attempting to connect
Klipper shutdown due to webhook request(s)
E3D PZ Probe
Realtime Analysis
Realtime Analysis not working
VAOC with custom printer based on v-core-3
Idex error´s after update
Position after sensor less homing
i have an octopus pro 446 and it has some corrupt firmware on it
adxl345 not working after initial flash
After upgrade ratos z cannot home
Configurate an unsupported Printer
Error during accelerometer data streaming
ratos in mini pc
Filament unload lenght/speed change for dual filament path extruder setup
Ratos Invalid
VAOC webcam stream not found
RatOS eth0 issues.
pin PA15 used multiple times in config
Poor Adhesion On Edges
"Must home axis first: 0.000 0.000 15.000 [0.000]" Error After Update to v2.0.2-36-g230929e3
mushrooming filament, unload variables have no effect
Turn off MCU Temperature Sensor Permanently
Unable to set Enclosure heater temp after a print completes
Nothing working after latest update
Flashing a 3rd (or a 4th or...) EBB42
Dimensional accuracy
No match for TMC5160 v1.3 (not pro) in configurator.
Broken SD card boot loader.
Move Out of Range Error
LGX Issues
Changing from 20 teeth motor pullies to 25 teeth pullies. Do I need to change anything in the config
Nevermore Filter
Ran out of stack space trying to match the regular expression.
Show printer Status via RGB Strip
Anyone have a completely working Nginx Reverse Proxy config by chance?
option 'pin' is not valid in section 'heater_bed'. (V-Minion, running an SKRAT board)
v-chonk: does not return to xy safe-home location before homing z
MCU 'mcu' shutdown Timer too close error when running Belt Tension.
rpi GPIO error
Unable to parse 'inf' as a literal: malformed node or string:
Stepper driver warning: OTPW flag set
Internal error on command:"G28"
Stepper Noise after Update to 2.1.0 RC2
Fans strange behavior.
// Unknown command:"G17" and "G3" when printing
SFS v2 triggering clog pause
beacon 3.1 wrong offset
Rat Pack wont start
Heater chamber_heater not supported
Print Start shows a warning about incomplete Slicer configuration.
Probe Samples Exceed Tolerance
Error during accelerometer data streaming
Printer Site Reference name
2.1 Installation stuck at ratos-configurator
EBB42 flashing/setup via usb(data only) + 24v
Default Filter Fans Speeds don't meet Ratrig Docs
Pressure advance doesn't seem to get implemented
Adding a BTT Eddy to my RatRig 3.1
Biqu Microprobe how to select?
Y-Stepper engages for X-Movement
Pi Camera on New RatOS
"Must home Axis first" When trying to home after fresh 2.0.2 Install
Rat rig VAOC 3DO Webcam not working in visual calibration
DC slammed on Homing after Set Kinetic Centre
MCU 'Toolboard t0' shutdown: Timer too close.
Wrong skew profile tries to load
YeagerBomb RatOs not saving Z-offset
issues with vcore 4 500 PEI flex plate
Pi has Problems to flash after reinstallation
mcu 'beacon': Unable to connect
GuessWhatsThisParlor Error
NikoMan update issue
toolhead variable_standby on print start T1 toolchange does not wait for T0
Print Fail during beacon calibration after update - bug?
How do i fix this?
Warnings after updating and restarting
RatOS missing from Software Updates
Sensorless ENDSTOP problem
RPICamv2 doesn't start as an VAOC cam.
Notifications integration in RatOS >= v2.1 - telegram-bot, Pushover, MQTT?
RatOS for Raspberry Pi5 ?
IDEX input shaper values not being set correctly
My control interface stopped responding and simply exited the window!
pin PC4 used multiple times in config
Print stopping at lay 451 with move out of Range
No variable_adaptive_mesh in printer.cfg?
Pin 'heater_bed_sensor_pin' is not a valid pin name on mcu 'mcu'
Configuration Bug Einsy
Nozzle expansion offset gets reset by an order of magnitude at the start of a print. VC4/500
Rat Pack
RATOS SSID keeps appearing after some time
Changes to Start_Print and End_Print
Prime blow messing nozzle
Move exceeds maximum extrusion (0.2mm nozzle)
How should I configure a usb accelerometer for Ratos2.1
RatOS Core: Configurator & Configuration Error
Overriding Pins
RatOS invalid recovery fails
Upgrade RatOS from 2.0 to 2.1
Override virtual_sdcard ? (Move gcodes folder somewhere else)
BTT manta m8p IDEX compatible
Skipped steps on Y-axis with Sensorless Homing
pin PD12 used multiple times in config
RatOS UpdateManager Invalid
RatOS 2.1 RC and VAOC issue.
Disable postprocessing
Beacon Contact on RatOS 2.0.x
RatOS 2.1 RC3 issue with configurator and T1.
Temperature Wait unexpected behavior
Request - More Macro Hooks for better supporting Stealthburner LEDs on Ratrig
ratos-configurator: 502 bad gateway (RatOS 2.0.2 on a custom Ender)
Wait for DFU after flashing - Octopus Pro 1.1 H723
Added second fan to controller
Switching probes
RatOS Configuration repository error.
Can connect only via IP
Bed mesh
High memory usage in browser
ratos 2.1-rc2 issues (Cant run Configurator)
Bad Gateway for all RatOS 2.0 Features
Update crash
RatOS on AWD VzBot Triple Z motor configuration.
Changed stepper_x setting, now ratos error
IDEX Mirror "Move Out of Range"
Configurator 502 Bad Gateway on RatOS 2.1.x
VOAC Z-Offset failing
2024-07-27-RatOS-2.1.0-RC2 issues with moonraker
Bed temp on Leviathan
RatOS-2.1.0-RC2 issues with flashing Octopus and EBB MCUs.
Do I need to do anything special in ratos 2.1 for a 4028 fan?
Internal error during connect: module 'extras.resonance_tester' has no attribute 'SweepingVibrations
TMC 'stepper_z2' reports error: DRV_STATUS: 801c0103 otpw=1(OvertempWarning!) ot=1(OvertempError!) t
Existing command TEST_RESONANCES not found in RatOS override
No beacon model on first calibration
A/B steppers skipping.
Realtime Analysis - SciChart too old.. error
Post-Processing in RatOS - What is ti for?
Performance mode?
RatOS v2.1.0-RC3-20-g90dce855 First Layer Inconsistencies
ratos 2.1-rc2 issues (no initial config)
BTT eddy config with G28 called recursively, and calibration failed.
New Build Fresh Install everything new Beacon Issues
Input Shaper values resets randomly
Mercury One.1 support for rat os 2.1
Vc3.1 Hybrid/ Ratos 2.1 Y0 position
Unknown g-code generator
Wrong pin number ADXL345 SKR Pro 1.2
Bed Thermistor Error
how to fix error loading kinematics 'ratos_hybrid_corexy'
Configuration help
IDEX copy on a VCore 500 - "Move out of range - -59.901 366.165 0.464 [33212.731]"
Octopus V1.1 detected but is unresponsive.
RatOS 2.1 Pi-Cam V1.3
Bed Mesh Error suddenly appeared.
Can't start VAOC either... extras.gcode_macro.GetStatusWrapper object' has no attribute 'z_offset_pr
Octopus HE0 & HE1 (PA2, PA3) always on
Error code: "Unhandled exception during run"
Unable to Update RatOS, or Anything Related To RatOS
No Belt Tension Graphs
"Error during accelerometer data streaming" in Realtime Analysis Tool
Error evaluating 'gcode_macro INITIAL_FRONTEND_UPDATE:gcode
Rat0S for V-Core 3 hybrid
Latest update rendered Vcore 4 nonfunctional
How to connect a second controller fan on Octopus Pro?
Just switched my V-Core 3 to hybrid mode.
Error after installation
RatOS 2...
Beacon contact on start of print
After a update this error occur:
Couldn't start VAOC: ... GetStatusWrapper object' has no attribute 'z_offset_probe'
Unsure why the print is pausing, and unable to resume
MCU Protocol error (version mismatch)
Inputshaping attempt
RatOS 2.1 Euclid on mellow Fly SHT42 not working
Manta m5p cm4 dsi display is blank on a tft50 screen
Latest update seems to have broken the Z offset for the Beacon
Clean RatOS 2.1 install, Error after update
Skr mini e3 v3
Trying to get idex to work
Configuration recommendations
prime_blob error
Belt tension & shaper graphs
Pre-processing will cause firmware restart
Problem with webcam (error connecting)
Standby temperature Idex
New rat rig toolhead with super pinda
Fan with PWM from filter unit how to hook up and address
RatOS Slicer configuration - conflicting advice in documentation
Filament not completely loaded to nozzle | _LOAD_FILAMENT_FROM_COOLING_ZONE_TO_NOZZLE
Ebb managed fan
Missing skew profile
RatOs Configurator repository invalid
Losing connection to MCU
Ratos 2.1 Setup wizard
Static IP-address via LAN
Way to set prime blob location?
WHY does my prnter.cgf keep booting up blank
Camera stream lost after last Mainsail update
Adaptive Bed Mesh
Board flashing error
variable_hotend_heat_soak_time as slicer variable?
No extrusion after the first toolchange (VC4 IDEX 500)
Load Unload Filament klipperscreen
fetch origin
Using Raspberry Pi GPIO header pins from RatOS/Klipper
RATOS bug?
Printer wont update certain modules
BalenaEtcher older versions give malware errors on mac and shutdown.
Missing skew profile!
GENERATE_SHAPER_GRAPHS generate Internal error on command
Error during homing move: Move out of range:
3.5 inch spi TFTlcd display (gpio)
VC4 IDEX Endstop calibration test
When I will start VAOC I get this error:Application error: a client-side exception has occurred (see
Can't connect to wifi after SSID/Router Upgrade - V-Core 4
Areas outside the print area
Internal (klipper/RatOS controlled) heater
Error after update // dev branch???
No view image from VAOC camera in visual calibration tab
VC4 IDEX Belay in Copy/Mirror Mode
Unable to read tme uart 'stepper_y1' register IFCNT
Rapido 2 UHF Clogging. Updated heatbreak and thermistor
Voron V0 control board support question
Update ratos configurator
Web interface becomes unresponsive and doesn't connect until restart. Happens in print/ calibration
502 Bad Gateway error in configurator after update
Provok 3D Nozzle ADXL
RatOS Heat Soak Macro Help
Swapping plates
Setup step 1 issues
Chamber heater is not turning on during print, and CHAMBER_HEATER_ON macro
Part cooling fan and hot end fan questions
Upgrading From Hybrid To IDEX 2x T0 but no T1 in Setup Wizard
how do i get the goliath config? its not in any of my images files
Generate Shaper graph kills printer
RatOS installation: Flashing Octopus V1.1 via DFU - DFU not detected
LEDs and power down
Communication inside RatOs.
Issues with fine tuning Beacon contact
No trigger in probe after full movement
RatOS - No network connection available
webcam stream not found
(vaoc) webcam stream not found
Temperature List for T1
Ebb42 not connecting tried following the step but doesn't connected
How to set the correct camera to VAOC?
unable to open out gpio chip line
Smart Filament Sensor Unload button Action not triggering
Wrong pin assignment for T1 part cooling fan
New Y endstop position
Communication timeout
Issue: pin heater_bed_heating_pin is an alias for PB2
Trouble setting up webcam
IDEX and T0 T1 not matching print coordinates (x shift)
VOAC Z-Endstop calibration crashes into cam
VAOC issue (x offset on T0) after last RatOS update
"gcc: fatal error: cannot execute 'cc1':; execvp: no such file or directory" when trying to flash
Unable to write tmc spi 'stepper_z' register GLOBALSCALER
How to use an alias assigned pin for something else
I want to use another camera for VAOC
No chamber heater found
VAOC not loading and Realtime analysis giving errors....
Klipper Shutdowns
SAVE_Z_OFFSET always saves to beacon model offset
Error after updating board
Smart filament sensor for Orbiter v2 configuration.
My ratrig V4 can not maintain temperatur stable
No Beacon model loaded
TMC error upon start up of my VC4.
How to upgrade from ratos 1.2 to 2.2 ?
Nozzle getting closer to bed as it prints first layer
Initial approach of beacon not working when the heated bed or hotend is heating.
goop on nozzle after prime blob
Load Filament Macro Move Out of Range
MCU Timing Error
_USER_END_PRINT_PARK Macro misbehaving
Need config help on adding a section for a second part fan
IDEX Misses Z moves
gcode_macro _VAOC_CALIBRATE_Z_OFFSET:gcode'
Print freezes, unrecoverable.
TMC ‘extruder’ reports GSAT
Installing RatOS on BTT Pi2 and octopus pro v1.1 h723
How to avoid Y collision in IDEX configuration?
MCU shutdown: timer too close - after I start a print (quite a heavy file)
Not understanding VAOC calibration
Chonk Triple Z Beta testing. Need help
Update Manager doesn´t work
Configuring without machine actually being done....?
MCU 'mcu' configured for 180Mhz but running at 176Mhz!
Don’t connect to the webcam from IDEX
Printer will not connect to WIFI all of sudden, creates RatOS hotspot instead
Inconsistent first layer between prints with Beacon
RatOS 2.1 Part fan running all the time - even at 0%
Part Cooling fan speed reversed
Issue when switching from corexy (with custom motor setup) to hybrid
z_offset error IDEX
Micro Sd keeps failing during Balena Etcher download
A lot of communication timeout.
Homing and "move exceeds maximum extrusion" errors after a canceled print.
Getting IDEX to work
IDEX Offset Manual setup
Octopus V1.1 F446 detected but is unresponsive.
VAOC T1 x not lining up
Reset RatOS 2.1
Why can I not reach Ratos.local on my PC (chrome), but safari on my phone is able to connect?
VAOC Set Reference and Set Offset missing
IDEX Configuration Motor Conflict Dual Carriage and Y1
Move out of range error on Initial bed mesh set up
Error after most recent update
Cannot get VAOC to run.
VAOC Stuck on loading
Chonk needs coding for 3 axis Z-tilt
Moonraker Timelapse using wrong camera
AWD Voron 2.4
weird new 'move out of range' after last update.....
My homing sequence seems to exclude the rear motor upon lifting to check the z.
Realtime Analysis not loading and showing error.
Raspberry Pi 5 not creating Hotspot
Error updating RatOS: Git Command 'fetch origin --prune --progress' failed
Rat OS VAOC Configuration
Kinematics config/dependencies
Switching to performance mode -> z-tilt screws up
x- and y-axis positioning incorrect after upgrading to RatOS v2.1-RC1
Change location of Prime BLOB
Option 'endstop_pin' in section 'stepper_x' must be specified
I don't see it anywhere but does ratos support rasberry pi 5?
How can I comment out Beacon surface scanner?
Custom Extruder Config in Overrides not recognized
unable to ssh in now!?!
Probe points offset - unaffected by beacon x/y offset override
Error when trying to use VAOC
Im trying to use realtime analysis but im getting an error when i want to display the graph
MCU or T0 or T1 running at the wrong Mhz
Print Start Preheat extruder to 150c
RatOS doesn't want to update
Error evaluating 'gcode_macro START_PRINT:gcode': gcode.CommandError: Something went wrong! Missing
shutdown: ADC out of range - I think I found out why, but I can't figure out a permanent fix
Where do you put the wifi login for a rasberry pi 4b with 2.1?
separate LED circuits?
Rat Os crashes when trying to print large file (440mb)
Move exceeds maximum extrusion (at primeblob)
didn’t get rat OS flashed
Not able to print IDEX
BEACON COMPENSATION_MESH higher on POA then PEI and Powder coated
Not able to print with IDEX
IDEX config has T0 for both heads?
Random Pauses? Please Help!
Problems with Orbiter Smart Sensor
RatOS 2 w/ Octopus Pro controller fan?
'gcode' in section 'gcode_macro RatOS' must be specified
What causes "toolhead stopped below model range" and what can be done?
What causes "toolhead stopped below model range" and what can be done?
In consistent Z-Height when using bed mesh compensation. Temperature compensation not used
1 cm shift after pause
Do you need to reflash your boards if you move to RatOS
Doing a cold pull with toolhead filament sensor
Octopus V1.1 doesn't want to flash / get recognized by RatOS 2.1.X
Prime Line instead of Blob?
still cant get first layers to be consistent
Help installing RatOS
Webcam no signal
RatOS fails to connect to WiFi on reboot
RATOS minion init issue.
V-Core 4 IDEX VAOC Z-OFFSET error: "Probe triggered prior to movement"
Percentage circle has different percentages in Fluidd and on the Klipper Screen.
How do I turn off the beacon heat soaking?
Still having issues with "Probe samples exceed sample_tolerance"
Is there a range of numbers I can or should increase to avoid these messages?
MERCURY ONE.1 W/Hydra & RatOS Unable to home Z
[Exclude Object] Randomly Stopped
X moving on y axis
Orbiter Smart Filament Sensor Action Button
RatOS wizard problems
Trying to switch a relay for lights with the octopus
first layer issues
Configuration tool doesn't seem to update stepper motor information in RatOS.cfg
ADC out of range
printer.cfg changes lost on power cycle
octopus pro detected but not responding
can ERCF v2 work on RATOS 2.1
MCU reporting incorrect temps
Connection via CANawa
Initial beacon calibration fails constantly...
Incomplete slicer config. used the default profile for v-core 4 500 hybrid in orca
limit speed
How do I create a new printer configuration?
sensorless homing safe homing
RatOS 2.1 vc3.1 and connected to internet
RatOS initial setup and configuration
X axis inverted after upgrading from 1.2 to last release :
Cant get RatOS working on a Voron2.4 with Euclid Probe to Set Z height
Adding parameters to END_PRINT
RatOS 2.1 Manta M5P Missing motor configuration in RatOS Configurator
Adding more Z steppers to config
RPI Cam and Screen
BEACON_INITIAL_CALIBRATION moves the head to incorrect place, crashing head
version mismatch
4028 fan does not stop completely
RatOS homing behavior
Move exceeds maximum extrusion (2.673mm^2 vs 0.640mm^2)
RatOS 2.0 upgraded to v2.1.x - Custom V-Core 3.1 with Etched Foil bed heater w/ 3 combined sensors.
I'm confused about which version of RatOS to download.
Beacon Rev H - Will not pass calibration. What is wrong?
RatOs.cfg issu
RatOS 2.x + Beacon ignoring configured offset and discarding offset at print end
Outdated Beacon firmware
Can't get input shaper setup 'Option 'accel_chip' is not valid in section 'resonance_tester''
MCU shutdown; timer too close
RatOS-v2.1.0-RC2 How do I set configuration that is not included in the "Configurator"?
Ratos 2.1 + Prusaslicer time estimate and layers N°
Would an SSD (vs the SD card) speed up full updates on RPi 4B?
Can not update MCU 'mcu' error after updating
V Core-4 IDEX Klipper shutdown when trying to generate input shaper Graphs on toolhead 0
Supported board but unsupported printer
Connection error
mellow board support
WebRTC issues
Pin 'J56' is not valid pin name on 'mcu'
PB13 is reserved for spi2 on EBB42 v1. 2
version mismatch, seems like a truncation issue?
m8p+cb1 temp error after flash to can RatOs v2.0.2
CANBUS running and mcu overridden but serial is restored in ratos.cfg after reboot
2 in line extruders...
Change Wifi Settings for another network
Poke Speed
Why was primeline removed?
Version mismatch warning while the version is the same
rc2 WiFi setup on pi4
What is the admin password/login to be able to
Error message with installing ADXL345 board.
Significant Layer Shift on Multiple Printers
RatOS 2.1.0-RC2 Reporting that it cant write to stepper_x's Globalregister.
System Upgrade Error
Feed rate on Z axis from toolhead tab in Mainsail locks up lead screws
Belt tension - starting point - Vcore 3.0 , with updated toolhead
Ratos v2.1.0-RC2-55-g157db24e Internal error on command:"PROCESS_GCODE_FILE"
Problem M8P voron 2.4
How can I limit input shaping to 90Hz
I see that BigTree has the new Octopus Max board out . Or maybe its not new and I just noticed it.
RatOS expects stowable probe to be deployed before print
Wifi settings won't save?
Unable to install...
i'm trying to install RatOS v2.1.0.rc2 on Pi 4 B
DFU not working Octopus 1.1 Pro H723
Z-Endstop on Voron V0.1
Stopped connecting to wifi
Beacon + RatOS 2.1 / VC3.1 400mm - "Unknown config object 'beacon'"
VC4 errors with Orbiter O2 toolboard
VzBoT AWD + BTT Kraken config problems
How to use adaptive mesh with multiple profiles
RatOs Printer Integration
Chamber cooling fan setup and gcode integration
Kraken - RatOS using tmc5160 drivers vs tmc2160?
Getting occasional "mcu shutdown - timer too close" shutdowns.
Ratos 2.1 + Adaptive mesh + and Orcaslicer
Octopus firmware version mismatch
RatOS v2.1.0-RC2-12-gfcfd7965 - Question related to Toolboard device path
Internal error on command:"TEST_RESONANCES"
PWM fan control not working
Printer won't boot
unable to apply skew profile
This E-Stop code I pasted into the printer.cfg file is getting errors when I hit SAVE & RESTART.
Strange new behaviour RC2-0-g3a587cf6
Q#2..... RatOS 2.1 v2.1.0-RC2-0-g3a587cf6 configurator and oem img config wifi.
Rapido V.2.0 and Orbiter V2.0 not in RatOs printer.cfg
Moving toolhead after priming to the initial print coordinate
Octopus Max EZ detected but is unresponsive
Unable to parse option 'pid_kd' in section 'heater_bed'
Step/Dir Drivers
temperature above max or below min shutdown
print finished būt not
Ratos / Raspberrypi
Failed to detect NetworkManager Service
No option for VC4 in Installation macros
BTT SFS v2 Motion Doesn't work
Raspberry PI & BTT 1.1 Installation
Balena etcher fails on verification
Rapido UHG clog
Printer keeps dropping off the network
Pin 'VF4' is not a valid pin name on mcu 'mcu' & pin PB14 is reserved for spi2
RatOS/MCU/Klipper failure after update (Octopus Pro 446)
After installing rat os 2.1 dual fan setup doesnt wanna work.
Getting Incomplete Slicer Configuration detected
support fly Gemini boards
Getting started & maybe files missing?
octopus pro wont detect on setup and unable to compile data to flash board
Move exceeds maximum extrusion
Prime blob on 300 size v4 is in the way
1mm nozzle prime blob dangerously big
uh oh in configurator v2.1.0-RC1-33 [current values]
pullup_resistor :ERROR
Does RatOS RC1 flashing delete bootloader?
EBB 42 2 port hotend fan isn't working.
No more correct print since update 2.1
Making changes in RatOS 2.1 configurator?
Meaning of red and green in config changes
Gantry Slams into Front Belt Tensioners
Last RatOS.cfg issue
I want to Update RatOS v2.0.2 to v2.1.0 RC1
Failed Beacon Poke test
Nitehawk-36 Toolheadboard
Updating to 2.1 configuration issue
Retraction Settings
Configuration changes needed for a 150x150 bed
beacon firmware
Error during beacon ratos calibration
v2,1 Install problems.
RatOS v2.1: Error during accelerometer data streaming
Error during homing contact on repeated prints
Crowsnest webrtc stream stays on after site is closed on android (chrome & firefox)
Alias x_step_pin mapped to PF13 - can't alias to PF9
Nozzle Temp is jumping around
Where is RatOS 2.1?!!!!!
RatOS Manta CB1 - Repeated "Timer too close" Failures
Error when trying to flash ratos 2.0
Mainsail gcode viewer doesn't working correct
Must home axis first: 249.700 250.000 15.000 [3526.412]
Z tilt with Beacon Probes at 235
Engines hum and heat up a lot with Kraken and RatOS2.1
I removed ebb42 and now I can't use the printer
Wifi Connection not working since Update
Realtime Analysis not working with BTT lis2dw card
RatOs2.1 flash fails after 2.0.2 succeded
How Can I delay the activation of the filament sensor until after the prime blob - will this work?
Octopus Max EZ Setup Wizard Typo
Hotend fan temperature control
Is the new BTT CB2 compatible with ratos?
Btt Kraken definition files contain references to octopus-max-ez?
Multiple IP addresses assigned to one printer?
RatOs 2.1
How do I get a mouse pointer for RatOS?
After Toolchange in Idex print Firmware restart
update speed stupidity slow
Logitec Brio webcam
RatOS 2.1.0 RC1 from 2024-06-21 - why does the RatOs Hotspot password raspberry don't work
Cannot connect to Klipper
Getting this error on each layer: Unknown command:"_ON_LAYER_CHANGE
x endstop help
Reverse pin logic question
Cannot get 2.1 to work on new install
Macro for getting the Hybrid belts result in crashing
4 pin Part cooling Fan not turning on.
Triangellab Euclid: Shutdown due to expected probe state to be stowed but is deployed (0)
No BEACON_INITIAL_CALIBRATION on vc-4.0 installation
Has any used the adxl built into the EBB42 for input shaper?
4028 Inverted behavior on EBB42. Even with !fan_part_cooling_pin
Euclid with brush Macro Configuration
Flashed the wrong board in the configurator, how to remove it?
unload macro difference
Help! How do I make my IP static?
Manta M8P v2 with cb1
Klipper reports: ERRORSection 'gcode_shell_command generate_shaper_graph_x' is not a valid config
RatOS v2.1 new set up - variable_bed_mesh_profile issue
Endstop z still triggered after retract
Strange Minion Behavior after Update 2.1
MPU6050 problem with ratOS 2.1
beacon mcu flash needed?
Output pins seem to have changed after updating to RatOS 2.1
RatOS 2.1 Repo is corrupt
updating ratOS
neopixel lights macro automation
RatOS Hard recovery - Not working , can't recover by SSH
ADXL Raspberry Pico Problem
Ratos 2.1 EBB42 V1.2 Pullup Resistor Issue
VC4 Octopus PRO 446 and Y endstop problem (board enters protection)
LDO Leviathan
Manta m8p 2.0
how to change stepper drivers to 5160
VC4-RatOs 2.1 48V 5160T Pro Unable to write tmc spi '...' register GLOBALSCALER
I just bought a raspberry 5...
RatOS - Unknown pin chip name 'vref_scaled'
Everything under update manager showing up as invalid.
Unknown command being generated on layer change since installing RatOS 2.1
RatOs - fresh reinstall network not working?
High Cpu usage after Update check
RatOs 2.1 help in setting up (renamed post)
Motor not turning when homing x axis
RatOS 2.1 on CB1 Wireless Setup Issue
Consistent Verification Error When Flashing Image File to SD Card Using Etcher
Unknown gcode_macro variable 'color'
Updated RatOS and now it complains my Python doesnt meet minimums (3.7 vs 3.8)
RatOS and PT1000 B Thermistor
klipper randomly disconnecting
Moonraker Update fails
RatOs v2.1 Auto inserting [probe]
Invalid option pullup_resistor
Error evaluating 'gcode_macro START_PRINT:gcode': gcode.CommandError: Filament not detected! Toolhea
RatOS 2.1RC1 SKR pro 1.2 automatic flashing fail
Is it possible to edit board-definition.json (SKR 3 pin definition error)
Toolhead stopped below model range
Questions About Light Theme and Multilingual Support
MCU 'toolboard' shutdown: ADC out of range. Suddenly I have changed nothing on the printer.
Euclid Probe Errors
Old orbiter sensor settings not accepted in Ratos 2.1
RatOS2.1 hotend fan pin swap not working
Where would these settings come from in RatOS.cfg?
No realtime resonance graphs on RatOS v2.1.0-RC1-14-g19ed1de0
Which Thermistor to Choose
RatOs manual install
Maybe I am doing something wrong, but 2.1 homing scratched the hell out of my build plate
Intermittent connectivity issue with both MCUs
Can not flash my mantam8p
sensorless homing tuning hits other end
RatOS 2.1 - Change X/Y Stepper Direction
Kilpper Resonance_generator
RAT OS 2.1 RC1 Homing Issue
Cartographer in RatOS 2.1
mcu 'mcu': Unable to connect
RatOS - All Repos show as Corrupt
put more than 1 prusa mk3s
NetworkManager not working after update
USB ADXL error
Switching from Inductive probe to Beacon probe?
Asking for sudo password after update
Option 'pin' in section 'probe' must be specified
Timer too close error, log files wrapping???
Move Out of range but not
ratos.local server crashes while monitoring camera live feed
homing always goes to the middle of the bed, and then goes to the new home position (two times)
RatOS Update Manager - all files show as corrupt
pin y_uart_pin is an alias for x_uart_pin
Settings locations and priorities / hierarchy / overrides?
Prusa Einsy board and Serial UART?
end stop on ebb 36
Problems during installation
pi 3b not booting
LGX Lite configured (by default) to run HOT (out of spec)
V-Core3.1 with SKRAT & EBB42 wiring
Installing ratOS on voron 0 with BTT mini v2.
RatOs doesn’t see my spider v1.1
#Z tilt eliminate
fan name
Fix by recompiling and flashing thefirmware
Boards disconnects with probe
Grinding noise X axis
Strange homing behavior
Flashing RATOS to Raspberry pad 5 with CM4
Cannot configure new board
Rules and Discussion
Adaptive Mesh not working
After rotating the screen, login required on screen
Beacon Probe revH Input shaper
Another Duplicate Chip name 'probe' error
Turning the Heated bed off during meshing
Klipper reports SHUTDOWN : verify_heater. ##Urgent##
64-bit v2.0.2?
"Timer too close" errors keep occurring.
Error message
bad configuration of legit x and y for printing with inductive probe
BTT kraken support.
Enforced Heat Soak Timer
How to restart a failed print?
weird error toolboard related
Toolhead not connecting
9GAX0412P3S001 40x28 fan - 0 RPM reported through tacho
Extra MCU not updated for new version of Klipper
After reinstalling Ratos,toolboard often looses connection
Flashing EBB42 v1.2 via DFU
Problem with z probe - led light works as expected, but the probe doesn't always change state
Setting up adaptive mesh
ratos on prusa mini
klipper reports startup
Please I need help with Phaetus Rapido 2.0 Plus UHF hotend.
Calibration help with manual input shaping
Error after RatOS update
Beeping sound when turning on Octopus Pro 446 while trying to flash it
EBB42 cooling fan has 4 pins but the EBB only has 2 pin slots
Who here runs an SSR with a BTT Manta M8P?
TMC5160 on all steppers
variable_adaptive_mesh - Probe Count.
Config files not displayed after update
PLEASE HELP! I cant seem to flash RatOS onto my board
how to slow down probing routine/movement
''Failed to set ADXL345 register [0x38] to 0x90: got 0xc8...'' on (almost) all input shaper commands
Adaptive Bed Mesh with Beacon
EBB42 pin alias isn't recognized.
Prime blob with adaptive mesh drags nozzle over areas not probed
all repos corrupt..anyone knows why?
How to multi_pin [controller_fan controller_fan]?
pi 5 Ratos support or workaround
RatOS, Klipper and Moonraker Invalid
Octopus Pro H723 V1.1 detected but is unresponsive
EZ5160 for all motors
Inductive probe setup
Cannot set custom pin mappings when upgrading to 2.0
PT1000 Thermistor setup.
Klipper pin error
Ethernet not working
Bond Tech Extruder binding
Second Controller fan
v-minion sensorless homing
super noob question, which of the IMG should I install?
Fan at 100%
Automatic restart if MCU is detected
Read-out extruder stepper motor commands
Problem with long RasPi camera cable
RatOS 2 and Rasp Pi v3 cam
not seeing Octopus Max for a control board in printer setup. Ratos V2.0.2
changing wifi setting in raspberry pi.
prevent pi4 hdmi shutdown while printing
Klipper screen and web gui are different
ratrig V3.1 500 for probe chose.
Wrong hotend temperature
remote access/port forwarding
raspberry pi camera module 3
Part Fan not working as it should
possible Z stepper issue?
Fresh RatOS install x2 and still can't get the MCU to respond
Changing WiFi
endstop z still triggered after retract
Brand new and having klipper errors. I have attached the printerconfig.
variable_adaptive_mesh fault with Bl-Touch
Changed position BLTouch
Y home
Custom-made extruder
adaptive bed mesh
Z-Axis Crash during homing after tall prints
ratos Kernel panic-not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(179,2)
PAM Invalid
How do i find out which Username & PW to use if i forgot them?
I loose camera's during printing
I installed a btt smart filament sensor 2.0 but it gets triggered by the beginning purge of rat os.
nevermore filter control
Pre-heating extruder...
How do I manually flash my Octupus after a failed flash?
Hot end heater pin migration problems.
Dxf to G-Code
LDO ADXL with RatOS v1.1
MCU Protocol Error after updats
custom bed mesh
ratos-configurator showing as invalid
MCU 'mcu' shutdown: ADC out of range
SD card flash keeps failing.
Does Prime Blob adjust for Nozzle Size?
Printer Speed Settings for VCore 3.1 400
bed keep hiting nozzle
Section 'ratos_homing' is not a valid config section
WiFi off when ethernet cable is disconnected
Octopus V1.1 (F446) SuperPinda Probe Always Triggered on
Upgrade to Btt Octopus ProF446
Manta M8p 2.0
Octopus V1.1 detected but is unresponsive.
Mainsail not accessible during long prints
DFU not detected, BTT board not detected, can't flash my BTT Octopus v1.1
Bridging problem with rapido UHF and 0.6mozzle
Today I upgraded to newest version of Beacon and Z tilt is not working.
webcam and dumb user
MCU issues
prime blob code
Custom size 450x500
Restriction on Local network in custom address range in ratos 2?
v minion
fly-sht-36 V2 support
klipper error spi_bus 'sp13'
Internal Error on Command "BED_MESH_CALIBRATE"
adxl usb installation
Z tilt goin NUTS with beacon
Which control board to choose for 3.1 500?
Ebb42 with P1000 having problem with Klipper shutting down on startup
Klipper error "Section 'gcode_shell_command copy_minion' is not a valid config section"
Manta M8P 2.0 Support
4028 starts blowing after ~1h of inactivity/standby
SS out of bounds error after restart
adxl345 usb
Need help with: "Failed to verify BLTouch probe is raised" error during G28
Ldo leviathan
Errors connecting to ratos.local, no hotspot for new RatOS image
Restart is not working
internal error when homing Z
Removing PAM in favor of adaptive meshing
Ratos update to 2.0.2 - no Klipper connection
RAT-OS configurator.
Fresh RatOS can't connect to WiFi or Ethernet
Best way to recover from a broken repo
RatOS Z-Offset
Ebb Adxl chip problems
KlipperScreen Time Display
Upgrade control board from Octopus Pro H723 with TMC2209 drivers to my new Octopus Max EZ with EZ516
Orbiter Sensor / Ratos MCU error after loading filament and Resume
configure other ip's than
"Filament Unloaded" After starting print. New BTT Smart Sensor V2 - Filament Runout
TMC5160T Pro with Octopus Pro v1.1
Failed to load extension RatOSKinematics
change thermistor (104GT-2 --> PT1000) in RatOs.
BTT mini12864 uc1701 V1
Install RatOS
pressure advance reverting back to original settings
Option spi_bus and Monraker
Wifi connection is lost after instaling LXDE desktop
check board status failure
Hard machine limits ignored by gcode
Settings Explanations
4 pin Fan cant be controlled
Crowsnest collapses during installation
trying to understand configuring RatOs
PITFT50 boots into terminal login screen
RatOs Update - gcode macro problem
Beacon Probe doesn't work after ratos/mainsail is ready
purge line/poop placement will not update after overriding probe offsets
config file editing
Upgrade Octopus V1.1 to Octopus Pro H723
Hi Guys
Problems after update on X Motor
PS-ON no power on output pin
Heightmap not applied to the print object
configurator is gone!
couple of questions regarding customization
Memory leak, high memory use shutting down klipper
How to change Z tilt offset for beacon probe
Unknown command:"PROBE_CALIBRATE"
homing X Axis
Moonraker Warning
Moonraker Warning
Moonraker warning
cannot upload print to RatOs
Can't get Pi to detect Octopus 1.1 - Stuck in first Configuration
Different screws for the Z axis
Beacon Y-Offset out of bounds
Secondary EBB42 connection problem
Problems after latest update RatOS 2.0.2-20
RatOs with a Bigtreetech Octopus Max EZ 1.0
Endstops constantly triggered
adaptive Mesh generating "move out of bounds" error when parts are close to the edge of the bed.
Difficulties with 48V stepper configuration
Stuck at control board flashing
Homing X moves Z as well
gcode command M106 already registered
Retries aborting: Probed points range is increasing.
Sometimes KlipperScreen / Mainsail wont start, SSH is possible
ERCF Happy Hare v2 and Btt CB1 install issues
ADXL-Pin errors
Beacon not triggering
Homing Modification
connection failed
Euclid setup on EBB42 toolboard
Symlink klippy extensions
Repo has untracked source files - Is that normal?
Beacon Z heights reported in console during Z tilt do not match reported range during all iterations
BTT Filament Senor V2 False Positives
Octopus Pro 1.1 H723 - flashing will not work
Is there any kind of order of operation in printer.cfg anything documented?
Print head parking after print completed
DDEX (dual extruder single printhead) configuration help.
Possible to set "controller_fan" to always run at idle_speed?
V0 + clicky - issue with bed probing after update
Prime blob outside bed y axis
12V fan on a 24V Toolboard: Using Klipper and RatOS to reduce power of fan by 50%
BTT Micro Probe
Manta m8p + Cb1 problem connect wifi
Bondtech gear clicking
TMC 5160 - pin stepper_spi_miso_pin is an alias for PA6
update failed - I holds on initializing
Octopus Max EZ 2 Controller Fans
Z-Tilt Issues Octopus Max EZ on EZ5160 Pro running 48v
Web cam broken
So 4028 doesnt work for me for now so im going for dual 5015 24 v
relative_reference_index deprecated
Octopus Max EZ Extruder Heater Wiring Diagram is wrong
ADXL345 calculation not returning any info.
ADXL345 Issue Octopus Max EZ, MCU wont boot when plugged in
Bed leveling
Prusa MK3s adaptive mesh
Octopus Max Ez SuperPinda Probe Always Triggered
revo high temp
cant get my 4028 to work. I have even bought a new one and still it does nothing.
octopus pro H723 firmware? no conection!
i backed up my printer.cfg, but not the files it referances to (lgx.cfg etc) can i find those somewh
Manta M8P DFU Mode
Different Stepper Motor Wiring Configuration
Disabling hyperlapse doesnt work?
mcu shutdown - lost communication
Manually install RatOS-configuration on Mainsail for V-Minion
RatOS on Orange Pi Zero 2 or other non RPis?
Wrong sequence of filament sensor
I have issues with my Y stepper motor I think I shorted the connection
Wiring V-minion
Prime direction not working?
Timer too close or Lost communication with MCU errors
Unable to parse option 'pid_Kd' in section 'heater_bed'
Can i disable Theme to install my own without repository getting dirty?
RatOS on a PC?
Cannot run script for Octopus 1.1 mcu flashing, resulting in failure to flash
Solved: BTT Smart Filament Sensor 2.0
RatOS corrupted apparently
Solved-Start Gcode
Idle printer, toolboard fans sometimes never shut off
webcam not working
Z-tilt increases Range
Voron 2.4 Support
Reinstalling Klipper
Chamber Heater Support
Timelapse not working
Measure Corexy Belt Tension
Lots of corruption/dirty
change wifi
"Shutdown due to expected probe state to be deployed but is stowed" Euclid
cartesian printer
Exclude Object
Problems with printer.cfg
First start up, raspberry not showing RatOS wifi
Solved: Setting up ADXL
Homing causing drifting?
PWM fan not shutting off at 0% on BTT M8p board
EBB42 - Orbiter Sensor V2.2 - RatOS Config
Z-level adjustment
Option 'control_pin' in section 'bltouch' must be specified while selecting pinda as probe
Implementing BRS AWD Kit into RatOS
'' Unknown spi_bus 'spi2' '' whilst enabling ADXL345 in the printer configuration.
BTT Pad 7 - Unable to install any feature, change time zone, etc,
Disable sleep mode - Is this RatOS issue or my touch screen?
RATOS/Klipper dashboard crash but ssh works
First time starting up a RatRig vcore 3.1 500mm - Controller board fan not running
Files missing
Adding more stepper motors
legacy csi webcam not connecting
RPi wont boot RatOS when 2 USB boards connected
Untracked source files and unparsed configs
M600 macro does reload filament indefinitely until BTT sensor is disabled manually
pause - resume
sdcard upgrade 8GB to 32GB
Unknown Pin Chip Name: Probe
Moonraker is not permitted to restart service 'RatOS'.
variable_adaptive_mesh v0 move out of bounds issue.
No nozzle priming when print starts
Octopus Pro H723 flashed over Ratos dfu mode no connection
automatic firmware failed
multiple cameras
[...] myRat klipper_mcu[368]: Got error -1 in write: (11)Resource temporarily unavailable
adding 4028
BTT smart sensor pausing after prime blob, doesn't detect runout after.
performance preset current vcore 3
Temporarely change bed size while running maco.
Location of Config and Log files
Adaptive Mesh KAMP and probe offsets
SIMPLE: Help adding chamber temp sensor!
Updates fails Klipper, Klipperscreen, Ratos
Section 'ratos_homing' is not a valid config section
Change move position after homing axis
Orbiter 2.0 Filamentsensor config for Ratrig
RatOS off the network, still printing
Hello, the MANTA 8P V2 is not supported by Ratos? can i use the install config from V1.1 ?
Can I customize the prime line?
I know RatOS doesn't want me to use a can bus....
Fresh RatOS installation: locally hosted mainsail does not work, works.
Webrtc camera stopped working
KUSBA cannot get to work
killer error after hard reset
Adaptive Mesh not working
Ratos 2.0 update and copying printer config
Spider v2.3 flash
MCU 'toolboard' shutdown: Timer too close
Ethernet Static IP with M8P/CB1
Octopus 1.1 detected but unrespnsive
Weird communication issues out of nowhere
Network/connection issues
add physical USB option for files
Multiple printers, one RatOS installation
Exclude object not appearing in mainsail/RatOS
Adaptive meshing and priming
option 'pin' is not valid in section 'probe'
Tach is not reading correctly at high speeds
Acceleration does not change from first layer accel.
Nidec 4028 Fan
brcmf_cfg80211_scan: Connecting: status (3)
Manta M4P v2.2 / CB1 v2.2 - RatOS WIFI AP up only for seconds
Manta M8P v2.0 support
Version: v0.11.0-275-g8ef0f7d7-dirty
mcu shutdown Timer too close - Octopus, Pi4, Vcore3, 500
What is the velocity limit imposed by ratos
Unable to parse option 'pid_Kd' in section 'heater_bed'.
Controller and Pi fan question
EBB42 x endstop not functional
Switching RATOS from Access Point to Client Mode for Raspberry Pi - Need Guidance
Slincer or print problem
Start printing when (extruder) temperature is reached
Stuck on Initializing
Klipper reports printer is not ready....was working a few minutes ago....
Configuring 2 Pin Fans
quick question about prime blob(help please)
Tool board stepper motor setting
cant upload my wifi credentials via the ratos hotspot..
voron 2.4 experimental SB2209
42BYGHW811 stepper motors
network issues
SKRat PT1000 2 Wire Temp. issue
Problems with quirks and the SKR e3 mini v3
RatOS can bus network cannot be created? Network is always "down" despite proper configuration.
Update manager shows several "Invalid"
RatOS2 issues with PT1000
usb cams suddenly not working
Joining wifi network that doesn't require a password
Z offset problem
extruder rotating in opposite direction
I have a problem
Pre-heat nozzle before homing?
Connect HDMI monitor to Raspberry pi4 (RatOs)
reverse extruder stepper motor
Section 'ratos_homing' is not a valid config section
Cannot upload file
Can't update Octopus v1.1 firmware
y-axis homing wrong direction
MCU unable to connect
connectivity issues
Trouble connecting to mainsail on mobile
(Sensorless) homing not working
pins.error: pin fan_toolhead_cooling_pin is an alias for gpio18
Connecting to university wifi
could not compile firmware
BTT Octopus Max EZ V1.0
Is there a way to get ratos to host it's own wifi again?
Camera not working 😖
4028 fan speed control reversed
Create a wifi hotspot again
Klipper Error: mcu 'toolboard': Unable to connect Toolboard FLY SHT-36V2 & FLY UTOC-3
Pi Camera V3 / Crowsnest not working
unable to connect to MCU
could not open port /dev/ttyUSB0
"probe points"in section heater bed error
TMC5160Pro @48v on Octopus v1.1
EBB36 ADC out of Range
system stopped writing files!
Input Shaper failing at 60hz with Timer Too Close error
Invalid adxl345 id on toolboard
Moonraker Warnings
Duet 3 mini 5+
Pi camera does not word
vcore 3 stopped working
EBB42 1.2 + E3D Revo Voron RatOS Mcu Toolboard adc out of range
'mcu': Unable to connect Error
Underextruding very badly since upgrading to RatOS 2.0
need help with bltouch
Orbiter on Ocotopus v1.1
how to transfer 32bit to 64bit ratos
manually force adxl into spi mode
Printer cannot find raspi cameras
Fysetc Spider V1.1 Firmware Challenges
Motherboard swap issue.
mcu unable to conect..
Raspberry Pi Camera V3
File Structure Changed - Trying to Restore Old printer.cfg
using Pico adxl too.
nozzle_prime_direction Move out of range
The value 'my_sensor' is not valid for SENSOR
config.cfg warning, not viewable
No Motors working
ADXL on Pi for x and y
pi cam v2 not working
Are there any plans to include the SKR Pico V1 in the near future?
klipper error when mainsail is started
SD busy when using PAUSE / RESUME
Compile firmware button not working?
PiTFT50 touch not working
fried inductive probe pins octopus v1.1
Raspberry instalation problem
Replacing Klipperscreen with Mainsail Interface on display
Incorrect MCU in Config files for SKR 3 EZ
After updating my install today, both cameras now just sit there "connecting".
Z-Steppers not functioningcorrectly
RatOS Install with klipper
Adaptive Mesh not working
Cannot find belt tension graph
RatOS update
Repo has untracked source files
so what's the trick for klicky!
Crowsnest install error
crowsnest issues? logs says all ok...but then fails
Pin 'z_step_pin' is not a valid pin name on mcu 'mcu' (Prusa Mini)
Trying to setup ratos2.0 but stuck at the screen
Update to moonraker breaks ratosv2 configurator update.
Transition to shutdown state: MCU 'mcu' shutdown: Timer too close
"Layer 0 of 0"
Input Shaper isn't applying?
klicky probe drawings reversed??
should homing be using offsets like z_tilt?
hotend not heating
y home in the wrong direction
bltouch not showing up as probe in endstops
Can't get Orbiter filament sensor v2.2 to work properly
Z probe always triggered
uart pin must be specified
[Errno 13] Permission denied: 'eslint-patch'
problem with initial firmware install.
Boards are no longer listed in the Pi
Moonraker can't connect to Klipper after updating
Pausing after Prime line
My RatOS dont connect to wifi
Beacon Help
Adaptive Mesh # probe points
Prime line/blob position control?
Where do I set fan speed on startup? What about while printing?
Connecting Fystec PIS on RatOS 2.
How can I make the primeline longer?
Installed RatOS but can't flash the Octopus
Z Homing + MK3s
500 Internal Server Error
Einsy bootloader
tmc5160 on a Octopus Max EZ
can’t upload anything
Manta m8p cb1 no wifi, ethernet or usb wifi connection.
Octo v1.1 flashing - klipper not detected
Having Problems With M600
Beacon leadscrew safe_home_x
Any way to access ratos macros without installing ratos?
Disable active LEDs on logitech C930e camera
smaller x/y min/max vs bed size for z-tilt
Just updated RatOS and now usb web cam does not work
Is there a straight forward way to change prime blob location?
adaptive Meshing
BTT 42 does not flash.
Beacon constantly triggered
Priming & Printing with .6 nozzle
Option 'control_pin' in section 'bltouch' must be specified after installing inductive probe
Error when trying to home
Static IP Configuration
AWD TMC 5160 issue
CAN w/ SKRat v1.0 and EBB36 v1.2
sensorless homing
Modify position_min / position_max to avoid collision
bad mesh
bed_mesh: Unknown algorithm <>
Rat OS on a CB1 with a BTT SKR 1.4 Turbo
Klipper Can’t Connect To Moonraker
shut down due to euclid state
How to limit current to individual stepper drivers?
Limit heatbed PWM value
Manta M8P 4-pin fan designation change
Can no longer access RatOS/Mainsail -- seems like everything is read-only now?
Has anyone hooked up a CPAP fan WS7040 to an SKR Pro 1.2 board?
Sonar in newest RATOS
4028 fan
Adaptive meshing, printing outside of "meshed" area
TMC5160 PRO + Octopus 1.1 @ 48V Sensorless homing not working (new macine)
run current
fatal: detected dubious ownership
Klippy Host Software Can't Connect
move out of range
problem how to install RatOS-v2.0.1 on Pad 5
Why is my printer dirty?
4028 fan configuration (again, sorry)
Extruder not working
ADXL-345 problem
Unable to update, Git not found?
MCU 'mcu' shutdown: Timer too close - Manta M8P, BTT CB1
Multiple RatOs instances on the same SBC
Update Error crowsnest not found
error mcu
Modified pin for LED
max extruder cross section exceeded
setup wizard not compiling firmware
Flashing RatOS V2.0.1 Process
How to change the Fan Pin in the Printer.cfg ?
Setting up a webcam
Install Klipper
Need help pausing print at layer for magnet drop.
How to use tuning tower for speed calibration?
cant probe using mesh error
Stepper Y error?
MCU not found
Question about bed mesh
Is there an easy fix for this
error v-minion & octopus
Crowsnest - Webcams wont show work.
Fresh RatOS install Crowsnest broken
Issues w. extruder stepper (LDO-36STH20-1004AHG from lgx lite) since upgrade from RO2.0.0 to v2.0.1
Stop services automatically
Unable to update RatOs repo after branch change
ratos vanished
Possible to Not Home between prints (multicolor)?
Board detected but unresponsive
ratos + octoprint
FR: Ability to connect to "mixed WPA2-PSK/WPA3-SAE access points"
Part cooling fan help needed
prusaslicer gcode freezes printer
Adaptive Mesh: Did I find an error?
latest ratos update (5-31-23) throws error
Simple Filament Sensor ,
Extruder Rotation Distance
Fucky drivers?
invert endstop pin?
Job queue & mainsail config
Getting "Timer too close" errors 95% of all prints.
Cant tell what happend mid print it stopped
How should do to adjust the firmware.config to enable CONFIG_INITIAL_PINS="xx_xx" permanently.
Unable to read tmc uart 'extruder' register IFCNT
RatOS unstable since Crowsnest update
No trigger on z after full movement
Adaptive Mesh and Orca Slicer
Orbiter Filament Sensor 2.2 not working properly
Klipper reports: ERROR Duplicate Chip name 'probe'
TMC 5160 pro for stepper X and Y Problems
Making max_accel_to_decel proportional ?
ResHelper on RatOs?
Webcam not found after Update to Crowsnest v4
Adaptive mesh
RatOS giving errors communicating with LDO Input Shaper kit
Install RatOS on a fresh Armbian install
reverse y axis
Timelapse failing
RatOS Adaptive Mesh requires manually editing bed_mesh horizontal_move_z
Webcam is broken after Crowsnest update
Stowable probe docks and homing: toolhead runs into dock when homing if in line with probe dock
Webcams freezing up.
[Help] After updating, the print quality turned to 💩.
Prime location
Two controller fans with PWM
moonraker warnings
Upgrade while keeping history link?
v0.11.0-201-g37315bf3 prints prime blob off plate
Default printer.cfg ADXL default.
MCU Error
Save config error when setting position endstop offset
Lost Extruder Temperature Control after latest RATOS update during PrimeBlob
Bed Heating Problem when starting print
Rpi touchscreen blank with backlight on after bootup
ratos adaptive bed mesh not working with cura
errors since using ratos adaptive mesh
Klipper install dirty after update of ratos and klipper
Octopus not recognised
Native RatOS Adaptive Bed Mesh hits the bed in prime location
PAM: Klipper shutdown on prints which use the full bed
PAM- Adaptive Priming Fails
Cannot disable stowable probe batch mode
ratos 5160pro
Can variable_bed_mesh_profile be set in the slicer?
No Wlan connection when HDMI Display is connected
Unable to overwrite Octopus ADXL config
mcu issues (solved) + psu no voltage
4028 fan on sht36 v1 toolboard not controllable
RatOS on a Prusa MK3S+
Mainsail Dashboard change in ratos v2
Klicky Probe gets attached but then Error occurs
Flashing of SHT36 Toolboard does not finish
Wifi special characters
z-tilt going wrong
thermistor reading stuck at 159C I am using a rapido plus hotend.
"Disable Extruder Heater" occurs mid print
Is the Fly-Adxl345 (RP2040-based USB board) supported?
prime line not done properly
Hotenend Thermistor only recognized when on Main MCU not when on Toolboard
Random klipper restart
OK...what did I miss? (latest updates)
Z Axis wont stop at the top of lead screw when homing.
ADC Out of Range error
network issues
Superpinda offsets not applied when homing Z
Part cooling fan Delta 9030
Use of Z_Thermal_Adjust
Problems with homing direction with sensorless homing
Nidec 4028fan ON 100% always
Invalid adxl345 id (got ff vs e5).
Primeline scrapes the bed
PAM issues
RatOS all Invalid
pin ADC_TEMPERATURE used multiple times in config
mcu not connecting
rpi 3a+ ratos not hosting wifi
Voron missing files in config
TMC5160 PRO + Octopus 1.1 @24V Sensorless homing not working
Timelapse "enabler" does not show on start of print
What if I want a longer Primeline length?
Ebb42_MAX31865 and PT1000
"pin z2_uart_pin is an alias for z1_uart_pin"
Mainsail macro in the menu
Unreadable letters
v-core/Skrat/ebb42 overrides to get z1 &z2 working
Octopus V1.1 detected but is unresponsive
Connect to local Wifi Network?
MCU unable to connect
Print times differing drastically from predicted times
Install RatOS from command line?
Any Idea?
PAM Problem
pin EXP2_1 is an alias for stepper_spi_miso_pin
How do i uninstall octoeverywhere from RatOs?
I updated RatOS and now I'm getting "Klipper configuration file not located in 'config' folder.
Help with custom macro
disable "debug set kinematic position" in mainsail
Octopus Pro H723 v1.1
Pin '4p_fan_part_cooling_tach_pin' is not a valid pin name on mcu 'mcu'
Klipperscreen restart service error
RatOS on BananaPi M2 Berry
How much run current of tmc2209 in orbiter is best ?
Error with manual mesh with stowable probe (bug)
How to prevent RatOS from flashing boards
Heatbed temperature offset?
The extrusion direction is reversed at orbiter
RatOs upgrade to v2.x mainsail issue
Can’t flash firmware to manta m8p
PAM & Optimus prime - unhandled exception in when bed is "full"
PAM full size print not working
Cannot connect to Moonraker
Moonraker can't connect to Klipper! RatOS2
can't connect to mcu
Reinstalling RatOS
Transfer statistic data from RatOS1 to RatOS2
PAM Error RatOS 2.0
Pin 'e_cs_pin' is not a valid pin name on mcu 'mcu'
Homing Z before X/Y gives error and require firmware restart
RatOS homing Y speed
can't access back on http://ratos.local/
Solved - Trouble homing Z
variable_prime_location error
ADC out of range
Part cooling fan question
Retraction Tuning
Configure can't find MCU but lsusb does
printer.cfg confusion
Manta M8P external Mosfet
klipperscreen "invalid config file" after updates.
updating from v1.2.4-1 to ratos 2.0
V-Minion printing off center (Sensorless Homing)
V-Minion Z-Axis won´t move when trying to home.
manta m8p V1.1 install
4028 Part cooling Fan is not controlled correctly
BIGTREETECH BTT Octopus Max EZ is there a cfg done yet?
4028 Fan cannot detect speed
MCU Error in Mainsail - cant connect to mcu
Troubleshooting Connection to ratos.local
Trouble flashing Octopus 1.1
Cant see Ratos wifi
BLTouch pin too close to bed when generating bed mesh.
Fan control
CB1 4B adapter Crashes immediately after startup
variable_ safe_ home_ x: 0 encountered an error
Existing command 'PAUSE' not found in gcode_macro rename
Changing from USB to GPIO
v500 Warm up Script
Beacon probe z tilt location
Initial Shakedown on Ratos 2.0, V-Core-3, BTT Manta M8P, Y axis Homing in Wrong Direction [SOLVED]
klipperscreen asks for login
OctoEverywhere made me dirty...
What is the RatOS way to set a bed mesh based on the filament used or the temp of the bed?
How can I adjust speeds for z TILT?
start macros
"Unable to read tmc uart 'stepper_y' register IFCNT"
Communication timeout during probing
Klipper loosing connection with MCU
RatOS-Configurator Error
Solved - Configuration errors? 'pid_Kd' in section 'heater_bed'
revo.cfg generic for (most) revo hotends?
RatRig v-core 3.1 SuperPinda Always Triggered
[solved] Unexplainable behavior after RatOS 2.0 update
How to setup a button to preform a M112
RATOS won't let use wifi after configuration
MCU error
RatOS dashboard keeps freezing
Updating from 2.0.0-beta to 2.0 official release
Problems after installing BTT42
bl touch not getting consistent measurements since updating to ratos v2
Homing Position Error after RatOS 2.0 Install (Sensorless Homing)
V minion Eva 3.0 problems
Klipper not running after V-Core-3 config is installed
Error Printer CFG
spider board on usb
Where is "docs/" ?
Octopus fans
PAM Script not working
Unable to reassign the motor socket for z-axis on Octopus 1.1
cb1 questions
Shorted fan port 1
LGX Lite config
SKR 3 EZ Not Detected During Control Board Flashing.
Strange behavior when building a table heightmap
running a standard vcore 3.1 500mm. mainsail dropped while printing and I can't reconnect.
Mk3s - Einsy - Pi Zero : Making a Ratos Lite ?
Reboot does not work when Octopus Pro is Connected to the PI
SKR 2 429 Not connecting
Missing ref to Orbiter-2?
Invalid homing_positive_dir / position_endstop in 'stepper_x'
Can somebody help with this problem Z-TILT
Custom stepper motor configuration
fly-sht-36 support
SKR 1.3 support
Trying to hook up my 4 pin part cooling fan (nidec), just doesn't want to turn on.
Prusa Clon RAT OS problem with firmware
Does someone know if the vcore 3.1 500mm, can have the idex system?
Exclude Object Module
How to lock SCV (speedyboat)
Octoeverywhere installation failed RatOS 2.0
can't connect after router restart.
X & Y Stepper drivers overheating while IDLE (so not yet homed)
new manta m8p v1.1 addition in the configurator is not responsive
Primeline different in RatOS 2.0 than in 1.x
Move exceeds maximum extrusion when printing prime line with a 0.25mm nozzle
Late to the game?
I made my installation dirty by accident, what does this mean exactly? Think I wasn't paying attent
I think I broke moonraker. fix without starting from scratch?
physical endstop always triggered
Mouse not working
Change end of print and park position
RatOS 2 / V-MiniON Y custom motor config
Buddy Board not flashing on prusa mini...
Solved -Setup: OS2 wizard didn't pull w setup. Manual flashing worked to a point.
Hello! Trying to configure my printer after I finished wiring it and I'm getting this.
How to make a EBB36 work on CAN in RatOS 2?
fresh install... update manager just keeps returning all INVALIDwhat/where and how to fix it?
Convenient way to switch probing bed mesh before print on and off
No reboot with attached fly-sht 42USB
HELP: Klipper Error after printer switched off (without shutdown)
printer cfg issues
Fysetc portable input shaper problem
I got a problem that says "Unable to read tmc uart " stepper_z" register IFCNT
RatOS damaged after powerfailure
Shutdown after hitting Z Home.
MCU 'mcu' shutdown: ADC out of range
Addressing pins on a toolboard
RatOS 2.0 - U2C flashing ?
Installed Toolboard EBB42 1.2 MCU Error
setting z tilt probe points/bed mesh min max. vzprinthead/bltouch/vcore 400
V Minion homing fails after printing
! Not changing stepper direction.
Homing not working consistently
Turn on Fan Port.
Changed shutdown behaviour after upgrading to RatOS 2.0
[update_manager client RatOS]: Warning
Installed toolboard EBB42 1.2 and now have and Error
Installed RatOs on a Pi2B and an SKR V1.4 (lpc1768): No Klipper
MCU cannot connect
klippy shutdown after MEASURE_COREXY_BELT_TENSION
Fix for BTT PiTFT50 with bullseye
Sensorless homing - Endstops always triggered
Update wrong Sequenze
BTT Smart sensor
4028 Pin name
Ratos homing issue.
RPi zero 2 w - octopus 1. 1. GPIO
'MCU' shutdown: Timer to close.
RatOS, Open Network
Measure_linear_vibrations_range ERROR!
pin PB3 is reserved for spi3
Can't access to http://ratos.local/configure
Option 'aliases' in section 'board_pins fysetc_spider_tmc2209' must have 2 elements
PWN not working on new fan.
ratos configurator update error
Installing RatOS 2. What is a "toolboard" and how do I figure out what version I have?
Is there a solution for Mainsail that keeps failing to update?
Superslicer Version error code: Unknown command:"EXCLUDE_OBJECT_DEFINE"
Post calibration print homeall stops working?
BLTouch Z offset minimum bypass
4028 wont PWN ratOS 2.0 EBB42 1.2
gcode preview
MK3 Support
RatOs 2.0 installed - lost PI touchscreen
RatOS with WiFi dongle
klipperscreen.conf ...internals moved?
RatOS not interacting with Pi
Flash stock - Extruder not heating at expected rate
Support for Prusa MK3S+
"Shutdown due to webhooks request?"
Prime Line
Printer Home is "Dock Preflight" after setting up Euclid
skr mini e3 v3 ratos 2.0 flashing issues
Error Updating system files
horizontal move z
raspberry pi-rat os 2.0 install
Runout sensor
Webcam not showing up
Trouble with [save_variables] on 2.0
RatOS 2.0 Euclid Probe odd behaviour on Print
Support for Prusa MK3S+
help testing orange pi 3 lts
RO v2 what's the trick to getting timelapse showing up in the config panel again?
linear_movement _vibration
Error Pallet 2
Upgrading from 2.0 alpha to 2.0 official -> which files/directories must I save?
After recent update to RatOSv1.2.4-4-g898b8ae I get the error from the image
Timeout when trying to connect
After update ratos 2.0 end install pam have a new error
Euclid Probe Deployment Error
RATOS 2.0 - Getting multiple heater related errors
Klipperscreen not working after update
wierd new home all first couple after RO 2.0 update.
2.0 udpate...moonraker backup issue
While idle..'warm' 5160s
My upgrade Path (order) to the latest ?!
update manger ...not updating
HASH doesn't match?
PAM & Optimus Prime
The automatic operation of the blowing fan causes that the hot end cannot be heated
Provide Chamber Temp in Slicer
Broke PAM, not sure how...
RatOS 2.0 Error Notifications (Solution)
RatOS not connecting to work network
Temps different under V2
Timelapse in v2
Cant Click into Heightmap tap - fresh RatOS instal
Any way to disable bed leveling before print?
Errors since update to V0.11.0-122-ge6ef48cd
Include file '/home/pi/klipper_config/pam/ratos.cfg' does not exist
Gcode file list doesnt load anymore ... too long
Update manager warnings after update to ratos 1.2.4-3 and moonraker v0.8-23
Can't resolve
Pico with Adxl using RatOs
40x28 fan - PWM pin on FAN0 not working
Setup sensorless homing on a V-Minion
Firmware not flashing
printer.cfg is now read-only after reinstalling ratos.
Spider 1.1 Fans
Sensorless homing on V-MiniON, limits show 90mm instead of 180mm on X/Y
Issues with both fans...
Section 'ratos_homing' is not a valid config section
Trouble setting up sensorless homing
Validating separate XY 5160pros and 2209s as before for everything else
Moonraker can't connect to klipper after update
Z-TILT ERROR: BLTouch failed to raise probe : using klipper v0.11.0-114-g0a645e49
ratos_homing is not a valid config section
Shutdown due to expected probe state to be deployed but is stowed (1)
Frequent but unpredictable "401 Unauthorized" responses during initial RatOS configuration
Cannot connect to Moonraker (after Moonraker Update?)
Failed SD Image
/dev/btt-manta-m4p no such file or directory
m4p + cb1 RatOs 2.0xx
Could not flash firmware to SKR Pro v1.2
printer fails to detect bed upon mesh leveling " No trigger on probe after full movement "
Inductive Probe not working (led always on)
EBB36 v1.2 failing flashing when updating klipper
Is it possible to change the RatOS icon or make it use theme colours?
Moonraker failed to load extension
Cannot update System packages
Router reboot causing infinite initialization
variable_nozzle_prime_direction variable error!
Ratos on Skr 1.4
How do I add a fan? Octopus pro
Disable WiFi or Change Pwd
Move out of range while z-offset calibration
klipper v0.11.0-101-g17f7c039 --> v0.11.0-105-g1e7057e9 says python is depreciated
height map ignored?
Having a very difficult time with initial setup with my brand new v3.1 500mm
MAX31865 & PT100
No firmware_binaries folder or Compile Firmware button
TMC driver current settings... are we missing a mfr detail here?
Pause Print: Move Out of Range (Tool-Changer)
Fysetc MINI12864 and Octopus 1.1
How do I get the klipper log?
Extruder reset Temp after starting print
Changed layout
problems doing shaper calibrate (solved)
How to save an Import the Gcode and Progress before Update to RatOs 2.0
When does RatOs load 24v-0.8a-e.cfg vs instead of 24v-0.7a-e.cfg
Ratos v2.0 beta not reconnecting to octopus pro 446 mcu (solved)
NPN probe on SHT42 does not react
Speaking of Relative vs Absolute....
Documentation error in RatOS 2-beta-1.5
PWM fan configuration
horizontal_move_z can't be less than probe's z_offset
RatOs v2.0 stuck on “initializing”
Freshly installed ratos on a Rat Rig 300 - does a bed mesh before every single print
RatOS suddenly invalid and unrecoverable using soft or hard recovery
New Beta - Klicky
Uart Serial
revert Klipper screen
Update warning! I think another bad update has gone out breaking RATOS Beta 1
no trigger after full movement
maximum extrusion
Ebb36 Pt1000 temperature incorrect
Internal error on command:"MEASURE_LINEAR_VIBRATIONS_RANGE"
updated and now getting a few notis
why after the update i don't see my config files anymore?
horizontal_move_z problem with finding it
Adding Klicky
Installation on x86 or 64 Bit netbooks
[solved] controlling fan speed?
Unable to flash Octopus 1.1 on RatOS 2 alpha5
fan controller does not turn off after printing is complete
Error after fresh install
Moonraker Warning issue
manual for adding a pi cam v3 to ratos
MCU not connecting
Hey, new to RRMCU. Using a Octopus. Looks like the firmware won't flash
Octopus Pro V1.0.1(H723)
Best control board for RatOS ?
Z_offset on Voron 0.1 (running RatOS Alpha5)
MCU not automatic Update after Hardreset
Can't SSH into pi with ratos 2.5 alpha
128 vs 32 stepping
[exclude_object] does not appear to work
Error after updating the RatOS to Alpha6
RatOS on old LaptopNetbook
How to enable daylight on a stick
Sensorless homing ignoring home Y after home X
BTT Manta 8P 4pin fans seem useless
Which RatOS2 Alpha is it ?
webcamd.log no longer updating
Error after updating to Alpha5
Upgrade to ratos 2.0 from 1.2.4
VMinion 3 scraping bed after homing
40x28 fan using Octopus 1.1, EBB36
Octopus Pro not detected, SSH not working on ALPHA5 (64bit on RP4)
Is it possible to change the password for the pi or does RatOS prevent that from happening?
Unable to write tmc spi 'stepper_x' register GLOBALSCALER
Section 'server' is not a valid config section
Homing and Z Speed adjustments
RatOS on SKR Mini
RatOS 2 Setup Wizard
Can't connect to wifi
MCU Error after Installing V-Core 3 Printer in Mainsail
Stepper driver cooling fan control
Octopus Pro 446 - RatOS Guide 'Board not detected'
RatOS Mainsail taking upwards of 7 minutes to display frontend
Controller fan on Octopus Pro 446, config . Help please
RatOS Alpha 4 shows as alpha 1 in update tab
Multi restarts before firmware works
Cannot update RatOS components
run shell command example?
Wanted, Sensor less Homing TMC5160 Config Settings
RatOS Alpha bug?
MCU 'mcu' shutdown ADC out of range - first startup
Timer too close after every print
MacOS Unable to open [RatOS|IP].localconfiguration
Can Fluidd run on port 80 while retaining access to RatOS configuration?
SSH Login info
crowsnest is way super slow in the FPS department
MAX31865 and TMC5160 not working after update.
i can not upload, download or edit files in mainsail (solved)
High pitch noise when motors are stalling
Shutdown V-Core
TMC5160 Chopper Settings for 36V
end_print macro to move the bed to the very bottom?
RatOS V2 Alpha and Euclid probe on fresh build.
Z_TILT_ADJUST XY positions are not correct
Can't get y-ADXL to work
Rat-OS configurator Octopus Pro
Z-Tilt failed with BLTouch
RatOS 2.0 with Octopus Pro 429 firmware issues
EBB 36 V1.2 and Octopus Pro 446 error after RatOS Alpha.
USB Cam not working (Creative Life! Cam Sync1080p V2)
Unable to open file
Allwinner H6 processor
Start Macros add parameter
Printer Setup configuration wifi password incorrect tho it is correct?
timelapse ..should be straight forward
Inputshaper macro results...
Mainsail not connecting to Moonraker
Can't download firmware for Octopus v1.1
VCore 3 doesn't start immediately after priming nozzle
Cannot Connect Octopus Pro to Pi
Config access
ratOS Stuck in step1
Change Speed and Nr of Z-probes
Minimun storage size
Adxl345 issue with Manta8P
heightmaps missing
Restart forced after prime blob
Why does RatRig remove hotend power while doing Z-tilt alignment?
pin e_uart_pin is an alias for PC11
Manta M8P and 3 pin fans
RATOS + Timelapse + DSLR control
Configuration override confusion
hotend cooling fan limiter
RatOs skr 1.4 non turbo
BTT Smart Sensor issues
Minion Working fine Now motor error
motor uart not connecting
probe override
Not sure how to recover Mainsail
Webcam and touch screen support on RatOS
How to configure a SuperPinda in RatOS & Klipper on a BTT Octopus?
Unable to Parse Option 'pid_Kd' in section 'heater_bed'
Brand new to 3D printers...need a little help with my PT1000
Can't install firmware on Octopus v1.1
ratos.local showing blank page
Move exceeds maximum extrusion error.
Trying to access configure gives 502 bad gateway error
Unknown command MESH_CONFIG
Ratos INVALID after update check.
BLTOUCH_DEBUG commands not working
update changes break height map
Portable Ratos config folder
Raspberry Pi Dropping Wifi Error
Sensorless homing Y to the front, is this correct?
RatOS + BigTreeTech CB1 Pi Clone
Print job gets paused waiting for filament
Timout for scripts
orbitor 2 e step issue
4028 fan connected to toolboard. Tachometer not working, 0 rpm.
Raspberry Pad 5 + CM4
Upgrade to Ratos 2 possible?
How to get a new wifi connection ?
'Cannot connect to Moonraker'-Message
Reboot failing
forget or re enter wifi credentials
Problem with webcam connected to raspberry pi 4
Connection 4028 fan with Octopus 1.1
V Minion attempting first print
error on mainsail TMC uart
frequently asked questions - MCU connection issues
Welcome to the new RatOS Support Forum
First layer test is good, skew test fails: nozzle hits after a couple of layers
V-Core 4 hybrid back benchy sign
Horrible print quality
X axis drift on v-minion
Benchy Bow Curling
Regularly spaced lines on pieces (Z banding?)
Gaps on top layers when bridging
Extrusion/temp issues at higher layers
Wipe Line -before print - Each time the Macro worked differently, what's wrong?
Prints look bad with new Toolhead
Extrusion Gaps
IDEX offset but VAOC calibration was OK
0,6mm Nozzle with ASA GF
Weird Artifacts when layers get small & fast
3 good layers then no succesful print
Under extrusion?
I need some help Setting up VC4 Idex to use support material for T1 extruder.
IDEX prints not clean
Vcore V4 400 IDEX + eSun ABS+ clogging
Solid bottom layers gradually over extrude
Odd artifacts on PETG prints on VCore4 IDEX
(IDEX VC4 500) Random layer shifts despite a lot of troubleshooting
Z shift - gap on layers after M600 filament color change (VC4 500)
2nd and 3rd layers are not working .
bad rounding
persistent top layer smush
How to find right Flow
Bad top surface quality
Weird pattern on flat walls
Different flow but same gcode
VC4 500 IDEX terrible bed mesh
V-Core 4 500 Shutdown, will not boot
v-core 4 500 pla prints horrible
Uneven walls and corners, poor repeatability?
Vcore 4 - 500 mm hybrid marks
Protrusion on layer with solid infill
Temperature tower curl/lift
Pressure Advance Tower Problem
Horrible bridge in 10mm hole top.
Unknown surface quality issue similar to pillowing but not quite
Random tear-outs along walls
Consistent IDEX offset after VAOC calibration
Vc4 500 hybrid 0.6mm nozzle
IDEX XY Offset drift (VC4)
Inconsistent squiggly perimeters
PETG troubles..
Weird artifacts (Not a new build)
Hello does anyone know what to do ?
Print to squished on 1 side & loose on the other
How can i set my Orca slicer settings for optimal print time and no seams?
Diameter of printed cylinder too small despite calibration
Beacon Issues first layer after calibration
Very ugly overhangs
Idex torture test
Extrusion(?) issue on round surfaces
Layer Shifts looking for help
Inconsistent extrusion with ASA
VC4 500 Extrusion Issues with PETG
Unwanted Texture on infill?
weird extrusion artifact, please help
top layer underextrusion
Underextrusion with different nozzles
pla vcore4 500 idex
no fan spped control
Crash during print: "Lost communication with MCU.
It looks like overextrusion but only on certain prints
Pressure Advanced issue.
The first layer only holds on one side of the bed
First layer Perfect everything after that is garbage this be the cause of all my extrusion issues?
Please help with Benchy Hull Line
Wiggly Walls
What setting should I look into
Extrusion flow issue VCore 4
Smudgy/ripply top layers & solid infill
First layer problem
PLA cracking on Minion but flawless on Vcore3
Print layer shift effect with no layer shift
Wobbly/uneven walls
Oozing / stringing issue
first layer keeps getting worse while it’s printing
Over and underextruded solid top layer
Wall separation and wobbly straight lines (Good graphs - Low accel) -IDEX 500
Artifacts on top layers
No extrusion after first toolchange (IDEX 500)
x & y offset in middle of print?
Bad print from second layer on
Uneven Walls, Please Help!
Uneven texture 3.1.
Print slows down at smallest imperfection of file (prusaSlicer)
Edge roughness on the first layer
Strange infill separation problem after pretty good first layer
Vcore 3.1 idex overhangs and support material
inconsistent layer stacking
Commissioning - Ripples in first layer
I have fought this for over 5 months now I have consistent voids in my extrusion
cleaner bridging and overhangs
Pressure advance issue? Other?
Inconsistent Flow on each print/ day
Nozzle is rattling against the print, making scrathing noise and producing top layer artifacts.
Vertical ripples/horizontal lines/Z-banding
Move out of range at print start (V-Core 3.1 500)
Issues with first layer. 0.6 nozzle and beacon
PETG Problems
Layers not sticking past layer 3
Wobbling / moved walls?
The first layer worsens during printing
uneven walls.
VCore4 500 hybrid 2nd layer major over extrusion
Weird ripple effect on otherwise flawless PETG-CF print
Ghosting after the seam
Help with my stringing and layers
External Perimeter Resonance Issues - stretching/scratching marks on outer shell
Fillament change
infill/ bottomsolid infill issue
Weird Artifacts
TPU fails every time on the same spot of the second part, with a twist.
Gaps on top layer with .6mm nozzle
Underextrusion issue - Vcore 3.1
Proper TPU support settings for clean removal?
inconsistent part dimensions
External perimeter with no filament extruded after the seam and blobs everywhere
z axis skipping
Color change Layer Adhesion
how do i make this baby print faster?
PETG bridging issue
PETG ribbed wall
Regular surface distortion pattern towards end of larger first layers VC4
Gaps on small perimeter
Struggling to get decent print quality
Elephant Foot on Vcore 4
weird pattern on outiside
Blobs on Perimeters
Flow Calibration Solid infill holes
runout triggered on early layers
Under extrusion on retractions
VCore4 printing Overture Nylon Z-Offset too high.
Issue with dimensional accuracy on the z axis
Temp tower question
Sensor Equivalent
Knocking hotend off track
Strange artifact on external perimeter dependent on speed
prints too large
First layer problem I cannot identify
Under Extrusion on corners
Burn-through in ASA? What causes this failure?
Flow Issues?
Outside perimeter has reduces flow? seams between flow change look like crap
prime line keeps digging
PETG build-up on my nozzle
Are there standard test print STL's beyond the ratrig commissioning first layer test print?
is this a cooling issue?
Ellis' Pressure Advance / Linear Advance Calibration Tool - not working on RatOS v2.1
Variations in Layer Lines Around Geometry Changes
Gaps in layers
Random line mystery
Problems with smoothing the surface of ASA and ASA GF
TPU Infill Foam style Prints rapidly get worse in latter half of a print
Prusa MK3 diagonal waves
what causes these rippled lines?
Minion in Heated Chamber, Asa Problems with Edges
Uneven Extrusion on Infill
starts perfect then goes to crap about 4th layer
no good walls
extrusion issues
Consistent gaps between walls with proper EM and PA on VC4-400 hybrid.
terrible embossed lettering
Zig-zag rippling on print
Ripple in Pressure Advance Tower
how to fix over extrusion.
And here we go again... first layer problem even with beacon3D
Ratcube Ringing on Vcore4 hybrid
anyone get any ideas
weird artifacts on gayer-anderson cat
vcore 3.1 PACF woes
First layer issues after Ratrig Toolhead upgrade
Filament breaks during bridging
V-Minion - Consistent perimeter print errors (Single wider layer + void)
1'st layer issue
MCU 'toolboard_t0' shutdown: ADC out of range
Strange Texture
PA-15CF - Printer has been calibrated, yet I keep getting these imperfections.
Vcore 4 Bad first layer
First layer squeeze
Can't dial in retraction
Random overextrusion?
worbling on layer 2 (ASA)
What does this look like?
Underextrusion PETG
Pillowing on very top surface
Underwhelming first layer after calibration
underextrusion during z-offset cal
PA tuning pattern fails
[VC4 400] Pattern on the wall
New VC4 prints awful
flow issues at higher speeds
Issue with ABS printing
UHF Oozing
Rough start...
Goliath Heat Creep
Inconsistent extrusion
Pressure advance tuning, infill weirdness
Struggling with PETG
z bindin on v-minion?
Reverse elephant foot
Horrible Top Layer and a groove?
Extrusion inconsistencies
extrusion issues
Vcore 4 endless ringing
Move exceeds maximum extrusion on filament change
Primeline RatOS 2.1
SuperSlicer won't extrude first layer
poor surface on ASA and ABS
Printer stops due to overheating
Internal bridging issues
First Layer problems
Repeated Clogging
Ring on my hand ring on my print
support tuning for Bender
Stringing Isue
Sagging ASA on overhangs
overextrusion in some areas
Filament is sticking to the internal Teflon tube of the Hotend
Residue build up at nozzle
underextrusion-like artifacts at small layer heights
SuperSlicer 2.5.59 random Tool Change GCode
Holes at Z-Seam with large nozzle
flow or z move issues
what should I do… polymaker pla warping… noob here
Weird Artifacts / ripples due to Volumetric Flow Limit
Rough artifacts on surface
Ringing/Artifacts Only in One Direction?
Anyone have an idea why this extrusion multiplier test looks so bad/weird overall?
Terrible ABS Bridges on Orca Slicer
Extruder clicking and massive under extrusion
extrusion issue
missing perimeters?
Anyone know what the most likely culprit for this PLA symptom is?
Seam causing issues
kind of at a loss
Prusament PA11 Settings
Layer width shrinks/expands when cooling bridges on top of infill
Under extrusion problems at solid infill
is this underextruding?
Need some help with my print surface
Bad quality print
consistent Z marks
inconsistent overlap/bridge
What is making my corners look like this?
Any guesses on WHY this type of cooling issue occurs??
Consistent Z banding pattern on ASA
nozzle hitting print
Bendy corners on the enclosure magnet frames in ABS enclosed
Backlash by Bondtech LGX-Lite
trying to print the fan duct in ASA
What could be causing this kind of underextrusiom
Huge layer shifts twice and last bit disappeared
Vcore 500 ghosting Y
VERY first blob of skirt won't stick
print suddenly looks really bad. where to start? looks like z wobble but almost layershift.
Corners Warping with ABS
Streaks after first layer
pa12 cf15 after filament change mid print bad quality
Z-wobble or something else? Any suggestion will be great
polygons instead of circles n(mechanical issue)
Fuzzy perimeter on first layer
Flow? Temp? Speed?
weird artifact
Under extrusion at regular intervals
Layer inconsistency
ABS Prints Flawless, PETG is a Dumpster Fire
mein Drucker quietscht 😅
Terrible Extrusion Inconsistency On New V-core Build
Problems with the top of my print.
Circles not round *solved*
halfway print quality change
Overhang improvement? V-core 3.1
Firmware retraction always on ?!?
Severe first layer problems
Looking for printing profiles for PrusaSlicer
First Layer Problems
[Overhang issues(?)] What's causing this? The distance from the nozzle to the bed is spot on.
Weird Pattern on flat Walls
First Layer / Mesh Problem
Bad filament?
Umbau sensorless auf Endstop probleme
underextrusion- due to retraction?
Trash First Layers
Extruder Skipping and A Mess on Large Prints
Eclipson airplanes helix printing issues.
regular protrusions?
Print failed on last layers
Bad surface quality with holes
small gaps between layers across print. can sand it but just curious what it could be.
A disasterous bridge...
Large print warping issue
v-minion, weird effects on my print
heavy distortion between sliced file and print
Pitting after switching to 0.6mm nozzle
Stringing and blobbing with a 0.6 mm nozzle
[Klipper] Enabling Bed Mesh Levelling Squishes Dense Parts
not retracting
Wavy patterns in vertical print surface V-Minion. Orcaslicer default profile PLA.
TPU does not print transparent
Blobs on edges of top layer infill
corner artifact
strange surface to about 1cm
PETG droop on overhang?
Curling issues on my V-Minion
surface stramgeness
Potential pressure advance issue
OVERTURE LW-PLA issues after seam.
PETG infill top issues
GIANT first layer test on my 400mm 3.1
Layer line all of the sudden?
Banding on print
First Layer Issue with Beacon
Very bad surface quality (V-Minion, LGX Lite + Rapido 2+)
weird ripples started to appear.
Lines Across Prints
Why is one side okay and the other not?
support first layers
just switched tool head and my prints keep looking like this.
print is getting ruined on second layer by nozzle being to close to the first scraping it ?
Newly built V-Core, ringing like crazy
layer shift
DDEX print issues and tuning log.
Vase mode seam?
First Layer -> Future Layer Issues
Manual Input Shaper Calibration Print Problems
calibration confusion
ABS bed adhesion issues
weird extrusion
Printing PA-CF
Weird First Layer Anomaly
VCORE 500 - Is the mesh taken in account ?
Sparse infill speed modifier not working on certain parts
bad layers!
Support walls with gaps
top surface pattern
Failed print
1 x 5015 not enough right.
Print bed adhesion because of worn print bed?
New Printer First Layer Under Extrusion?
Retraction settings 0.6 nozzle cant seem to get it right
V-minion top layer ridges
strange lines of low flow
Out of the Blue unable to connect to mcu...
after cable managemend i messed something up and now I get TMC 'stepper_y' reports error: DRV_STATUS
Voids in layer after detail change
wave artifacts
Parse Error
Large gaps in first layer, unsure what to try next (V-Core 3.1 400mm)
easy fix?
My nozzle stole my print
Extruder not working in specific corner.
HELP! Please review my slicer settings
V-minion carriage type ?
Possible underextrusion?
No bridging is possible
ToolHead Front Printing
Hole Tolerance
esun epa cf Problem
Best back_core_xy part orientation and sticking advice? Constant curl upwards on 'top' two corners.
Switched to 0.6mm nozzle, rough time of calibration
over extrusion and under extrusion on the same print
Inconsistent First Layers vcore 3.1 w .6mm nozzle
Second Hand 3.1 with 0.8mm Nozzle not printing
Warping at support interface on large print
holes in print
Gear like pattern on some round shapes
PLA overhangs are utter mess
Print got messed up midway
Gaps at end of perimeter
layer cracking
Weird filament extrusion
Nylon cf-15
Lines in X movement
Endless Layer Shifts
First Layer defects
1st layer issues
Inconsistent Extrusion after travel
Very strange corners
what's this?!
What is causing my print to loosen from buildplate? z_offset?
circle not round
Extrusion differences (thickness) and rippling
Cant print a first layer correctly
Vertical Banding Appears
Gradual overextrusion
Spaghetti? not sure why
Surface Artifacts
PETG problem around seam
Extrusion issues after retraction
Batch Repair Manifold for use in Openscad
"Ripple" on bottom and top layers
Problems printing PETG
Uneven first layer
Jitter along Y Axis
Please, I need help. Some bits of the first layer always get scraped up by the nozzle.
Any advice? First layer came out fine. (3D Benchy, PLA, V-Minion, 15mm layer, 1.75mm filament)
First Layer has Lots of Gaps?
Z-Banding V Minion
Issues with “long blobs”
V-minion z-wobble or banding
Getting some ringing effect..HELP!
ASA overhang problems
Printed parts not aligning properly
Lots of vibrations in the print even after IS
Calibration after upgrade
Consistent 2mm Z banding. 3.1
ripping/tearing of first few layers in one local spot on large print.
Issue with overhang first layer and support bridging
Overextrusion after internal top layers
Stringy prints
nozzle 0,8
1st print great, 2nd print cracking/seperation
Strange Artifacts on First layer
PCTG curved surface
Poor bridging on first solid top layer
fuzzy skin
Gaps at the end of perimeters
PETG, what to adjust?
Bad Print Settings? - Nope......Nozzle
weird layers
subtle wavyiness surface finish
Shape of inner Perimeters visible on the outside
Quality Improvements
Toolboard Shutdown
sketchy layers
Why this line?
VFAs and not straight lines
Problem With Temperature
ASA multi part fails (singles print fine)
How to fix first layer?
Weird plastic blobs showing up everywhere
Retraction calibration help
Layer skip
idea maker launch on print fail
still tuning. retraction issue?
EBB42 - Klipper doesn't use the extruder port
Silk PLA causes repeating clogging during printing
Help with slicer
new filament, gaps in layers
Filament runout/restarting woes
ASA Top Layer woes
Is this a firmware, slicer, hardware or model issue?
Settings change mid brim?
PetG Looks like crap
PETG warp
X axis shift
strange pattern at top of print.
Supports and gaps around holes
Heated Bed to edges?
under extrusion.
First layer clogging
Fine Tuning PETG, Reduce Seam Blobs and Nozzle Build-up
Single wall issue
Weird patern on the corners
Files I've designed can't print.
Alu hextrudort, Dragon HF, CHC 0.6mm, getting odd extrusion pattern
Default PrusaSlicer RatRig Settings - Voron Cube - Quality Issues
retraction issues or
Draft Shield Failed, How to Resume Print
Layer/Wall change hole
~21mm wobble/error in print?
Gap between seem
Horizontal cracks at one side of the print
Hole at Z seam
Sudden first layer issues
Printed Parts
Cracks/under extrusion in layers
Horizontal Artifacts?
Intermittent extrusion
Heater extruder not heating as expected rate
Brown ABS turning paler in corners and edges of holes
How to address pillowing?
weird extrusion artefacts.
Getting FDC to work cant install scipy
Not sure what is causing this.....
zone side slanted the other squished.
Possible under-extrusion on infill
PS Modifier Fuzzy Skin
MH Build Series PLA Has Horrible Stringing
weird rough surface
Help tuning print settings.
wobble in walls and sinking top surface
Troubleshooting benchy (heat issues)
ripples , more pronounced on one axis.
Bad bed leveling
stuck lower belt?
2Prints dont Fit together
gap in Z seam
Overextrusion at my seams. Motion seems to pause.
The ripples! Wavy/rippled surface.
Volcano Hotend Issue
underextrusion or other issue
Heavy underextrusion on any line break
failed prints only on one side
Asking for PrusaSlicer Premade Config
Irregular offsets
Option 'retract_length' is not valid in section 'extruder'
asa warping 270x370mm
is this the extruder doing?
weird artefacts everywhere+uneven layer stacking/uneven extrusion
perfect first layer but bad subsequent layers
First layer calibration not working properly?
small blobs everywhere
Small things curl up
belt ripples artifact
Strange oozing
Dramatic later shift every layer
Poor Bed adhesion
printing round tubes
Cannot finish print
petg issues
Linear movement analysis, vertical pattern
what is this?
Uneven extrusion on thin wall
Physical waves on print surface
dimples and first layer issues
Underextrusion New Printer
Clogged Filament
Superslicer external perimeter first
I don't even know where to start. insanely bad quality.
Box lid doesn't fit
Layer shift looking like one motor skipped or slipped
Need help dailing in PA and EM after upgrade
Cubic infill scrapes
Can't figure out what's wrong. Very poor print quality.
calibration cube weird defects
Trying to print 85A tpu
Random clogging?
not adhering to lower layers
extrustion error?
Bridging over infill destroying prints
PA issue?
too close to bed?
Bad Infill
RatRig/3DO ASA Green - printing problems on the Bambu Lab X1C
[Solved] Gaps in between perimeter sharp turns
Speed related artifact
PETG fast printing
Z banding on abs only.
Cant get a consistent first layer
Z Offset How to get it right?
Wavy Corners
Weird artefacts on perimeters
Terrible infill
gaps between perimeter and solid infill on first layer
Rough solid layers after infill
EVA3.0 Shroud FormFutura Apollo X
X-Y Hole compensation / tolerances
When using a prime blob with PETG, the blob sticks to the nozzle.
No bridging possible
Z-squish depending on part size
was this a partial clog or something else?
Floating Z
bad line on prints
what should be these lines?
Underextrusion even with high extrusion multiplier
The finish of my prints is ugly
VFA Problem
Trying to print 85A TPU
Issues where filament randomly leaves gaps and even doesn't print some lines
What is this?! Wet filament? Clogged or fried nozzle? Prusa PC-CF which usually works awesome.
tuning a 0.6mm nozzle
First layer issue
help cleaning up these corners after switching to .6mm nozzles from .4
small gapes into the top layer asa
bump on outer perimeter in a specific part of the model
overextrusion on top layers
Getting these artifacts on my corners.
Rough and overly rounded edges.
artifacts on print
Baffled Beginner Has Distorted First Print
bridge problems
ratrig gantry parts in abs+ warp
Artifacts on v-minion in vase mode with 0.6 nozzle
Non consistent infill
infill inconsistent extrusion and rough layers
Tolerance issues.
Layer lines more visible in X axis
overextrusion at beginning of print
x Axis starts wrong point
Blob on perimeter start after Gap Fill
How do I improve from this test?
Wayes in the print
overextruded solid layers with Extrudr Durapro ABS,
lifting first layer
Underextrusion at layer change when printing at high speeds.
New Printer-Z banding?
ASA bridging.
Getting rid of an ugly seam
Problems with ABS adhesion to plane
ASA first print
"Heat soaking"?
How to see the XY belt icon, I encountered the situation that the printing is not circl, but I don't
Large ABS Print Issues
First few layers of prints are curved
weird artifact in corner
BAD Z Artifacts on new V Minion
can’t upload gcodes
Temp tower with no real difference?
The petg extrusion multiplier is 1, the line width of the first layer is 0.45mm, and the line spacin
Cura 5.3.0 generating bad gcode
VFA after 3.1 upgrade
how do I fix this uneven top layer?
What causes these random lines?
What's causing these "hair" strings?
asa layer adhesion
ASA Benchy
BAD first Layer
part for enclosure problem
Need help dialing things in.
surface like scarves
strange horizontal pattern
Random missing or under-extruded layers (clacking noise) as well as inconsistent extrusion issues
infill sticking up
Move exceeds maximum extrusion
Layer bulging
Top infill not connecting with perimeters
Out of Range Error on Large Print
Two type of print quality on infill
ABS Layer Adhesion
Bad Surface with holes
ripples in the top layer
bad surface on small layer heights
Infill not connecting with outer wall
wavy, artifact and layer shift
long gaps before z seam
Seam problems
What is this?
Fan Horns.. really could use some help, please.
seam parameters in prusa slicer
Nozzle hitting print & poor adhesion
Stringing and "lines"
Preheat bed required
Perimeters print fine. Infill breaks up.
Reverse Elephant foot..
V-minion improve overhang with stock cooling
Prusia Slicer 2.6 tree supports digging into model
Calibration print with 0.6mm nozzle
Same print settings, slightly different model, what's going on?
Retraction issue?
Periodic horizontal mini patterns
Pimples at Layer Start/Stop?
underextrusion upon 1'st print test cube.
Rough print on RR Rapido horn
When the filling space is very small, the performance is very poor. How to solve which parameter nee
Buldge on multiple parts on the same print
Strange Stringing on outside of print.
Uneven first layer
Overextrusion at infill, underextrusion at the perimiter
SuperPinda triggering too late
Strage extrusion and z-offset behaviour
Gaps between the Layers
Gaps in print after enclosing
Struggling with TPU print
inconsistent extrusion
many small pimples / zits on surface
Irregular extrusion after changing z-offset
Flipped Y axis
Holes in first layer..
So I did my first ever 3D print
Pot holes on surface
z artifacts advice
PETG Temp tuning tower
Differences in first layer between prints?
Disconnected infill, grid, triangle, cubic.
XY Inequalities
what is this vertical banding
Rough top layer
Gaps in infill
First few layers are not consistent
z banding more visible on one side
Very bad surface
Weird wobbling?
Edge Deterioration
Ringing on only one side of the print?
Superslicer general config help...
Ugly ASA print outer layer
Gaps at the seams
Cooling at lower layers reducing hotend temp and triggering fault
Rattling X/Y axis
Z dimension undersized
solid walls coming out looking like a chain link fence.
strange pressure advance behaviour
Print curls up into nozzle
Support impossible to remove
petg not printing with pla speeds
PETG layers not sticking on layers with high infill
What would cause this?
[Fixed] V-Minion Z or Y axis issue
PLA bubbles up on bed.
do i have too much cooling?
Weird layer lines in print - overextrusion?
warped holesextra holes
Overhanging issues
Weird ridges on corners
Pronounced seams
Over extruded overhangs but only in some places
weird surface artifacts
Perfect first layer but rough top layer after infill
Y-axis dimensions is always smaller than x-axis dimensions
Gaps in my perimeters.
3D Printer Fail-Safes
Bridge not connecting
Perimeterlines not connected
How would you print this to get best results, without using supports?
First layers with artifacts on new V-Core 500
Print in PETG
The start of print seems to miss the first few millimeters of extrusion
Belt Tension?
Is this a z-offset issue?
What types of surface artifacts are these?
Belt tension and jerk questions
What setting is causing these fat perimeter overhangs?
pressure advance issue ?
taking off the pei sheet
Minor problems with ABS
Gaps in perimeters
Holes Near Seam, Vertical Stripes
RR 3.1 500, First print problems
closing the gaps
Gaps in print
Is there such a thing as too high of fan speed for bridging?
Z Wobble or bed PID?
Really bad Quality
Some PETG prints to work on improving
~9.54mm artifact bottom layer
What could this be?(V Minion)
Bed Adhesion and Blob
Guessing this is 4028 territory...?
Two tone print breaking at new color start
First layer issues on travel
Skew on lower layers plus same height layer offset
Bridging issue
Weird Under Extrusion?
very ugly layers
Bed adhesion and warping issues
Layer shifts and ugly surfaces
Layer shifts on longer prints
Why is my infill looking so shit?
Blobbing issue after a few layers for a few layers
warping with petg
Extruder stops several layers in
Inconsistent squish across bed
Brim is not consistent
Messed up infill.
V-minion Z wobble
Printer goes to insane speeds and then starts skipping
Visible lines around holes
Printer really loud
UHF profiles
weird wavy pattern
Cube quality. Extruder issue?
Calibration cube quality
Lines on the top
Unstable extrusion when a new perimeter starts after unretraction
Terrible under-extrusion with TPU
Print warping
Problems with large first Layers
Inconsistent layers
Printing with ASA on V-Minion
Heater extruder not heating as expected rate..
Possible Z Wobble? Inconsistent Layers
Heater extruder not heating at expected rate
Corner and seam problem
Print holes between layerszits
PLA lithophanes keep clogging
wavy corners
Top of print has holes
Terrible stringing with PETG on neptune 3
4mm Z distance lines (compressed layer)
Zero extrusion during print
First PETG benchy is not the best. Any tips?
Anyone exprinced PETG bridge not sticking to the layer above it?
X and Y are changed
blurps or zits or bumps showing on exterior
Pressure advance - pattern mode
Guidance on SuperSlicer supports?
What's the equivalent to 0.4mm Fine layer height (0.16) when using a 0.6mm nozzle?
Rules and Discussion
What is this click moving x axis? A dead bearing?
IDEX - Nidec and Sanyo 4028 fans - different rpm
Vcore 4 500mm heatbed stopped heating?
Print head juts along y when x is moved /vice versa
After underextruding, we now enter the era of bleeding and overextruding!
Klipper reports ERROR. Fresh installation V-Core 4 Hybrid.
Error with my ADXL 345
Klipper reports: SHUTDOWN
No spi communication
Dual_Carriage Endstop Always Triggered
Z not homing properly/ Beacon issue
VAOC safe_z value
Gantry misaligned after toolhead rebuild
Swapped out BL Touch for RatRig 5V Induction Probe
V3.1 Catastrophic failure - massive layer shifts
Consistent hotend temperature offset
Input shaper error
So I changed my Motor Mount and did new VAOC etc and now getting this.
V-CORE4-IDEX-500 (multipart question)
Error evaluating “gcode_macro RESTORE_TOOLHEAD_SETTINGS:gcode : KeyError: ‘start_print’
prusa mini- klipper error
Manual stepper motor issues
Changes in Z Offset on IDEX
Freshly build. Can't move
vaoc random deviation
Belt tension all over the place
Stepper Driver Overtemp Issue
Move out of range when unloading filament in T1
Fail when updating to RC3
4028 fan setup MantaM8P 1.1
Commissioning issues
Probe and Endstop Z always triggered
Vcore 4 400 IDEX Ratos STOP Button won't work
Y axis stutters during movement
vcore 3.1 500 Bed Mesh
Bedmesh v4 500
camera setup logitech c920
bed mesh and first layer issues
I am at an absolute loss. Scratching noise coming from rear motor motor/bearings, V-Core 3.1
Odd isssue now trying to run VAOC
Y axis homing in wrong direction
Sensor 'extruder' temperature 45496.282 not in range - Differences in Rapido 2 Hotends?
PrintFarm OS
MCU 'toolboard_t0' shutdown: ADC out of range
X stopped working when changing to Hybrid
Can't launch beacon initial calibration
to low z-offset with beacon contact
PT1000 & Octopus PRO
Controller fan bogus.
Is my board dead?
Nozzle scraping bed during beacon calibration
'Extremely twisted gantry'
Beacon Probe initial Calibration
why would y axis only move an inch when homing to then say no trigger after full retraction
No retraction on a tool change. VC4 IDEX
First layer is going to drive me crazy
Filament feed issue. VC4 500 hybrid
2.1 RC3 configurator can't flash board(s)
Can’t figure out how to enable nozzle wipers
Issues with Beacon Calibration and Input Shaper on VC 3.1 500
Idex, parking not in the center
V-Core 3 rebuilt after approx 15 mins of use...
Z banding on large prints?
BTT V1.1 Visual clues for a burnt board?
Vcore4 IDEX duel carriage motor vibrating
One beacon probe
VC4 Hybrid pauses at random ocasions after Orbiter 2 Smart Sensor was installed.
V minion cannot home
Rapido 2 thermistor not reading correctly (pt1000 on EBB42-with max31865)
Klipper error at Pi bootup - "Unknown config object 'bed mesh' "
Extruder temp not in range
Tool heads collide
VAOC Cam freezing
Bent Lead screw
Option 'control' in section 'extruder' must be specified
Octopus V1.1 won't connect via USB
Lead Screw Screeching (Vcore4 IDEX)
cant flash skrat
"Must home axis first: 0.000 0.000 15.000 [0.000]" Error After Update to v2.0.2-36-g230929e3
MCU connection lost.
Beacon not working
Disconnecting after every print
VCore4 IDEX Belt Tensioning - Should Mount Hybrid?
Vcore4 500 IDEX: Layer Shifts & Y Belt Tensioning
Clicking during Y axis movement
Error after some minutes idling.
Faulty VAOC camera (or accessories)
Ratos on Manta M8B and CM4
VAOC Error
Hi im stuck at the calib from the v4 Hyp / Idex (BEACON_RATOS_CALIBRATE) how i can fix it?
Fresh install of RatOS - internal errors.
Scan compensation mesh looks wonky
Gantry stopped moving smoothly after changing extruder!?
Why isn't retraction working?
z-offset constantly triggered VC4 IDEX
Help setting sensor_type
MCU 'mcu' shutdown
Stepper driver warning: OTPW flag set
Hybrid confusion
RatOS Keeps Corrupting During Commissioning
Issue with layershift
2 printers same problem
Move Out of Range Error
Belt aligned help
Beacon not recognized after IDEX upgrade
Issue with the X stop and possibly the Y
Heater extruder not heating
vcore 3.1 prints fine with prints that are up to 3 hours But with longer prints 5+ it layershifts
how to change probe offset on v minion
unable to read tmc uart 'stepper_z' register ifcnt
SOLVED VAOC Suggests misalignment, But tension and skew seem fine. What else could be wrong?
Printing Speeds past 150.
Stepper missing steps?
VC3.1 - SuperPinda - !! Retries aborting: Probed points range is increasing. -Z-Tilt Problem
Printing issues on new 500 IDEX
VC4 Part cooling fan will only run at 100%
Crash after running belt tension test
Access to configurator RatOS
Part Cooling fan doesn't work
Vcore 3.1 500, stops extruding mid print
IDEX 500 Orbiter V2 Smart Sensor issues.
Fix my racking
No VAOC Camera Image
Orbitor filament sensor
Endstop dual_carriage still triggered after retract
Hotend change, what I need to change in klipper and slicer? (Clogging Problem)
Z Rear not moving
VCore 4 500 - "Died mid-print, got an ADC out of range now. Thermistor tests 1.074 kOhm
YeagerBomb VAOC issues
Adding an extra NIDEC Fan
Homing sequence kill homing switch
Negative temp readings from Octopus V1.1 F446
bltouch 3.1 not working on skr1.4
Nozzle Oozing at the threads
Configurating Machine
Pei sheet chipping and peeling vcore 4 500
Printer.cfg mcu
Extruder temperature not right
Y linear rails offset or profile twisted
Load filament after reboot/restart
Hotend temp and power osscilating even after pid tune
Kind soul able to examine my crowsnest.conf to help get my 2nd Camera working (2nd non-VAOC Camera)
Regular toolhead disconnection
Hotend temp reads 159 degrees at all time, phaetus rapido uhf
Bed not heating - heater_bed not heating
Clicking noise when moving gantry
hi, I have sometimes this problem:TMC 'stepper_z
Rapido 1 Reading Lower Than Expected Temperature
Fan stopping when klipper shows 70%
VAOC Chicago Bolt Doesn't Fit
Klipper error after update
ADC out of range
Z_TILT_ADJUST_ORIG internal error after updates
VCORE 4 (HYBRID)forward and backward movement generate error
Issues with VAOC on new V-core 4 500 IDEX
Lost communication with MCU 'toolboard_t0'
'ratos_homing' not a valid section
V-Core 3.1 Belt-Tension
Toolboard shutdown: "ADC out of range" after changing nozzle
X-Y direction different sizes!
Z-Tilt Issue
Rear of print bed always lower than front
Z-Tilt is only adjusting one Axis.
Update crash
When homing z the probe doesnt trigger and rams the hotend in the bed
Upgraded my toolhead on RR3.1 and the printer has gone full stupid.
metal "klunking" noise and seemingly loosing steps
skipping A and B's
Bed level issue - wave in my bed mesh and copy / mirror prints on T1 result in waaaaaay to low z
Issues with Dragon HF
Random "Error during homing (....): Communication timeout during homing" at start of prints and VAOC
Trouble understanding head selection and temp settings in Mainsail using Orcaslicer
Turn off part cooling fans when klipper is booting / offline
VAOC not working
Zero Division Error
! Hotend fan on when should be off !
X cariage moves slightly along the Y axis while homing X axis
bed won’t heat
vcore4 hybrid flashing issue
Weird sound from belts.. can’t find the cause
Hotend moving back and forth.
New Hotend for v-minion v1.0 and eva 2.4.2
lost communnication with MCU 'toolboard_t0'
Error evaluating 'gcode_macro _START_VAOC:gcode
Frequent Issue - MCU 'mcu' shutdown: Timer too close
MCU Shutdown (only on idle) VC4
Abysmal Flow
Z-Offset is not saved VC4 - firstlayer
First layer extruder temp error
Keenovo Heater pad not heating
Heater extruder not heating at expected rate
Installing KlipperScreen
RatOS Configuration repository v2.1.x: v2.1.0-RC3-75 > v2.1.0-RC3-82 Invalid
very odd temp graph
Failed homing of tool heads on V-Core 4 IDEX 500
weird camera and mainsail behavior
Fan runs at 100% no matter what
Firmware SHUTDOWN: MCU fried?
IDEX Problem 2nd Layer move
Option 'allow_unknown_gcode_generator' is not valid in section 'ratos'
Move out of range during bed mesh
v-core 4 idex
mcu 'mcu': Unable to connect
Internal error during connect: module 'extras.resonance_tester' has no attribute 'SweepingVibrations
lost of conenction with mcu?
Idex upgrade, "ADC out of range" - is there something wrong with my Rapido?
new ratos update, now cannot print
VCore 4 500 IDEX Homing shakes the printer violently
VCore 4 500 IDEX Toolheads move when moving gantry in Y
V4 idex z offset issue
V-Core 3.1 PT1000 ADC out of range (toolboard fault, unknown cause)
First layer prints fine then Extruder stops working
How to test the VOAC LED ring?
Pwm on nidec ??
V-Core 4 IDEX - Can't configure T1
"Invalid" in update manager. Having problems keeping system updated.
Install options in RatOs 2.1.0 RC2 - no V-Core 4
Vaoc camera not working.
Grinding/rubbing noise on radial movements
Titl bed -issue with z-tilt
Z1 Drops after print
cannot connect to pi ip.
PID tune not working
btt 2240 v1 drivers giving error.
What does this error mean?
KlipperScreen broken after updates
Octopus Pro 1.1 h723 fried
Cant get left back edge high
Back Z Motor error
Heightmap problem
Rapido 1 - Is my hotend dead or just wires and terminals?
jammin is NOT okay, man. (filament regularly jams in heat break)
Noisy and jamming y rails after installing titanium tube
Transition to shutdown state: Lost communication with MCU 'toolboard_t0' after 3 hours of print
Z Probe issues
Bed Mesh, Beacon and Bed Issue
Print wont start
Octopus v1.1 allows flashing to start, but reverts back to "Waiting For DFU..."
Z-Tilt Calibration - Gantry crash into endstop every time
Problem solve pulley system
First prints, on the 2nd layer printer goes crazy
"Nothing to do: Z Offset is 0"
Massive Layer shift after 2 hours
Y layer surface only on X axes movements
Layershift on big Parts
I can't make the bed mesh
EBB42 disappears
Calibrating machine guidance
IDEX Part cooling fan not responsive
Corrupted modules in update manager
Lost communication with MCU 'toolboard_t0'
Vcore4 suddenly crashed and won't turn on anymore. -Printer is working again.
The value 'T0' is not valid for MACRO
VAOC Camera Not Working
Temp/ extrusion issues
V-Core 3.1 Toolhead 1.0 Commissioning Klipper Error
Verify Heater suspected Thermistor error
TMC 'extruder' reports error: GSTAT: 00000001 reset=1(Reset)
Idex fans wont shut up . Part Fan and Toolhead Fan on full
Cant move carrige on idex
No beacon macros after fresh install ratos 2.1.0-rc2
Octopus F446 stop working after flashing in RatOS configurator
Raspberrypi cam module 3 help.
IDEX Commissioning - Endstop calibration problem?
"No Beacon model loaded" while Homing Z
I have a ratrig 3.1 enclosed 300^3. i recently upgraded to the new toolhead and added a toolboard.#
Pi 5
Visual calibration tab didn't show image from VAOC camera
4028 fan spinning at 100% all the time
IDEX inconcistent nozzle alignment
Tool head errors when going Hybrid to IDEX
Octopus v1.1 not detecting
SSR not switching bed power
Issue with X endstop
V-Minion PID Fail
Extruder Temp Reading Very High
Klipper reports: ERROROption 'mesh_min' in section 'bed_mesh' must be specified.
Issues with IDEX 4028 part cooling fans quickly changing speeds
Cannot turn on 4028 fan with default Pin synthax
VAOC calibration gives error: Move out of range
Layer Shift Problem
Is my V3.1 300 making too many Z adjustments?
Weird squeaking in toolhead
Random Layer lines appear in vase mode
Bed compensation is not working
How do I repin my 4028 Delta fan on stock v_core3 to another pin? J56 and J57 look fried
Idex 500 has error when swapping toolheads to second color.
First layer issues on larger prints only
v-core 4 idex 500 error: Error evaluating 'gcode_macro START_PRINT:gcode': gcode.CommandError: Toolh
IDEX TOOLHEAD OFFSET - way out of specification
3DO v2 nozzle cam not detected anymore by mainsail
Cutting into belt
Heater Issue.
Lost communication with MCU while printing
Possible install VAOC on V-Core 3 (WideBoy) with newest RatOS
Connecting Stealthmax via Stealthmax pcb v2
Unknown command:"EXCLUDE_OBJECT_START"
VCore 4 does not print straight but wavy lines
Hotend not heating on new vcore 400 Build
Wondering how to change the thermistor offset?
Connecting a fan 4028 to EBB V1.2 in RatOS
Frequent tangle detection on Smart filament sensor for Orbiter 2 on V-Core 4 400 IDEX
MCU 'toolboard_t0' shutdown: Timer too close
Right IDEX belt issue
Issues upgrading V-core3.1 to toolhead v1.0
Vcore 3.1 IDEX nozzle wipe
Filament grinding HELP
Printer wont start after generating shaper graph
Octopus 1.1 Firmware Issues + Magic Smoke
IDEX Part Cooling Fan Issues
Move out of range by making a mesh
VC4 making deep gouges in print bed
Dual Extruder Set Up Issues
X Axis Skipping on print Startup
VAOC LED ring not working
Heater fault
Beacon Bed Level Sensor not having enough accuracy whilst bed is at temperature.
VAOC not working - camera not connecting
Z wobble or extrusion issues?
How do I stop END_PRINT from calling M84?
Z-Tilt issues (most likely awd causing this)
Layer shift - stepper skipping suspected
V-core 4 unstable temperature so print wont start
Problem with config my hotend with EBB 42
VAOC Thermal Expansion Config
Nozzle gets closer to the bed every time during first layer (worse at higher temps).
Vaoc - not working
New machine vcore 4 machine with idex installed before commissioning
My New Chonk build rear z motor doesn't move during homing.
Toolhead x-offset is too high for the available parking space. V-Core4 IDEX
Beacon probe failing to pass BEACON_RATOS_CALIBRATE
fan control swapped
Z-Offset being ignored
Part cooling fan issues after printer upgrade
Layer shift for just one layer and then back again?
error add_prime_probe_to_offset...
Printer crashes when heating bed
Clogging issues with Revo hotend
PAUSE does not park, only raises Z height
Printer going totally wrong while Z-Tilt
Lost communication with MCU 'beacon'
Belts shifting and chewing up the edges
Rapio 2 UHF thermal runway issue
Lost communication with MCU 'toolboard_t0'
Problem/Errors: Commissioning Guide | Step 2 - Build plate prep.
BLtouch deploying but not triggering
Vcore 3.1 500mm Clogs constantly Revo Voron.
klipper, moonraker, beacon?
PART COOLING FAN not coming on ?
(straight) Rear leadscew is wobbling
Temperature issues V-Core 3
[Exclude Object] Randomly Stopped
At the end of my sanity; hopefully someone has the golden tip
Debris in heatbreak, wonky rapido thermistor?
new build did all my pre checks etc, are good doing final beacon cal it goes crazy
Klipper reports: ERROR
V-CORE MGN12 Linear rails gone rusty : how to protect steel bar from rust ??
Rat Rig V Core 3 - Duet Board - RepRap Firmware
bed wiring instructions for vc4
ebb36 1.2 heater always on
Timer too close on V-Core 3.0 500 with Klipper
Temperature Wait issue
Need help please: „Error during homing contact: Contact triggered while accelerating“ /RatRig V4 500
Need help please: „Error during homing contact: Contact triggered while accelerating“ /RatRig V4 500
Filament Jam with 10kg spool
TMC 'stepper_y' reports error: GSTAT: 00000004 uv_cp=1(Undervoltage!)
Can I use a creality adxl345 accelerometer for my DIY ratrig 4?
Huge Layershift
pi doesn’t turn on with gpio pins
H723 v1.1 Version Mismatch
Part-Cooling-Fan is running on 100%
V Chonk bed tramming
Input Voltage PWM fans not working
first layer problems
Calibration/Setup Prints and Macro Editing
Ethernet instead of USB-C?
Worn belts on VC 3.1 300mm
4028 does not work
No trigger on probe after full movement, but only rarely
Sensorless Homing Problem with TMC5160 and BTT Octopus 1.1 F407 board
bed temp fluctuation
4028 fan setup
Unable to flash Octopus V1.1
Hotend thermistor reading 129c at room temp
Print randomly stops
TMC 'extruder' reports error: GSTAT: 00000001 reset=1(Reset)
3.1 Suddenly 4028 Loses PWM control
Vcore4 500 stock hardware - Hotend keeps jamming on long prints
VCore3 Refresh- Notifications and Height Map
hot end temperature extreme fluctuation
Trobleshooting "Probe triggered prior to movement"
No Voltage on Octopus V1.1 J26 pins?
for days or hours it loses the z-offset
Clicking stepper motor.
Storage space used by ratos
Z wobble? Wave
VC3 Wifi Disconnecting Issues
V-Core 4 4028 Fan - Cannot Get PWM Working
No Beacon model loaded
Issue installing RatOS 2.1 on Raspberry
Part cooling fat goes to 100% "randomly"
having trouble installing ratOS
Consistent Jams With Chube
VC4 with Orbiter O2 board Klipper shut down
Filament unloads on RR 2.1 RC making weird "nubs", leading to clogs.
"No beacon model loaded" error (V4 400 Hybrid)
hotend keeps clogging in the heatsink
idk what to do
Rattling sound when printer does small moves.
RatRig V-Core 500 'Blew Up'
TMC ‘stepper_z reports error
rear lead screw dropping
z offset
MCU won't connect
Z Offset not saving?
motor noise
Beacon Error when starting to print
I'm stuck at MCU Protocol error
Printer Fix log (V4 500 Hybrid)
Need help flashing Octopus v1.1
mcu error
Can't set Z Offset
Print cooling fan isn't working
MCU Negative Temp Error.
RatOS 2.1 Kraken V-Core 3.1 confused on what to do next.
4028 Tripping 12V Rail
Strange clicking sound on moves VCore4 300 Hybrid
Orbiter keeps giving random false runouts
Y Axis (maybe x too?) not moving
Beacon connector sitting lower than the nozzle VCore 4
Raspberry pi keeps broking
4028 Fan Config, updating from VCore 3.1 to new Toolhead V1.0 with RatOS 2.1
No Beacon model loaded
MCU Protocol Error
Password is not raspberry
Reassign Motor to new slot
very inconsistent first layers on VC4
Octopus Pro V1.1
3DO Nozzle Camera Help
Left belt seize/jump/binds through motion
EBB42 not going into DFU mode
Alias x_step_pin mapped to PF13 - can't alias to PF9
Can I fix my octopus v1.1?
Moving toolhead power my fan
Part fan runs 100%
I'm having layer shifts
Hotend still reading wrong even after numerous fix attempts
hot end thermister reports 158.7°C when off
Part Cooling Fan not working BTT Octopus MAX EZ - New VC4 Build
new vcore-3.1 500 do not extrude whit LGX and rapido phateus v2
Deki Goes BRRRRRR at 0% fan speed and full send at boot
PT1000 Temperature readout minus (-)225 degrees
Unable to flash controller
Communication timeout during homing Z
Mainsail gcode viewer doesn't working correct
Octopus v1.1 not sending signal to heated bed *fresh RatOS instal*
Rough HG15 linear rails
MCU Protocol error. Cant update klipper version.
VC4 * 500 Gantry warping issues as printer heats
klippy_uds_address issue
After a Pause & Resume MCU 'mcu' shutdown: Rescheduled timer in the past
Usb devices being reset during print
Motors not moving on newly-build GRBL/Arduino CNC mill.
Auto levelling problem
hot end thermister reports 126.8°C when off
Fresh V-Core 4 RatOS 2.1 RC1 klipper fails to connect
klipper suddenly stopped
ATC Semitec 104NT thermistor vs ATC Semitec 104GT-2
X and Y moving simultaneously
Beacon start up print Move out of range
Input shaper error in config
mcu 'toolboard': Unable to connect
Network change!
Internal error on command:"Z_TILT_ADJUST_ORIG"
wifi module
Klippain install broke RatOS
How do I reverse my controller fan
[Resolved] Z offset is damaging my printer.
(RESOLVED) Beacon firmware not updating
[Resolved] Bed heater stopped heating
Decreasing Z Offset Measured by the BLTouch in a Sequence
The hell is this clicking?
T0 is not valid for macro
Orbiter v2.0 not extruding
Intermitent klipper shutdown - Unable to read tmc uart + Max31865 Overvoltage or undervoltage fault
Consistently spaced, Uninstructed Y-axis movements
After update: Unable to read tmc uart 'stepper_x' register DRV_STATUS
4028 stopped working
SKRat correct pinout?
motion issues in vcore 4 500
Error sensorless homing Ratos 2.1
vcore 3.1 z-tilt issue
Y axis jamming when moving rapidly
Heater extruder not heating at expected
Having issues with bed mesh - using beacon.
my RPI Cam doesnt work
Super Power motors on 5160 Pro's 48V
Rapido V2 with 104NT smoking and Generally overheating, EBB36
Heater_Bed Not Heating at expected rate
Dua 5015's always running - but not in the interface
Option 'pin' in section 'probe' must be specified - after update
Extruder reset error only after 3+ hours of printing
Temp reading is wrong?
Filament break between hotend and extruder when unloading filament
accelerometer help
gantry X-axis
First Layer Problem With Adaptive_Mesh
Klicky Probe not attaching after first print.
M112 Error
fans staying constantly on
Underextrusion/gear slipping issue with lgx lite
4028 Fan inverted control
BTT Octopus v1.1 not showing up over usb even in dfu mode
Setting up USB Camera
VCore 3.1 random klipper error
Belts make screetching noice when printhead is on the right side of the 500 printer
VC3.1 Orbiter Extruder Skipping
VC3.1 500 upgrade. Rear bed z drops when unpowered.
MCU Not connecting. Klipper Log provided. After swapping from Octopus V1.1 to Pro h723 V1.1
I updated my system before evey thing was working fine
Error After Replacing Euclid Switch
Best way to remove RTV glue from keenovo heater pad?
Beacon revH - bed mesh hangs klipper/mainsail
LDO-36STH20-1004AHG (XH) getting hot
Orbiter seems to be heating TPE
LGX Lite first test - TMC 'extruder' reports error
Beacon (Again)
Raspberry pad 5 - black screen CM4
V-Core 3 - Octopus 1.1 and RPi connection issue - 'mcu': Unable to connect
Can't install firmware on new board
possible the latest updates borked Z Pinda detection?
Strange smell after enabling performance mode on steppers
Klipper fails after hard Recovery
parts cooling fan is going on and off during print.
Clicking noise on x/y axis travel
Extruder temperature is going crazy.
Front right Z motor not working
Bed not heating
Y motor seems to be losing torque on X moves
Part Fan works in dashboard but not during prints
Prints often fail at this Z height
VCore 3.1 500 skipping
I need correct pinout for 1st gen (old, original) X/Y endstops for v-Core 3 and Octopus Pro 442
V-MiniON bed heater - strange behavior
at a loss with Ratos configuration wizard
Z TILT is never perfect
cant get awd to work
layer shift on newly assembled printer
First longer print attempted, printer stops after 1 hour
Extruder skipping, extruder motor overheating?
Need help with my bed mesh
Grinding on low poly arcs but no grinding on high poly arcs.
How to control part cooling fan on octopus PRO?
Sometings wrong with stepper driver?
probe deployed but error triggered
Any ideas ?
My prints are interrupted.
Autofocus won't turn off
New Beacon setup. No clues...
TMC Overheat on vcore 400, octopus-11, cooled TMC 2209 and amps 1.1.
V-Core 3.1 commissioning
Belt tension or something else?
Z wobble or some sort of problem with gantry?
Weird artifacts in my print. after building the enclosure. Vcore 3.1 500 Belts are tensioned
Move out of range despite no move out of range in G-Code
Inconsistent layers ech every 4mm with belted Z - V-Minion | TicTac Custom
I am stumped. I have a V-Core 3.1 400, btt-octopus-11, cooled TMC 2209 + LDO-42STH48-2504AC, enclo
Board not connecting to my pi.
Overtemp Error after changing 4028 fan
Extruder skipping
x axis and y move together
Raspberry PI3b red light only
I can’t PROBE_CALIBRATE. Clicking +0.1 results in the printer going down and back up by 0.1.
V-Core 3 - 500 | Bed tilt adjustment is unreliable: the differences in z-height do not converge
Ceramic heater not feeding filament through
X Endstop Always Triggered
PT1000 help needed
installed bi metal volcano nozzle and my prints will run for anywhere between 1 minute and 2 hours.
Thermistor start read at 158C, when start to heat, the read decreases
X & Y moves when should only move one of it.
RR 500 - Commissioning - Perimeter wobble above 80mm/s
phaetus rapido UHF/HF and LDO orbiter 1.5 extruder. clogging
Unpredictable layer shift on brand New Vcore
Delta Fan not turning off at 0%.
Odd Z error
Octo board not behaving correctly
Layer shifts
I put a new 5015 blower fan on my V-Minion and something is making a weird clackety noise.
New Build V-Core300 Y homing goes toward the front with endstop switches
Problem Homing X and Y
FIXed: Section 'ratos_homing' is not a valid config section
Weird error messages
Cracked heater or...
Dual Axis Z1 moves in same direction for all moves
adxl345 crashing the MCU
Want to change X&Y from motor outputs 1&2 to 4&5
'Crunchy' Y-Axis Rails - V3.1 300
Hotend Heater going too high?
Need help configuring fan.
Trouble with printer.cfg after IS calibration
z-tilt problem
X-Gantry not smooth
New build, PT1000 showing incorrect temp.
Option 'control' in section 'extruder' must be specified??
printer Smoking ☹
variable_adaptive_mesh Problem with BL-Touch
New VCore, Klippy isn't connecting
Moonraker can't connect to Klipper!
BLtouch Z_offset
Rapido Hotend PID going backwards
Klipper Screen not working.
Dead fans?
Installed RatRig extruder now I get mcu errore
SHAPER_CLIBRATE using a Beacon Rev H
I installed a btt smart filament sensor 2.0 but it gets triggered by the beginning purge of rat os.
Problem with Beacon RevD after upgrading to ratOS 2.0.2
extruder not heating correctly "verify_heater" issue where it sits at 150 C
Belt issues
Bad First Layer Outside of Probed Area
Need link to eva extruder files
Relative_Reference_Index leftover in update blocks Voron to start.
Frankenstein Upgrade of a CR10 keeps going to PAUSE
IDM configuration troubles - 'Move out of range: 20.000 -7.000 2.000 [0.000]
X and Y motor axis confused even after swapping wires on mainboard
Extruder at constant 158.9c reading
Hotend thermistor/heater degradation?
Y Stepper motor only move one direction
dual 5015 not working
ERROR c0130010
mcu replacment
Printer stops while priming nozzle
orbiter filament sensor setup?
prints no longer start
Problems Configuring WebCam
MCU protocol error on Octo pro 429
melted filament cleanup
extruder temp is reported wrong. phatus rapido uhf
issue with led ratrig. turn off my MCU after 10 sec or little more
Z banding V Core 3.1 500mm
How bad is it? Aluminum bed. Cold.
pi cam v3
VC3 400 with EBB42 invalid adxl345 id (got ff vs e5)
Print stops randomly, Klipper reports shutdown
probe adaptive meshing error
VC3 500 with EBB42 ttc errors
No access to Mainsail interface since full Ratos Update this AM
Chamber Fan lässt sich nicht regeln?
Heatbreak/Coldend Clog
vc3.1 400 Belt Tension
vc3 500 bad movements
printer error
LDO Super Power underperforming
Looking for code lines for a BTT Octopus max EZ
s2vsb=1(ShortToSupply_B!) but file triggered !??
fan_part_cooling_pin' is not a valid pin name on mcu 'mcu'
Wobble V-core 400
Raspberry and mother board crashed
Heated Bed doesn´t heat up
Heated Bed Failure
X-Axis Gantry Alignment
x stepper motor erratic behavior
extruder ratcheting noise
Inability to maintain Hotend and bed temps VC3.1 500
Y homming fails
Temperature drops cause Klipper to hault
More troubles with a runout detector
hi everybody I have problems with my skew correction…. I can’t find this in my printer.cfg
Communication loss to DS18B20
Z homing issue
need help with tachometer signal
Reverse bowden easy to push hard to pull
Fully restarted after "START_PRINT"
ADC out of range
Unable to read tmc uart 'stepper_z' register IFCNT
Retries aborting: Probed points range is increasing.
Bond tech LGX Lite clicking
Lgx lite and rapido 2 constantly clogging.
Move out of range when performing Bed Mesh.
Probable jam
XY-gantry (to) rigid
I am done
[V-Minion] Strange noise when the Z-axis is going downward.
Perpendicularity of four upper profiles
Bed mesh not flat at all
Loud buzzing sound coming from toolhead
4028 running at 100% at 1-100
Bed coming closer when doing probe_calibrate
Endstop z still triggered after retract
Orbiter v2 filament sensor on EBB36
Internal Error on "G4"
Fan problems
what to select in printer.cfg?
Mysterious "Lost communication with MCU 'mcu'" error began occuring out of the blue
specific printer.cfg for btt skr pro 1.2 ( not the generic one)
Beacon Probe Causing Uneven First Layer?
arc fitting problem crash mcu
homing issue
V minion heater bed on the fritz
Z Tilt fails
Question regarding changing thermistor sensor pin
Cannot get a consistent first layer distance.
Getting More Consistent First Layer and Z Tilt Issue Related?
Thermistor wonky when N / L are switched
I accidentally cracked a magnet.
idk where the linear rail supposed to be…..
Heater extruder not heating at expected rate
V Minion bed heater issues
Unable to extrude (new printer)
no trigger on probe after full movement
4028 Fan weirdness
Loud rail sounds
controller fan not shutting down
issue with deploying probe
my aluminum extrusion doesn’t match!
Klipper shutdown when moving steppers
V-core 3 still probes full bed after enabling adaptive meshing
VCore 3.1 - Weird motor issue on mesh leveling (video attached)
homing x axis homes y axis and visa versa
Move exceeds maximum extrusion
Skew Correction Issue
4028 Controller Fan running at 100% after Homing
moving one axis
v-minion x axis grinding/slipping
Nozzle keeps hitting the print mostly infill and supports.
Retries aborting: Probed points range is increasing.
Lost communication with MCU 'toolboard' mit print
Communication timeout during homing
extreme noise at 85-105mm/s
Calibrate via Heightmap calibrate issue
manta m8p poblem speed
Extruder error on V minion
Extruder Temp Of the charts
Crooked Gantry, Bad IS (Solved)
why is this happening on X axis?
EndStop when triggered disconects
MCU 'mcu' shutdown: ADC out of range
hello i got a problem that i cant solve..
Toolhead collision at top of print - v-core 300
pt1000 rapido uhf 2 plus
heater heating by itself
No power to the heaters: rough love story with my Octopus board
Moving servo shuts down octopus 1.1 board
V-minion X motor cranking/skipping
ADXL345 calculation not returning any info.
Print Bed PRoblems Part2
getting MCU error mid print
unable to connect to MCU?
Bed dip
SuperPINDA (z probe) Always Triggered
Z-Axis wanders when moving
vminion board wont flash bigtreetech skr 2
Ratrig Bedmesh looking aweful
Z changed by 1mm
second SD card gone bunk
Z1 stepper overtemp error.
Timer too close and Lost connection to MCU errors
4028 Fan not working correctly
4P Part cooling Fan, Config problems
[Solved] Cooling Fan Speed Inverted
Z homing Stepper Direction Issue
VCore 3 End Stops Not Electrically Closing?
Homing problem with "ratOS_homing" not valid section
SD card seems to be full
Y axis Bearing vibration
Z Step
Correcting Skew
In need of a replacement thermal fuse
AWD Stepper Motor problem
Cannot connect anymore to Moonraker server through another pc
Option 'serial' in section 'mcu' must be specified
Sensor less Homing not properly working
V-Minion with probe location bias
can't get 4028 part cooling fan to work.
ADXL345 shows up as faulty
Upgrading from lgx to orbiter and doing the toolhead upgrade I have underextrusion
Prints "grow up" when ends to print supports
Hotend seems to be running hotter than reported
V- Core makes strange noises
[solved] Move out of range at start of print
Setup Skrat No Power light
Minion down
vminion x axis homing/ loud stepper
VC3.1 500 bed not heating
Rapido UHF Hot-ends... Junk???
Hotend heats up at power on
Move out of range: 20.000 -7.000 2.000 [0.000]
Bowden tube friction
Hotend Issues
Problems with an new Build
Klipper errors after 2nd M600
[solved] Extremely long wait after prime blob
the gates belt sliding down
A power surge when I turn off my printer.
Nasty hot end collision and now I'm getting this on my bed meshes.
Can't set Z offset
Eva3 + beacon problem
BTT Smart Sensor Pauses after Prime Blob, Doesn't detect during print.
Aggressive Vibration on second hand v core 3.1
Commissioning: can't do PID, no voltage to SSR/hotend heater. Octopus/Rapido HF/stock bed.
Stepper Motor Direction?
bondtech lgx lite skipps
V-Minion Y-axis slipping
My printer thinks it's rotated 90degrees
Nozzle is hitting the layers (infill) at full speed. (V-Minion)
Ratteling Noise on diagonal moves (V-Core 3.1)
Big Layer Shifts
issue: hotend pid tune with fan
Tightening xy joiners makes rails not smooth
🤦♂ Resolved: X and Y swapped movement
Help with Belt Tension
Z Movement Clicking? Bad noise
remove magnetic adhesive sheet.
y axis skipping at accel > 5k (V-core 3.1 500)
Move out of range: 425.698 137.904 0.368 [170.000]
Bed Not Heating
[Solved] New 500 build. immediately clogs
SOLVED: BAD BAD BAD noise when moving head quickly
Every now and then Stepper_z1 doesn't enable properly.
Slow down Z axis only while "meshing"?
Resolved-Enclosure shelf parts don’t fit
probe triggered prior to movement
Stepper heavily buzzing
Difficulty getting the frame aligned
No skew correction option for printer.cfg?
[SOLVED] webcam not working after changing port to
Grainy pattern along Y, Bad stacking along X
Filament doesn't fit through Rapido heat break
Loud Buzzing Sound Under Certain Conditions
raspberry power
horizontal_move_z can't be less than probe's z_offset
Every time I try to home my printer the bed lowers.
Loud Z Lead Screw when moving bed down
Struggling with Rapido (v1). Not extruding unless temps are stupidly high.
4028 Fan not running below 50% on SKR Pro 1.2
my extruder didnt work
beacon no model loaded
Z axis - too much squish?
How to get rid of vibrations?
LDO ADXL345 install
Skipping on high X/Y positions
servo short error while using correct cable ends
Diagonally out of bounds...
Y axis vibration. is it NORMAL?
4028 does not turn off at 0% even with enable_pin
V-core3-Octopus 1.1 -Pi 3a+ Ratos 2.02 : stops printing randomly #solved
Rapido hotend not going below 179 degrees
BIQU Microprobe
Delta 4 pin fan not working
Klicky probe
Stepper skipping noise during primeblob
MCU Shutdown Error occasionally when heightmap probing
Moonraker Warning: Wrong path (configurator)
Non-ratrig endstop help
5160QHV issue on Klipper / BTT Octopus 1.1
MCU Shutdown Error while heightmap
PT1000 thermistor EBB42
Various homing related issues
octopus 1.1 usb over serial canbus "Option 'serial' is not valid in section 'mcu'
Extruder Stepper getting hot at iddle and vibrates
ADXL app. correlation
v-minion - rattling noise
3 frame corners square, but 4th not.
Ratos, Prusa Einsy MK3, homing moves right instead of left.
connecting 4 pin controller fan
[Solved] Printer stopping after priming, hotend temperature fluctuates
Fine bed mesh, but bad first layer in some parts of the bed but good in others.
Adding a second fan 4028
[Closed - Upgrade 3.0 to 3.1] Lead screw too short by 20mm
MCU lost connection, but only once and then it's fine
Hello all... can use some help diagnosing issue
4028 always 100%
" Endstop z still triggered after retract "
Manta m8p 1.1 + CM4
Rat rig V-Core 3 Unable to connect to IP Address
rapido uhf(old) Heater not heating properly
MAX31865 Not working
Stepper registers ifcnt
Euclid probing issue (new install)
Heatsoak with mosquito magnum on EVA 2.4
heating shuts if 1 second after prime line
Loud 5160 PRO
Z offset keeps needing to be increased.
TMC5160HV on Octopus Pro V1.0 Sensorless Homing
Extruder fighting itself
Advice on fuse/plug
mcu 'mcu': Unable to open serial port: [Errno 2] could not open port /dev/btt-octopus-11: [Errno 2]
4028 FAN Not working
Endstop crashes Octopus 1.1 / Raspberry pi
MCU LOST CONNECTION and now can't connect to rat os
Over time build plate sinks in the rear
Heater issue: Heater extruder not heating at expected rate
Extruder heater continues heating past target temp
Mintemp error
Random misbehavior
Odd mechanic skipping/bouncing/hitting
BL Touch "failed to deploy" issue
bed mesh out of range
ADXL error
tmc5160 stepper issues
Pisa Tower prints on Y axis
EBB42 sensor issue
Extruder Motor gets REALLY hot
Orbiter 2.0 extruding exactly 4x too much
Cleaning nozzle after filament run-out
Idle 4028 part cooling fan
Help ERCF -> Octopus Pro
M600 moves to the wrong corner.
Probe issue with BIQU Microprobe
Layer shifting
printer shuts down as soon as print starts
Bondtech LGX extruder binding
Octopus 1.1 - connection problem
EBB36 disconnecting every restart
After recent maintenance and upgrade, I am getting "move out of range" errors
Thermistor reads incorrectly after installing new hot end - Solved
Part cooling fan always on
Poor bed adhesion
fix-my-brain : How-to use set kinematics center ?
v-core 3 suddenly stopped working
IS not working or what's causing the ringing?
Solved: P&F inductive probe always triggered
Poor flow rate performance, LGX lite only 2 settings?
Octopus Max EZ with Klicky
Stepper Wiring Issue
Frame Slightly off Square on Ratrig VCore 3.1 400 Enclosed
Adaptive mesh difficulties with multiple models
Updated to my detriment
extruder below min temp + Error evaluating "gcode_macro _Park :gcode' : Undefinederror: 'dict objec'
timer too close
Hot extruder motor
Not Having Any Luck Trying to Add a Filament Runout Sensor
Stepper staying powered up
adjust Y end stop on minion
BTT filament sensor
Solved: Bed temp set to 0c but increasing temp
Wifi connection unstable
Z Tilt error help
Cannot adjust Z tilt
Heater heater_bed not heating at expected rate See the 'verify_heater'
Part Cooling Fan - Logic Inverted
issues pt1000 rapido 2
X rail to front extrusion difference
RatOs internetwifi has a password and i dont know the password
Bed is not being supplied power
New vcore Estopping on Startup
Why is my 4028 fan pulsating?
V-Minion X Axis leveling
Pi CAM does not work
not sure what changed
XY motor plates not fitting well
shaper graphs not showing in folder
Stepper motors noise when enabled without moving.
Can't get a first layer laid down
z-offset issue
Problems with Octopus Pro H723 V1.1
Heated Bed Edges?
MCU Update error
My z-tilt seems skewed
EBB42 with some idle sensors/actuators
Probe misses the bed and doesn't detect it during calibration, causing the nozzle to push very hard.
Trouble to flash my octopus v1.1 f446 on DFU mode. detected but not responding
Metal debris on linear rail
True Bed LvLing G32
Board detected but unresponsive
Priming Blob
Toolboard/PT1000 - ADC out of range
Pi crashes when calibrating Input Shaper
Having assorted issues, nuke?
Jumping on smooth circle
Unstable Extruder Temp
X gantry uneven
Z_tilt vs mesh vs those fighting a flat mesh grid
Z-Axis Homing Causes Toolhead Collision With Bed
Unable to read tmc uart 'stepper_Z1' register IFCNT
Strange noise when printing circles
Sanyo 4028 Fan runs at 100%, regardless of what speed I set it to.
Small Y-Axis movement on X-Axis direction change
Y rail sound. Normal?
Bltouch not working
Rapido Clogging in enclosure
Short circuit protection buzzer goes on when moving motors
extruder Problem
Verify heater/suspected thermistor issue
Parallellogram prints
RSS faulty?
Mosquito Magnum cannot PID tune at 235 or keep temp at 235 with fan on after upgrade.
Heating start directly with start of printer
Stepper motor clicking sound
Filament stuck in orbiter 2 after unload macro
Filament won't load into nozzle without skipping ever since print head crashed into the bed.
Frame or other?
whine from stepper and or drivers
Inconsistent Motor Moved And True Bed Issues
Belt rides on flanges of idlers
Heated bed not working. M
can’t upload files
Warm today...
Second short circuit
fix Non-Square frame post build
Octopus Pro 446 Giving a Negative Temperature Value
TMC 'stepper_x' reports error: GSTAT: 00000001 reset=1(Reset)
Rapido Heatbreak
Endstop X triggered
See the 'max_extrude_cross_section' config option for details
welp. What the hell have I done.
TMC 'extruder' reports error: GSTAT: 00000001 reset=1(Reset)
rpi don’t start on the same time
Wrong Y-Axis movement on V-Core 3.1 Standard Kit 1.3 (300)
Unable to open serial port
First Ratrig Problems with connecting
Help with Klipper not connecting after updateh
Rapido 2 ADC out of range
Stepper Z2
Bed Hitting Print Head
Hotend Reading Off
Random layer shifts
Rapido Thermistor Repair?
4 Pin Fan Config on Octopus Pro: bug or stupid user?
Probe triggered prior to movement
X Y slipping skipping or other
Temperature fluctuates by 1.5 degrees.
y motor help
Octopus Pro and Neopixel
Layer shifts at high speeds on VC3-400
clog during print but filament extrudes normally
Please load new filament and resume
Broke my MCU Octopus v1.1 and am trying to get the replacement operating
Problem with fan 4028
Move out of range on mesh
Sudden bad extruder stepper
TMC SPI driver issue
odd z wobble
Heater extruder not heating at expected rate
Printer running into negative values due to mesh calculation
strange behaviour of my vcore
Steppers refusing to work (first time)
Part Cooling fan doing what it wants
Z-Offset still doesnt save
Section 'ratos_homing' is not a valid config section
Extruder wiring issues
Z steppers are inverted ( only when moving manually, mesh probing Z homing is fine!
vcore 3.1 failing to home
New setup questions
Vcore 3.1 Rear Z arm slides down under weight of bed
Rat Rig Minion Fan issues
adxl345 wiring and config settings
v-minion z rod noise
Strange heating behavior
Keep getting MCU error with Goliath hotend attached.
Updated everything. Now none of my usbs work
Ran update, MCU no longer reachable
Mesh levelling stopping about halfway through G29
Strange Bed Level Test Result
belt shifting
Can't equalize belt tension
Bed tilted after G34
Extruder Heater not Heating at Expected Rate
Is my rail eating itself?
Belt grabber/adjuster broke. Replaced the adjuster but I have a new noise now.
Inconsistent first layer
Clogged Nozzel?
Y-Rails not tightening.
Z Offset not saving
first layer issues - too high & too low issue over print area
V-Minion Y Axis
Likely Broken Mainboard
Leadscrews ratrig 3.1 kit 500³
Bed Mesh Issues
Part cooling fan always on at low speed
SKR 2 dead?
Goliath Hotend may extrusion
Toolboard looses communication when generating a shaper graph for Y axis
EBB42 Where Do I Begin?
BTT Smart Filament Sensor Issue
Rear z-axis motor not running smoothly
Cannot obtain IP address over Ethernet
Klipper Macro Params Value Issue
Filament jam after/during filament change
Rendering Video failed
Can someone pls check my printer.cfg
V-Minion SKR Pico RPiZero2 went crazy after 1 day of printing
Inductive probe suddenly triggers at a mere ~2mm
endstops doesn't react to switches
Printer jittering and spitting out errors
NIDEC Fan where do i plug it in?!?!
Octopus V1.1 was not detected
Buzzing when idle and "high" power consumption
trouble connecting multiple " Controller Fans "
Help With 4028 Part Fan Code, Please?
Too slow?
help with inductive probe
pam issues?
X and Y endstops doesn't react
Issue with Belt
Sparks and No Heat
Extracting broken CHF nozzle from Phaetus rapido
Hello! our 3d printer (v core 3)'s power cord burned last night.
Part cooling fan stop working and does not respond
EVA3.0 Heating Issues
I have a v-minion which has printed flawlessly until I started printing ASA - layer shift
my rat-rig stopped working after klipper crashed and I was forced to reinstall everything.
paid online support
every time i upgarde my printer breaks
Probe triggered prior to movement error on the v-minion
LDO Orbiter V2 started making a weird noise
[MCU] Connection only when Octopus powered via USB and no Cables plugged into the Octopus.
Weird BLTouch Behavior
Linear rails development of damage while in use
LGX LITE Extruder wiring - Motor turns backwards
Racking issue on xy.
X gantry has a "sine"-like resistance variance when moving along Y
Bed not heating anymore.
Belts Binding in specific spot
Raspberry Pi "touch" Feature Quit Working
Filament won't go through hotend anymore.
Clogged hotend?
Ugly fronts of prints
Z Probe always TRIGGERED, even when the probe is disconnected
V-Core 3 shutdowns mid print
How to connect the wiring of the bed heater and the ssr
Mesh heightmap after three hours of adjusting.
MCU 'toolboard' shutdown: Timer too close
Linear Rail damaged?
Why the hotend starts to heat up when i start my v core 3.1
From BL touch to probe not working ?
How to connect the filament sensor?
Under-extrusion issue.. ruled out many factors.. maybe dying extruder or goofed Klipper config?
adxl345 id (got ff vs e5) error
Move out of range: 18.500 -15.500 5.000 [0.000] Rehoming after tilt adjustment...
X/Y axis not even
BL Touch offset ?
Y axis moves forwards and back when X moves left to right (Vcore 3.1 500mm)
EBB36 + Orbiter 2.0 - Buzzing - Not moving
MCU 'toolboard' shutdown: ADC out of range PT1000
Klipperscreen help
Z-tilt problem after install beacon
ebb42 adxl345 error
Z Tilt does not level
Include Missing
ADXL345 Not Working
Uneven belts tension and square xy
Bed level issues for over 9 months now.
Timing Pulley height
Home stops after X with error
Z-offset seems to be wrong every time
is it toothed idlers?
Pin 'adxl345_cs_pin' is not a valid pin name on mcu 'mcu'
Motor 8 Dead?
MG995 Servo causing error and beeping
4028 is running the wrong way?
Tightening the lower belt makes the moving the x axis a lot harder
Printer Shutdown TMC error?
Can't load filament with smart filament sensor enabled
Missing layers
Move out of range at start of print
Extruder motor skips on retract
Extruder does not stop
unable to read tmc uart 'stepper_z' register ifcnt
Wobbling movement on Y-axis
All files in /config folder are Read-Only
Sensorless homing
CB1 board and OV2659 Cam
extruder motor gets too hot
Assembly, clicking left belt
noisy printer, unable to locate sound source
Bed mesh Z height issue (V Core 3 & BL Touch)
Vibration on Left XY-Motor and Belt
Horizontal pattern
Massive layer shifts
Belt Replacement V-Core 3.1-500
The V core500's cable to the extruder hangs down . Any ideas?
Extruder heater not heating at expected rate
motor return error code
end stop and probe shenanigans
There's something I don't understand about the RATOS 4028 FAN guide.
having all sorts of issues
mistake on v-minion
V-Core 3 Rapido UHF + LGX Lite. Constant issues with filament not extruding/getting stuck in hotend.
4028 fan 99-100% big difference
Probe triggered or open all time
Pi keeps dropping wifi and sometimes doesn't connect on boot
V minion Eva 3.0 sensorless homing problems
power cut, now printer is locked in place
Part cooling fan running full speed at 0% and homing issues
is it normal the the 4028 fan can't run under 40% ish
z tilt issue
x endstop cable
need advice on issues I`m seeing
Acceptable Amount of Bend of Leadscrew?
Belt issues
Rapido plus hotend
Stepper Driver Port broken how to chang the Slot on Octopus F446
Info on Connecting two Controller Fans, octopus 1.1
Printer fails to probe a bed mesh when starting a print
Z Offset
Vibration on Left XY-Motor and Belt
4028 fan issue after updating to ratos2
Vertical ridges on circular prints and vibration.
Wobbly Z ?
V-MiniON - Layer Shift on Y axis only
Super pinda probe has started to fail?
Is my bed mesh enabled?
Can't find Extruder rotation distance in Printer.cfg file.
V-Minion Y Axis weird sound
Hotend fan stopping
X & Y Stepper drivers overheating while IDLE (so not yet homed)
X/Y dimensional accuracy
error in middle of a print
v-minion rattling noise
Mainsail to Moonraker Connection
TMC 'extruder' reports error
V-minion Bed Heater Not Heating at Expected Rate.
can’t upload gcodes to my vcore3
Bed Mesh Issues for 500mm V-core
Homing Y moves in opposite direction.
Possible faulty probe?
belt up/down on pulley
oldham coupler with a backlash
PID Tuning Caused Bed Heater To Not Work
Sticky Axis
touch screen help v minion
Keenovo mat falling off, but I never went over 110°C
"Unable to read Tmc uart" stepper_z1"
Z-Tilt, 12v Controller Fan, and More
Printer went crazy ???
Initial Probe Calibration
Fan 4028 fan running at 100% when set to 0
Y-Endstop Frontal Error
software bedmesh doesn’t seem to translate to physical bed
How to check if linear rails are preloaded?
New Ratrig 400mm setup Octopus 1.1, heat bet not heating up
Phaetus Rapido UHF + Volcano CHT Nozzle + LGX Lite
V3.1 Rear Z Axis -- Sufficient to Just be Parallel?
Toolboard: 4028 Fan wired correctly but behaving inverted.
V Minion Z Banding
end stop connector may have been reversed
BTT UPS Power loss Configuration
TMC 'stepper_y' reports error GSTAT: 00000004
Heater extruder not heating at expected rate
BLTouch fails on mesh, too close
Octopus or stepper or drive, not sure which but something is broken.
Belt is getting sucked into the abyss and causes huge layer shifts
X and Y endstops permanently triggered
Cracking sound during Z Tilt
PC Cooling duct melted while printing ASA
Invalid homing_positive_dir / position_endstop in 'stepper_x'
Z-tilt working but bed wonky
Random crashes during print.
After months of only showing one camera, today my Moonraker is showing the second camera instead
CB1+M4P RatOS, how to install?
Probably a simple fix? I guess.
MCU instant shutdown
mcu: Unable to connect
printhead gone wrong
Overriding Nozzle Prime position
EBB36 "MCU 'toolboard' shutdown: Thermocouple reader fault"
DRV_STATUS: 00130050
Klipper Error after 2.0 update using old cfg from 1.1
MCU toolboard shutdown
I'm getting weird errors when printing (Unknown command:"EXCLUDE_OBJECT_START")
Z Tilt always failing: Probed points range is increasing
I can’t get two btt tmc5160’s to work on my manta m8p
Overriding Nozzzle Prime Start in RatOS macro won't work
Component ID
Input shaper not work
Klipper screen shows menu, but touch screen won't react after ratos2.0 update
Ratos board selection
Heater extruder not heating at expected rate
RatOS v2.0.0... now unable to join network "RatOS"
octopus v1.1 bootloader
M106 nor working while printing
Octopus 1.1 firworks
Burning hotend - Rapido
extrusion gap
How to update firmware on Octopus 429?
XY Stepper error
XY axis scale wrong
cant connect to klipper
Z_TILT_ADJUST - Impossible to complete.
Rescue print after Power outage
Rapido UHF can 't reach more than 226 °C
G28 Home all behavior
Rescue timelapse after Power failure
Extruder E-Steps Calibration
Probe triggered prior to movement
Belt path out of whack
pin PC7 is an alias for z1_uart_pin
TMC 2209 Driver Error
Heater disconnected from heating block
After Trying Move Home x-y got error message
Unable to Connect to MCU
Adequate Frame Torque
Right Motor idler assembly
4028 PWM not working
Heating extruder not heating at expected rate
Part cooling not turning on when printing
V Core 3 CAN communication configuration
Linear rail and Lead Screw lubrication
PETG melting between LGX and Mosquito Magnum
Belts rubbing against idler
Home all won't work
Setup tcm5160 drivers for X and Y but getting global scaler error
TMC 'extruder' reports error: GSTAT: 00000001 reset=1(Reset)
Z-Tilt Fails
my v minion is noise
Klipper won't start.
(slight) resistance on one end of linear rails: de-racking vs using y-gantry to align rails?
Belt move too low and goes over flange
Tightening belts causes y-rail noise Vcore3
Help! I am loosing my mind over the ugly layer issue. V-Minion.
4028 fan PWM adjustment
'RatOS invalid' in update-tab
Lubricating the linear rails with 3 in 1 oil
Belt Erosion
occasional layer shift / Belt shifting
I need a fresh approach for my extruder clacking. (V-Core 3.0 400 with Duet Board)
BTT filament sensor keeps showing "empty" after a few seconds
wired print artifacts
V-Core 500 3.0 -- 3.1 Upgrade Woes
Buzzing Noise on X axis
4028 running full speed at 0%
Issues with SAVE_CONFIG
New hot end, incorrect temperature reading with hotend off..
Connecting two board fans to the Octopus 1.1
Long pause after print line
Strange START_PRINT macro on vcore 3.1 500
extruder thermistor problem and changing pin
fix my Bed!
Sensorless Homing
Z-TILT-ADJUST fails with weird movement
Deep Resonance
Connecting a 12V 4 pin part fan
Hotend and Bed Temp Issues?
Bed level issue?
V-Minion Y axis chattering, not homing
VCore 3.1 resonance on horizontal moves
Homing not working
Auto power off
How to address Z binding?
Bl-touch not working
Carriage slowly drifting to rear left
Over temperature TMC2209 error even with replacement TMC2209
mosquito hotend verify heater problem
Bed temperature not stable (Keenovo 157 220V 600W)
Belt Tension direct measurement
Attempt Z Tilt -- Print Head Hitting Bed
printer started stuttering today
Error: "BLTouch failed to raise probe"
Layer shifting on first few layers
Printer paused after print start
Back right stepper clicking
after update Problem, mcu unable to connect
after update: mcu unable to connect
Gantry Misalignment V-Core 500
The circle is not standard
Error for updating system packages
Printer moves extremely slowly when resuming from pause
How to read Linear Movement Vibrations Analysis results?
Correct g-code flavor for prusaslicer and klipper?
Manta M8P + CB1 Stepper Error
Part Cooling Fan and extrusion issues
Print is taller than it's supposed to be
Cannot update mcu config error.
Z offset problem on V-Core 3.1 300
Help with BTT Smart Filament Sensor config V-Minion
Note: Raspberry Pi Cam Module 3 - Not compatible with RatOS
Heater heater_bed not heating
What do all of you do to keep the hot end wires from dragging on the bed?
Play on X's linear rail
MCU 'mcu' shutdown Timer too close after ebb36
Bed and Hot End Will Not Heat Up
RatOS will not connect to my mcu
V-Minion Z-Offset, first layer, chamber problem
octopus 1.1 is it fried?
Skr 2 powering issues
Any way to fix a small moons stepper?
ebb36 heater always on
Not extruding while printing
Super Pinda Problems
RatOS Mainsail version "unknown"
VC-3.1 500 - belt jumping out of flange
Did a full reinstall of Klipper and Board firmware
Extruder not Working During Print
4028 Hookup Sanity Check
I just tightened my belts? just a question.
The best way to restore RatOS
failed to init Unable to read tmc uart
Skew Correction?
Printer wont connect to klipper
Initial Homing
Home z not probing center of bed
Bed not heating
ADXL connection to RPi
[Solved] All PT1000 sensors showing 13 degrees higher
bad marshal data
Probing/Bed Mesh again after priming nozzle
Bed Not Heating
hdmi 5" wrong resolution (MANTA M8P + CB1)
ratrig wiring guide and pinout from google are different. which order do my steppers motor wires go?
mcu unable to connect
Z probe as Z endstop
Printer won't boot properly after Christmas
z probe issues
SolvedPrinting orientation
weirdo extruder issue
Z-probe status is always triggered
v-minion motors sound
inaccurate Y axis
No trigger on x after full movement ?
nozzle suddenly destroying sheet
Toolhead clicking sound
Changing hottend cfg help
Assembly issues with pulley - belt position.
Heating or fan issue?
ADXL sensor
Motors have high pitch sound when enabled
Issue with bed leveling
Config Question
Klipper reports SHUTDOWN
BL Touch calibration, help.
I think I just opened Pandoras Box, TRIED TO UPDATE
LDO Input Shaper Toolkit Reports Invalid adxl345 id (got ff vs e5)
One Z Stepper changed direction
(SOLVED) V-Minion error “Print exceeds max extrusion”
EBB42 ADXL not working
Best way to route filament with Enclosure 2.0?
V-core3 overheats after homing in 2 minutes and shuts down
4028 Fan
Minimum Temp
what is going wrong here?
Cold printer rams bed into nozzle due to leftover ooze
(SOLVED) SKR 2 Fan2 incorrect socket?
Bed not heating
Pinda Probe
Sensorless homing with tmc5160 and SKR 1.4T
Help - Stepper Issues
IP Webcam via USB on rpi
Y-endstop Not Close Enough
Issues homing homes x and y separately, but not when I click home all
4028 fan PWM control shutdown MCU
Error on Mesh Generate
Printer Refuses to Power on!
4028 fan not running like it should
Issues with ADXL Invalid adxl345 id (got ff vs e5).
What size are the ball bearings for the v-core 3 rails?
New RatRig v-core 3.1 high vibration at lower speeds.
Plate heating speed issue
layer shift when increasing or decreasing printing speed
Mid-print, mcu lost
There seems to be no relationship between default fan speed and the actual reported fan speed of t
Extruder not centering on bed after homing, 3.1 500
Belt problems
Stepper buzz 5160‘s
No trigger on Y after full movement SOLVED
Confirm my 4028 fan user override is correct in printer.cfg
Nozzle keeps diving into the buildplate
ADXL problem?
mcu unable to connect on v-minion
Visible pause before lift while probing
Belt slipping or stepper blocking?
Rat OS Klipper error on compile
SuperPinda going bad?
Trouble connecting PI to Octopus V1.1.... I think
Bed size
(SOLVED)SKR PRO 1.2 + BLTOUCH not working
V-minion - Bed heater sometimes not working; move bed a bit and it works again (sometimes)
x and y endstops are always triggered even when not pluged in
rapido not heating
Printer frontend stops responding
Rapido repair
VCore3.1 messing up after first layer
Belt Damage
Nozzle clogs during filament change
Z stepper identification
(SOLVED)Rasp Pi 3b+ not detecting ratos.local host ???
Why is my filament marshmallowing to 1.6mm diameter?
Z offset does not work consistently..
Klipper is not running (Yesterday it was)
cable and motor buzz from 80-120mms
FFSAKE I put so much effort into my belt alignment and now this
Dam it looks like I had a false run out detection with my Orbitor sensor. Anyone else experienced
shutdown and x motor problems. x motor
I know its look cool but.
Not able to connect to VCore3.1
z probe not working
X motion jerking in Y direction, losing center.
Selecting Load Filament Unloads (LGX Lite)
Bed heater
[Errno 16] Device or resource busy 'devbtt-octopus-11'
How do you do the X axis mod. Specifically how the the 3d printed parts attach to the ends.
stepper buzz
Thermal Runaway
Phaetus rapido sudden temp plunge
(Solved) Klipper problem? Slow button response and initializing after homing button clicked.
MCU shutdown when homing (BTT octopus F446)
Bed heater
Has anyone ever wired one of these into the Ocopus
Mesh Generation - No trigger on probe after full movement
I have wired up my 4028 Sanyo as per this guide and made alterations in printer.cfg how do I test?
Flow issues
BTT Octopus changing Left stepper to Motor 3 or 4 port?
The build from Hell continues
Left Stepper Not Working
I need to reverse the direction of the extruder motor. Can I do this in config rather than risk dam
SKR 2 will not flash firmware
Test end stop functionality after brief accidental reversal, + hotwires
Waves on printed parts
Phaetus rapido heatbreak clogging
vc3 rapido uhf issue
Ruby nozzle issues
Misalignment in the pulleys
new x endstop always triggered
TMC 'extruder' reports GSTAT 00000001 reset=1(Reset) after 20 hours of print (again)
motor failing when using true bed leveling
X axis wobble along Y during X motion (and vice versa)
Third Part Cooing Fan
Rules and Discussion
V-Core 4 - 300 - Gap between upper and lower
VC4 400 CoreXY - Graph Gut Check
Y freq 25hz -30hz - 35hz peak on VC4 IDEX 500
Error with my ADXL 345
VC4 400 IDEX Resonances on T1
Inputshaper strange things above 150hz
Core 3.1 - How do i read this?
Sanity check for my belts
Is this good or does something need fixed? Hybid vc4 500
VC4 300 IDEX - How to interpreting belt tension and input shaping?
VC3.1 400 75Hz
First time resonance test
error trying to run shaper
Need help with XY axis
Unsure How to Fix Based on Resonance Plots
First Time Doing Belt Tuning... Looking For Guidance
vc4-400 idex - interpreting shaper graph - ghosting on y-Axis - VFA on x-Axis
Belt tesnion V4 Hype / Idex
Interpreting belt tension graphs
Better results with Mirror/Copy than Single? 500 IDEX
vibrations increase when right hybrid tighten
A lot of noise and spikes on Y
getting strange noise on graph
IS Numbers
Belt Tension check V-Core 4 400
VC4 500 IDEX - 125hz Peak
VC3.1 300 Belt Tension Help
VC4 500 Good enough to install hybrid belts?
3 Humps on Y Tension Graph IDEX
Messy Y graphs
V3.1 300m with RR toolhead belt tension:
Whats best to do for this belt tension graph? VC4 500 pre hybrid belts added
V-Core 4 500 IDEX Peak at 125hz
vc4 500 core xy for now first resonance
vcore 3 500mm graph help
Weird Tail
Dampening issue on Y-axis (VC3.1 - 300 enclosed)
VC4 500 IDEX extra spikes on X axis
VC4 500 IDEX initial graphs
Y accel wont go above 2000 - vcore 3.1 with toolhead
v4 idex 500 tuning
Wonky shaper, accepting ideas on what to check
VCore 4 IDEX 400 Belt Tension
Belt tension & shaper graphs
VC4 500 Idex Belt Tension
VC4 500mm IDEX
Can't get second peaks to align
Hybrid Vcore4 400mm where to trouble shoot?
VC4 500 Hybrid Belts graphs
Good belt tension range for VC4-300?
V4 500 Only Corexy for now.
Upper Belt Flatlines
V4 500 Hybrid second Y resonance peak?
V4 500 IDEX Y Problem
Orbitool Accelorometer vs Beacon Accelorometer
VC4-400 Core-XY
Can't get the second peak
Hybrid belts
Belt Tension
Is this good for a VC4 500 (corexy atm)?
Is this a good resonance adjustment for a V-Core 4 500?
VC4-400 Initial Core XY graph
VC4-300 IDEX something off, hope it is the belt tensions
VCore 3.1 500 belt tensions seem eratic
VC4 Idex Belts
Is it normal to have much better results at higher temperature?
Custom VC3 input shaping interpretation
VC4 Belt Issues
vc4 500: What am I looking at?
vc3.1 400 impossible to align both peaks
vc4 300 hybrid input shaper
belt tension
belts issue
VC4 500
VC4 500 - Looks all over the place
VC4 300 Hybrid belt tension
V-Core 3.1 500 Unenclosed
v-core 4 500 hybrid - belts tension and motors help
VC4 500 Just to be here
Not having any luck fixing the belt tension.
VC400 Hybrid belts kicking my butt and taking my lunch money
Please comment VC4-300 CoreXY and Hybrid
V-Core 3.0 500 Belt Tension
VCore4 400 CoreXY Graphs
vc400 CoreXY Belt Tension
VC4 500mm - Can't figure out toolhead vibrations
Vcore4 500 First Belt tension
Vcore4 Hybrid belt tension
weird belt tension graph
Could use some guidance on the psd graphs. VC4 500
VC4 400 Hybrid Input Shaper Sanity Check
VC4 400 Hybrid
So How should I read this....
"Oh, my V-Core 3.1 is working almost perfectly. I'll make it even better" then this
VCore 3.0 300 Belt and Resonance graphs
Peak 68hz on x and y
V-Core 4 400 COREXY - Y-graph
VC4 400Hybrid What am I looking at here?
VC3.1 300 - Chaos on the Y Axis
No matter what I do I can not get rid of the third hump
VC4 500 Hybrid - 2 close peaks on Y
VC4 300 frequency response what can i do better?
Y Achse Shaper sehr seltsam :/
VCore 4 400 belt issue
Vcore 4 400
hey guys just need help
Kinda' stunned... do these still look good to you?
vcore 4 500 belt a loss
Belt Tension Alignment
Unenclosed vcore3.1 500mm issues
VC4 300 frequency response
Help with the resonance on x
Shaper graphs have different peaks for Y and Z
VC4 300 Enclosed - Belt tension gantry alignment
Potential lower belt issue - any advice what to check?
No idea whats happened here.
is this a okay graph?
Equal tension but low amplitude
are the shaper graphs fine ? V-Core 3.1 300m with RR Toolhead Beta 2
shaper graph low y acceleration V Core 500
VC4 300 unenclosed (just back panel)
VC4 500mm Hybrid Belt Tensioning Trouble Shooting
vc3.1 new toolhead
VC3.1 400, belt resonance chaos
Can't get good graphs on VC4 400
VC4 400: Second peak not appearing
I need help on with my graphs (V4 500)
Belt tension graphs degraded
VC4 500 hybrid y resonance speed low
two peaks on belt tension
What do you guys think? Vcore 300
Opinion on these graphs
How does this look for a VC4 500
Y all over the place
Vcore 4 only has one large peak...Is this ok?
Trying to make sense of this. Is this fine for a vc200?
Comparison between ZF (slight clearance) and Z1 (medium preload) HIWIN linear guides on X axis
VC3.1 400 Enclosed - Ringing only on X after Input Shaper?
Spike in y shaper at 80hz to 100+ hz
Difference between measurements: First ambient, the second one 50 °C chamber.
A curious result. This is on a V-Core 3.1, 300, fitted with a microlight print head
Let's try this again. Different graphs depending on toolboard or beacon accelerometer.
V-core 300 AWD 48v
Lower max Accel after installing FMMM, ToroTube and Motor Decouplers
Recommended shaper MZV - Vibration 6%
Toolhead Beta-400
VC3.1 500. I am getting some belt binding
vcore 300 Not sure how to input the proper values
Very loud
Vcore 400
V-minion speed
Vcore 400 graphs
VC3.1 500mm Enc 2.0 BRS AWD Ti Gantry Tube Belt Tension
I have no idea what to do and what this should look like.
Cant find the issue between 75 and 140 HZ
Vcore 3.1 400mm, does this look right?
Can someone decode this for me?
Y is ok but X is not, help please
I wonder if the Hertz is low? (v-core 3.1/500)
X looks great, Y like ****
V-Core 300 3.1 enclosed
Strange peak on y
Y Looks good X looks like sth is lose?
Weird Belt Tension graph
Is this any good?
Monoblock Carbon Fiber Hemera XS 3.1 500
How can I improve?
Newbie at adxl resonance testing
Belt resonance
V-Core 200 Ringing on Y-Axis
Tuning my 500mm Vcore for high speed
V-core 500 IDEX terrible Y axis while X axis is quite OK
strange Y after chaning belts and toolhead
Custom v-core3
First Graphs from my Vcore 400
upgrading my vminion. how my graphs looks?
VC 3.1 400 Belt tension
Starting off on my V-Core 500
400 first graphs
Enclosed VC3.1 300mm Belt Tensioning
Tuning VCore with dual linear rail on gantry
what is this extra peak....
Friends, how do my graphs look? V-core 3 300m
How do I look?
XY matches, but....not tight enough? maybe?
Bad input shaper Vcore 500
pressure advance values not respected in printer.cfg
Shaper calibration: Fans on or off?
Need help interpreting graphs for 400mm V-Core 3.1
First steps with my resonance
Trying to tune Vcore 400mm
Is this okey?
I dont rly understand this
Input Shaper is on, but still getting ghosting
ACCELEROMETER_QUERY doestn work even when i run it twice
Just a question
will more tuning help?
help needed to fix resonance
Bad resonances after a few upgrades
Input shaper - toolboard
no ideá anymore!
Did I nail it?
Remindme. Which onbe is the upper belt blue or orange
Belt-Tension Problems
y-axis noise on x-axis shaper
How can i interpret this...
Low x accel
Changed belts, y axis makes strange reading
Hi All I'm trying configure Kusba on RatOS
Y always low
Help! Values to aim at for RR500
belt tension results, weird spike at 50hz on 1 belt every time.
My first build... I have no idea how to interpret these resonances.
help understanding belt tension graph please :) and input shaper
Double peak in both X and Y
Absolutely horrible frequency response
horrible adxl results on my v core 3.1 enclosed rat rig
Belt tension check
Error trying to activate ADXL setting on klipper.
Belt Tension Check
Y-Axis problems
VC3.1 + Enclosure 2.0 Belt Tension & Shaper Graphs
fix resonance
anything to do?
Anyone know what could cause the peak at a little over 50Hz?
ADXL burnt out?
First belt test - vcore 3.1 300
V-Core 3.1 enclosed 400 interpretation of graphs
Help me fix my Resonance Issue VCore 3 500
help interpreting my belt tension graphs
Spikes at high mghz belt tension
Serious issues with belt tension/IS after installing FMMM mod
ringing after IS
v-minion y-axis woes
Flat frequency response on one axis
EBB36 adxl axis swapping
Post Enclosure Kit Resonance
Second peak offset, first peak perfect
Something drastic on X
shaper graphs not showing up in folder
double peaks on x axes
Something seriously wrong with my machine
Can't work out what this peak is
Belt tension 500 2xhumps?
Belt tension graph is not behaving
what should I be aiming for for belt tension?
Help for a newbs. How to adjust the belt tension ?
Looking good? Vcore 400
A resonance study - test series
AWD enclosed VC 3.1 500 y belt tension issue
High peak at around 130Hz in belt tension with FMMM
Just re-tensioned my belts (VCore 400)
V-Core 3.1 Enclosure 2.0 500mm Belt Tension & Resonance Help
What should I do from here?
Weird ~117Hz X Resonance and Belt Tension Graph
Good/Bad? RR vCore3.0 500
v-minion Y issue
V-Minion first Run
What to improve? (vCore3.1 300mm)
Idk what im looking for here.
Need Help improving graphs (EVA3.0 extruder VZBot330 Motion system)
Odd belt tension graph
double peaks on Y
Odd resonance shape on VC300
What to improve?
Linear movement analysis
V-Minion: X Graph good, Y Graph bad
V minion X axis wonky graph
300 very odd belt and resonance graphs
V-core 3.1^500 - Fystec rail - weird graphs
I haven't see a ZV recommendation on my 300 before.
How bad/normal/good is this?
Rebuilt with new belts, how are these please
X two big peaks
Tension check, what to tension?
Any advice to improve?
Is this CoreXY Belt Tension Good or Bad???
Cant get the belt tension "equal"
any help appreciated
Y limited to 3600
Input shaper still quite messy after lots of work
Did i do something wrong?
Impact of cabeling on electronics panel
Can Someone Explain - I do not understand
V-core-3 500mm stock with FMMM. Need some help.
Belt tension looks noisy
Limited speed
Another belt resonance/tension question
fixing this vibration
belt tension graph confusion
Resonance at 125hz
How can I improve on my Acceleration speeds
belt tension
Dual Peaks on Y-Axis Input Shaper
what is this telling me
Trying to understand the graphs. Vcore 3.1 300
Getting both Freq Similar
Why Gantry isnt flush? Also bad resonances?
horrible belt tension
Does this mean I need to loosen my upper belt?
Graph for enclosed 3.1 400 with Gates belts
Perfect resonance bad belt tension
How bad are these and where should I start?
fixing belt tension on a VC3 500
I really wish I knew more about this
Is this good?
VC500 - STD6 hotend - VZ carriage - MGN9 and Carbon.
Is this OK ?
resonance spikes on new carriage
MPU 6050 input shaper
Help me understand what my Input Shaper graphs are telling me
strange horizontal Y pattern
Tension graph core 3.1-500 okay?
Before and after impute shaper shows no change
Graphs for V-Core 3 400 original Belts
Resonance calculation attributes Y resonance to Z in graph
I can't resolve my vibration issues. Can someone help?
I think I'm ok?
How to evaluate my belt and resonance?(V-core3.1 300 Enclosure2.0)
Good belt tension graph for vCore 3.1 400?
Different recommendations for X Input Shaping
Keep adjusting or leave it alone?
Loose bolt or something? VCore 3.1 300
V-core 3.1 400 full metal mod. Looking kinda clean.
V-Core 500, Y-Resonance, Duet RRF
[v-core 3.1 500] Further Tuning Advice
VC3.1 500 issues. FMMM and Extrusionless X
Resonances on y axis (v-core 3.1 300) are horrible, it's driving me nuts.
Resonance coming from rattleling bearing balls in X-carriage
Ebb36 not working ADXL345
bad input shaper after change eva3
belt tension result
is there a way to continuously vibrate at a certain frequency?
Wierd looking chart
VC3 500 w/AWD
V core 3.1 500 bad graphics and jerky
Horrible ghosting
Input Shaper results are inconsistent
Good, bad? Any tips belts feel pretty even. Its a 500 do I need to work on anything?
What to do with acceleration?
First graph
V-core 500 resonance test
VCore 3.1 300mm - reason for second peak on Y-Axis???
Please, help me reading v-minion Y graph
First Input shaper test on V-Core 3.1 500, looks horrible
I uh never done this before, looking clean
Measure_corexy_belt_tension macro
New VC500 build, need some advice
Input shaper results
Help with x resonances
Over dampening?
Advice with the graph Vc3.1 300
new minion
Hint for having wierd resonance ....
BUZZ 80-120 mms
Horrible resonance at specific speed
Should i tension upper belt a little bit?
Belt tension graph weirdness
Are my 500 belts even according to the graph?
V core 3.1 500
VC300 belt tension?
vc300 should I try to improve this?
V-Core 500
Is the ADXL345 just unreliable?
Resonance help for v-core 3 500
Rules and Discussion
V-Core 4 - 300 - What is an acceptable range?
Commissioning Mesh - race to the top
Mesh question, unconventional printer use
Leveling a warped Bed Mesh Vcore4 500mm
can/should I try to improve this with kapton tape?
Vcore 3.1 400 after beacon configuration
2 level mesh V-Core 4 - 400 - IDEX
Vcore 4 IDEX 500mm bed banana...
V-core 4 500
Bed mesh on vcore 3.1 500 how to fix beacon
issues with first layer and beacon this is my mesh Vcore 3.1 300
New vc4 500 idex
Fixing the hump - VC4 - 400
4 corner peaks obvious dip in middle - what to do
Low dip on D
Brand new bed - flatnes problem
Strange Heightmap Shape
Need Help with Commissioning Mesh VC4 500
Bed flatness tolerance VCore4 500 8mm bed
Stuck, considering rebuilding VC3.1 500
v-core 4 500 idex 8mm bed
when bed is 80c
bed_mesh: invalid min/max points
Bed Mesh on V-Core 4 500mm IDEX
Tolerances for V-CORE 4 400
Bed mesh on V-core 4 300mm
Adaptive mesh every print
Some tips i found by researching on my own and watching the video ratrig how to get a square frame
Cant bring up the left back corner
Vcore 500, heat soaked mesh with 1mm+ range
VC4 500 Hybrid Commissioning Build Plate Prep
VCore 3.1 400mm Mesh problem
All print surfaces bowed in middle. Cause?
Adaptive mesh compensation- how to turn off?
Wavy Vcore 4 500 mesh!
Commissioning Mesh - Looking for assistance
VC 3.1 400 Fix back corner
VC4 500 IDEX initial cold mesh
VC4 500 Comissioning mesh
VC4 400 hybrid bowed along Y axis, trending down in X axis
how can i fix my bed v-core 4 500mm?
Rear left dip ruining mesh
vcore 3.1 500
What to do?
Commissioning V-core 4 500 IDEX - 0.8mm deviation range
Commissioning V-Core 4 Idex
Commissioning V-Core 400 IDEX
How good is this mesh for a V-Core 4 500
Initial Preparation mesh
Brute force as last resort?
What is the secret to tightening rails?
Need suggestions on how to improve
Tolerances of stock bed?
is this normal ?
Mysterious Peak
Z-Tilt error: Retries aborting: Probed points range is increasing
Is this a problem with the bed itself or the frame? (V-Core 3.1 500)
IM at my witts end . I have done the tuning guide and video like 10 times ,
Struggling to get rid of this tilt
vcore 4 500 hybrid looks all over the place
Depression on bed corner - Vcore4 500 hybrid
Having issues with my 500
bed mesh looks bowed
V-Core 3.1 not compensating for BED MESH profile
mash Strange swolt
Box was hit in shipping. Does this need to be replaced? Vcore 500
Weird wave on Vcore 4 500 hybrid mesh
Enclosed V-Core 3.1 500. Initial Commissioning Mesh
Super Pinda, still leaves the first layer uneven on RatRig500
V-Core 3.1 300 "shifting" mesh
VC4 500. is my frame crooked or is it the build plate?
V-Core 4 300 - Do I need to work on my gantry more?
VC4 500 bed replaced -> mesh now ok?
Vcore 3.1 400 frame not square
VC4 400mm Bed Mesh - Bowed Gantry?
[Vcore 4 500] Struggling with this one.
[v-core-4 400mm] Having trouble with fixing C corner. What is considered acceptable?
[v-core-3.1 500mm] can't get it under .2mm range
Wave on vcore 4 500 mesh
V-Core 4 500 Y axis wave
what to adjust.
Beacon scan exposed waves in sheet/plate
V-Core 3.1 500 Extreme Cornering in Bed Mesh
Z-Tilt makes it worse
Beacon compensation
VC4 400 Both back corners dip
Proper beacon mesh sequence
VCore4 300 Hybrid
Wave in bed (VC4-500)
How do I get rid of the waves?
hump In bed (V Core 4 500mm)
V-core 3.0 500 Mesh
Vcore 3.1 500mm Mesh Help
adding beacon mesh points?
Vcore 500 mesh extreme cornering
Vcore 500 bed mesh
vcore 300 wave
VC3.1 300 fixable without taking it apart?
Bed Mesh V-Core 500 tilted (Front right low, back left High 0.77 difference)
the great Blue Hole
Fix my fucked up mesh
my mesh is bad...
Enclosed Vcore 3.1 500, any pointers?
First Layer Problem with Adaptive_Mesh
Help Please
IDEX 500 weird mesh evolution
VC 3.1 300 first bed calibration.
VC3.1 Enclosed 400
start G-code for PAM
Bed Mesh taco with some obvious inflection from alignment
VC3.1 Enclosed 400 Back Corner Peak
Mesh not compensating in back of print volume VCORE3 300
weird dip.
VC3.1 500. From Saddle to bow
Please help, struggling to get my head around the leveling procedure.
Extremely terrible mesh, bad tilt
bad bed mesh v core 3.0
Seems I have over compensated. How close is good for a 500?
tilt even after Z_TILT_ADJUST and a very fine bed mesh
Wonky Mesh.. again!
Low spot on the mesh
beacon 1mm drop off after install
huge cliff on mesh
Wavy mesh
V-core 300 bed mesh
V-core 300 first mesh cold and hot
Advice on Sqauring Up - Strange mesh
Weird things on right Y axis
Enclosed v3.1 500 is it enough?
Kamp not working
new idex build mesh 400 enclosed
should bed leveling be this tilted?
Need Advice/Sanity Check
Mesh v-core 3 400x400
Bed mesh falls off a cliff in one corner
help : any idea what is it ?
Bed mesh doesn't load
Hello i need some help
Cannot smash this corner any more.
V-Core 3.1 400 with bent X-Gantry?
Vcore 3.1 500 IDEX
Is this the best I can do ?
V3.1 500 Mesh causing inconsistent print
V3.1 Enclosed bad bed mesh.
Frame Adjustment advice
bed leveling not working?
V3.1 400 enclosed bed mesh
Bed Tilt/Mesh Clarification
V-Core 3.1 400mm
V-Core 3.1 400m bed mesh twisted near back of printer
Beacon Out of Range
V-Core 3.1 500mm³ range 2.48
VCore 3.1 500 high mesh range
fix my mesh
move out of range
My first printer, Ratrig 400 mesh, v shape?
Taco, pancake, saddle... mesh
400mm 3.1 mesh
move by 0.1mm for mesh alignment
Enclosed 400: Low corner to saddle to wave to low corner infinite loop.
Enclosed v3.1 400 bed mesh advice
0.6 Range My Mesh Is Disgusting :(
New V-minion, bad mesh.
Bulge on bed center
Mesh Range High... Frame or Bed?
Odd Bed Mesh
Saddle shaped mesh
V-Core 3 400 mesh, good enough?
Tolerances of 500x500 bed ?
Saddle shape mesh (V-Core 3.1 500mm)
Bed mesh doesn't seem to apply
Huge Bed Dip! Help!
Mesh Suggestions
Trouble getting my frame squared (V-Core 3.0 300mm)
hump in the middle of the bed
V-Core 3.1 300x300, could use some pointers.
Is this OK?
Any help will be good
V-Core 3 500x500 With BLTouch. Where / how do I increase the mesh grid size?
2nd Hand Printer with paper underneath?
bed mesh: waved bed
Bad first layer, mesh not compensating as it should
Bed mesh does nothing
after shiming right rail no Differenc
Increase probe points
Mesh got worse after installing the enclosure
Why is this happening?
Pretty flat, but tilted on initial meshes (V-Core 3.1 400mm)
Wacky mesh, please help
VCore 3.1 enclosed mesh
Solved: Mesh getting worse over time
All 4 corners are higher than the center.
Bed Compensates Too much
Good after rebuilding VC3 400
BL-Touch Failed To Deploy
Pringles shaped bed?
Mesh waves
Z- TILT doesnt work correctly
VC400 bow in heightmap
new rat rig 3.1 build bed is definitely not flat any ideas
VC3.1 300 - what to adjust?
V500 Meshing after heating pad stuck on.
Bad probe location bias
VC500 Enclosed Mesh
Fair or not?
New Plate is not flat
still not a good result after the conversion
Having trouble lowering a gantry corner? Protip: Use heat tape
Z-offset inconsistency
probde_count dont change!!
Any ideas on what to fix?
Saddle looking bed mesh
How could I improve that mesh?
What should I do about this?
Printer not follow bed mesh
im happyish with it... (is this good enough?)
Idea? Bedmesh is completely off world
Probed after heating shows upwards bow down the center
Bed Mesh gone mad
Suggestions for getting a bit better
Can't get rid of that middle dip
Issue with Bed Mesh
Fix the dip :)
Any tips to solve Y-axis valley?
Problem with ABL
Need some help with my mesh
Mesh stops about halfway through
500 Bed Mesh kinda whack
VC 3.1 500 valley
Cant get this corner down
Mesh issue with beacon
Saddle Bed Mesh - V-Core 3.1 500
Corner dip?
"bent" y-axis on a cold printer
X axis wave on 500mm
Mesh issue, still can't figure it out
Bed mesh problem after rebuild! Vcore 500
Bedmesh not to bad, but first layer not good
help i am going crazy
Mesh After Enclosure
Bed Mesh
Beacon + Spannsysteme X-Gantry = Sensing Artifacts?
Mesh Bed Everywehre.
500mm bed mesh with full width hump. Gantry issue?
First Rat Rig - Possible damage to bed, need help
What frame skew causes this mesh
Did I bent the bed? (300mm)
Bed mesh fix results
Another bed mesh numpty
Bed Mesh Not Loading
Implementing Klipper-Adaptive-Meshing-Purging.
Is it good enogh?
New V-Core 3.1 500 Out of Square?
flipped bed mesh????
fixing a lake
500mm Bed Mesh & Z-Offset
Creating a bed mesh
v minion
Watched the video and giving my best but it seems it heavy warped
.7 on a 500, mostly in one corner
Bed Mesh Just Keeps Getting Worse
First scan what to do
following frame square guide but things seems to be getting worse.
Bed dip in the middle along Y axis
inconsistent and unreliable bed mesh need help please
V-Minion bed tilt?
V-Core 500, To Sag or Not To Sag?
Very tilted v minion
Bed mesh doesnt match up. doesnt compensate right
Bed mesh not working correctly
Oh Gods of the mesh, hear my prayers!
Just did my first scan, how to adjust?
Not sure what to adjust
Don't be fooled unsquaring your frame...
What adjustments do I need to make?
Different mesh on each measurement
Is this the best I can get? Or is this a warped bed?
Suspected warped bed because of a printhead crash.
bend in plate/mesh?
Bed mesh issue on v-core 500
Skewed frame or warped bed?
500mm v-core 3 (enclosed). Can I do better?
First Layer problem, always squished on bottom left/ left side
400mm V-Core 3 - Am I being too picky with this mesh?
Well damn....after enclosure 2.0
Abrupt dip in the middle of the plate - Vcore3.1 400
V-Core 500. X Axis
Hints for Improvement
first layer
Y Axis Bow, how to fix?
Needing help reducing range
bed mesh spike on vcore v3.1 300mm
[Fixed]Sides sagging once enclosure is heated up
Z-tilt not correcting tilt along Y axis
Bed mesh on Vcore3.1 500
Corner dip. Bed level with PAM. Uneven first layer. i.e. perfect layer one side, opposite too close
first layer is not 100%
Rear corner dip
X-axis problem in chamber
V-Minion chamber
New Bed Plate
First Mesh hot off the press
Sanity check
Nozzle too low all the time
VC500 bowed bed ?
Mesh for v-core 500
Before and After
Bed or Gantry bowing
PAM and variable_calibrate_bed_mesh
Bed mesh, frame or bed?
Bed mesh check
More Mesh than hardware - Normal overkill?
Best practice procedure questions regarding hot & cold mesh profiles for minimizing failures.
Slanting down on either side, Im at a loss.
V-Minion Mesh help
Anyone willing to try and tackle this one?
Quick question I thought the stock gantry was supposed to bow downwards when hot. This suggests oth
Need advise on how to fix this mesh
Bed or frame?
Temperature for mesh and z-offset
V-Core 3 Mesh Problem
Clarifications about Frame Squaring Video?
V-Minion Bed Mesh question
Rules and Discussion
Fragen zum IDEX
Warum funktioniert mein Drucker nicht?
Was mach ich mit den Input Shaper Ergebnissen ? - wo eintragen ?
Vcore 3.1 Idex Problem nach Firmware Update
Beacon intitaiale Einrichtung verfährt in falsche Richtung
Toolhead Fan an, wenn er aus sein sollte
Ganz wilde Inputshaper auf X
G_Code Einrichtung Orbiter Smart Sensor (Filament Sensor)
Z-Tilt Einstellungen bei RatOS 2.1?
V-Core 3 IDEX Z-Offset für T1
Nach Ratos neu geht mal wieder nix mehr
Linear Wagen schmieren bei Vcore4, Schluss mit dem Gequietsche, jedenfalls von den Linearführungen
Config Fehler Heat Soak Time
Druckkopf quietscht auf einmal
RatOS config Fehler
Nozzle LED von 3DO Kameras bei aktiven tool an machen
VC4 random AUS
Missing skew profile!
Ich brauche Hilfe für 3.1 400.
Zweite Kamera in Crowsnest
Firmware Shutdown: MCU Defekt?
BoxTurtle Odyssee :D
ERCF am Minion/V-Core
4028 Lüfter
Heightmap verbessern mit Metallfolie
2. Toolboard für MMU einbinden
Unregelmäßiger Druck
Frage zum z-offset beim ratrig
Riemenspannungsmessgerät hilft :)
Netzwerkkabel am Raspi
Filament Sensor Orbiter Release Button (das leidigliche Thema)
Druckprobleme nach Hotend-Wechsel am Minion
filamentsensor btt v1
Bridging über infill fällt ein
Unable to read tmc uart 'stepper_z' register IFCNT
BBT TMC5160T Pro V1.0
Gantry Problem!
Eigengebauter IDEX
UBS Cam geht nach Update nicht mehr RAT OS 2.1
Kann mir hier vieleicht jemand helfen
BTT Smart Filamentsensor V2.0 und Z Nachstellung nach Bettmesh
Part-Fan 100% beim Starten des Druckers
Orca SLicer Fan Settings - nix verstehn ...
Temperatur Problem nach Update 2.1 an Z2 Motor / Treiber
BLTouch failed to raise probe
RatOS 2.0.2 + Manta M8P V1.0 + CM4 mit eMMC | ratos.local nicht aufrufbar
build plate Abweichung
Home Position nach Update verändert.
END_PRINT und Folge-G-Code vertragen sich nicht.
first layer Probleme
Belt Tensioning VC3.1 200
Leds Verbauen Problem
Led verbauen V core 3 3.1
Ratrig Toolhead Toolboard
Y-Endstop immer getriggert
X-Achse schief
First layer Probleme - Düse wandert immer Richtung Druckbett
Fluidd auf RatOS 2.0x und 2.1 installieren (WIP!)
Orbiter Filament Sensor auf Octopus
Probe samples exceed sample_tolerance
z Tilt Problem
Probleme nach RatOS 2 Installation
USER-LED settings
Temperatursensor Problem V-Core-4-400mm
Tasmota schaltet den Pi erst nach kurzem Toggle ein
Oozing/Stringing Probleme
Lucianos Drucker
Drucker druckt nicht auf der Gesamten Druckfläche 400mm
Kollision beim starten vom Druck
LED Pilars/Raum licht RatOS 2.1
Chamber heater config
Z_TILT_ADJUST Z-Tilt Probleme beim Abfahren
Enclosure Heater Config-Umstricken
Triangellab Euclid: Shutdown due to expected probe state to be stowed but is deployed (0)
Fan Lüfter Steuern Printer.cfg
M8P v2 mit CB1 und Ebb42 startet nicht
MCU 'toolboard_t0' shutdown: ADC out of range
Rapido 2 Heat Creep/Clogging
ADXL mit Pi Pico Problem
ws2813 anschließen
TMC UART Register Fehler nach update auf rc1
Z Achse piepst/quietscht
Lüfterverhalten falsch bei Bauraumheizung
Heater_Bed not heating at expected rate
Fan - 4028 NIDEC an Octopus 1.1 immer auf 100%
ARCTIC S4028-15K dreht immer und macht Geräusche
Drucker verbindet nicht mit dem Netzwerk
extrusion Ursache unklar
Temperatur Probleme
Welche Kugellager könnt ihr empfehlen?
Stringing extrem
Cartographer und mehrfach move Z beim Homen
Ebb 42 1.2 defekt
Toolhead-Cooling-Fan - PWM-Control 12V -> 9V Drosselung
Klipper Fehler
screws_tilt_adjust beim Ender 3 pro Problem (RatOS)
Z Out of Range
Layer oder Extrusion
Y-Begrenzung wegen 4028-Hotendlüfter
Klipper reports: SHUTDOWN Heater heater_bed not heating
Extruder Motor Power
Extruder Motor Richtung
V-Core 3 X-Y Achsen vertauscht
Bekomme ständig wieder diesen Fehler
Printer.cfg Vorlage Unterstützung bei IBN
Nach vollständigem Update geht nix mehr...... HILFE!
ratlos bei Ratos configuration wizard
sanyo 4028 Fan an Octopus Pro V1.1 mit BTT-Pi
Octopus Pro 446 kann nicht geflasht werden
Manta M8P RatOs Konfiguration
Keine generate_shaper_graphs Bildauswertung
Hybrid core xy Software Fragen
FIrst Layer/Mesh
Gehäuselüfter Umluft ansteuern
komisch Linie beim Druck mit Minion
Stepper Übertemperatur nach 4028 tausch
Time Out MCU Toolhead
Drucker geht sofort Shutdown !
Haftungsprobleme mit 3DO PETG
EBB 36 + 4Pin Partcooling Fan
V-Core 3.1 Sensorless Homing instalation
V-Minion Firmware
Komische Artefakte auf den außen Wänden
Linearschiene mit zu viel Spiel?
Wo muss ich suchen bei der Riemenspannung ?
Seltsame Artefakte, langsame Außenwände inkl. Vibrationen
lgx Lite v2 wiring
ADXL345 Verkabelung V-Minion SKR2 board
Belt Tension Graph immer gleich? Oder doch nicht?
Bekomme nach Umbau nun folgenden fehler, MCU 'toolboard' shutdown: ADC out of range
Nach Update von Klipper in RatOS bekomme ich folgende Meldung (siehe Bild Anhang)
bed mesh calibrate im druckbereich hilfe.
MCU Fehler druck wird abgebrochen.
Bed Mesh Fehler mit Beacon
Unknown Command g2, g3
Start g code Ratrig v core 3 400³
Z Tilt komisch
ROME unload filament macro
Display rotate_2
Flow reduziere, cfg
mcu error
ROME Extruder 2 IFCNT Fehler
g28 Fehler beim Homen von z
SD Busy in Klipper Terminal
Beacon Rev.H Bed Mesh für Rat Rig V-Core 500 erzeugen.
In Printer.cfg einstellung durch Macro ändern?
Beacon & Primeblob
Beacon Rev.H Homing nicht möglich. Endstop Z?
Beacon und z-offset in printer.cfg
Endstop für Extruder Sensor (ERCF) reagiert nicht (falsch angeschlossen?!?)
Extruder wird sehr Heiß
Octopus kann nicht mit TMC5160 Treibern Kommunizieren.
4028: läuft, aber kein PWM
Kamera steht Kopf.
Linear Vibration test interpretation
Drucker akzeptiert wiederverwendung existierender Pins nicht:
Sherpa Rome
LED Anschluss
Nidec 4028 läuft nicht an Octopus Max Ez
Euclid Probe
Druck Dimensionierung passt nicht
4028 Controller Fan läuft auf 100%
Extremes Geschepper bei 85-105mm/s
Start_print macro in den overrides zerschiesst adaptive mesh
Suche hilfe beim Star_Print_code vom OrcaSlicer
Fehlersuche für Klipper
Euclid Probe funktioniert nicht richtig
Belt Tension- Verbesserung
Next page