Bed Thermistor Error
control: pid
pid_kp: 68.203
pid_ki: 2.842
pid_kd: 409.216
sensor_type: MAX31865
sensor_pin: PD9
spi_speed: 4000000
spi_software_sclk_pin: PA5
spi_software_mosi_pin: PA6
spi_software_miso_pin: PA7
rtd_nominal_r: 100
rtd_reference_r: 430
rtd_num_of_wires: 3

20 Replies
Can you disable the MAX chip and use the thermocouple without?
sadly a three wire and it is m4p board so only two port
Ordered the official adafruit one. After your response I tried many options, rechecking my own handy work with the soldering, probing the rsense, probing the wires, and changing the voltage correctly.
Perhaps there is a dead component I overlooked.
Does anybody know if it is ratos or klipper that has an issue with a max chip for the bed thermocouple?
in this case ratos is just klipper - and klipper shouldn't have an issue with the max chip
hmm, i guess i will go back through again my wiring, i got the offical adafruit pt100 amplifier still getting the same error.
perhaps i will move on populating the adxl io instead of using m0 stepper drive slot

Is it a V-Minion?
Super Racer with custom parts that I want to run ratos on

And you are using RatOS?
Trying to make it work yes
It will be massive!
RatOS is not ready for round beds
You mean the macros that is?
Everything is made for square/rectangle beds
I am fine without them for now. Got used to ratos on my vmimion though.
Later will look into the macro stuff and see what I can do there.
But probably will be on my own for that I imagine.
IMO, not worth the hassle. You can later copy some stuff to vanilla klipper
I see, well thanks.
found a problem

set min_temp=-260
short in the thermistor connection
i hope so