Rat Rig Community [Unofficial]


Rat Rig Community [Unofficial]

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Unable to parse 'inf' as a literal: malformed node or string:

Setting up my V-Minion 1.1, got to the beacon calibate section. Beacon started probing, then with nozzel temps, then bed temps and started "RatOS | BEACON: Measure gantry twist..." and probed the middle of the bed, then corner at 40,40 and then this:
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Stepper driver warning: OTPW flag set

Hi All, I have been getting this warning for stepper_z1 and stepper_z2 pop up anytime I activate my Z-motors. "Stepper driver warning: OTPW flag set...

Internal error on command:"G28"

Hi all : PRUSA MK3S. Been running Ratos for a serious while; SD went corrupt so reinstalled. I've first tried 2.1 RC3 but wizard would fail systematically (same symptoms as : https://discord.com/channels/582187371529764864/1328642949373755482/1328642949373755482 ), so went-back to Ratos 2 Any help would be great, I have 4 of these bad boys nervously waiting for a fresh SD..... Many thanks in advance...
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Stepper Noise after Update to 2.1.0 RC2

Hello everyone. I updated my V-Core 3.1 500 to RatOS 2.1.0 RC2 a few days ago and so far everything looks good and feels nice. Except for the stepper noise, which has appeared after the update and wasn't audible before. I mean that melodic whining sound, you probably know what I mean. Didn't have that with 2.0.x and I can't figure out what setting to change to get rid of that noise. I don't mind a loud printer, but that high pitch tone is driving me nuts 😄 Thank you in advance for your help

Fans strange behavior.

so i have tryed to get controll of my part and hotend fans, when the controls are at 100 then they wont spin and at 0 they do spin, its 2 pin fans on a Btt V1.0 board and i have now installed latest version of RatOs, printer worked just fine before updating system. and there are no mentioning of fans/cooling in Print.cfg so where can i change behavior of fans now?...

// Unknown command:"G17" and "G3" when printing

I'm having a couple of issues. First, I can't get time lapse to work, even though it seems to be trying to create the lapse. But most importantly and for now, I can't figure out why I am getting these G17 and G3 errors on every print I create with OrcaSlicer. I'm uploading a copy of the console output. In the attached image, you can see that ARC is off, which has me scratching my head why I get those G3 errors. I believe G17 is somehow related, but not sure. Can anyone help me troubleshoot this...
sorry, its [gcode_arcs]

SFS v2 triggering clog pause

i tried ! before the PG15 with same results, as soon as it can it triggers pause, when printing and also when just extruding i tried detection distance from 2.88mm to 20mm, what should i try next?...
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beacon 3.1 wrong offset

hi I have retrofitted a beacon to my ratrig v3.1. Now I have the problem that ratos still uses the x and y offset from the super pinda. When I start the z tilt, it is the points from the super pinda and when I do the heightmap calibration, it always moves too far to the left and slightly touches the x end stop. I have already reinstalled ratos extra but the problem is the same....

Rat Pack wont start

Install Rat Pack on Octopus V1.1 and configure it as shown in the instructions, but it will not start. Moving the cable to constant 24v (one of the sockets next to the right) will work, but I have no control over the speed. So what I'm doing wrong [fan_generic filter] pin: PD15 = 24V pin: !PD14 = Blue cable...
Yep. That did the trick.. If I would read more I could have figure it out. Thank you

Heater chamber_heater not supported

10:38 PM RatOS: please wait... 10:38 PM RatOS | TEMPERATURE_WAIT: Waiting for sensor: temperature_sensor chamber, MINIMUM: 60 10:38 PM...
you have overwritten some ratos macros

Print Start shows a warning about incomplete Slicer configuration.

I started my first print after updating to RatOS 2.1-RC3 (Printing a ringing tower to calculate input shaping parameters) and received a warning message in the console as follows: Incomplete Slicer Configuration detected Your slicer gcode settings are not up to date. Learn more about the RatOS Slicer Configuration...
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Probe Samples Exceed Tolerance

While running the beacon calibrate macro, I get samples exceed tolerance and cannot continue. Where should I start with debugging?
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Error during accelerometer data streaming

After update to latest Ratos 2.1 (v2.1.0-RC3-25-g0477559b) I get this error when I want to enable de data stream on the beacon. Data stream on EBB42 works. Beacon seams to work normally. I get the same result if I disable all extensions in Chrome and restart chrome. Is this update related or did I mess up something else?...
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Printer Site Reference name

I have multiple printers on a wired network. There used to be a way (before ratos 2.x) to change the site name of a printer from ratos.local to something else (.local). I think it was a macro actually. But I can't remember and I don't see a listed macro for it on 2.1x. Need help recalling how to do that thanks.

2.1 Installation stuck at ratos-configurator

After failing to get 2.0.2 running I was advised to try 2.1 but ran into some problems. I followed the Installation instructions with the latest RC2 image. Connected via Ethernet I did the ratos update and I am getting stuck on the ratos-configurator showing "###### Updating npm and pnpm..." for an hour now.

EBB42 flashing/setup via usb(data only) + 24v

Full rebuild of my v-minion, I only have data and 24v going to the tool head through my umbilical. Before i fire up ratos setup, is this wiring fine or should i use a usb cable to flash and then go back to my umbilical?
And i just sent it at like 2am last night and that worked perfectly, all 3 boards flashed perfectly

Default Filter Fans Speeds don't meet Ratrig Docs

I recently bought and set up a Ratrig Chamber Filter. I got it working but there are a few discrepancies. The on-line docs state the that default fan speed is 1.0, or 100%; however it runs at 50%. I found this setting in a configuration file chamber_filter.cfg where it has this: variable_chamber_filter_speed: 0.5
One or the other needs to be changed to make them the same....

Pressure advance doesn't seem to get implemented

since i changed to a 0.5mm nozzle, i did some PA tests with Ellis' tool. However, the results afterwards seemed off to me. I printed this part 3 times, with PA values 0.045, 0.055 and 0.095 (to test), but the results are mostly identical. IN the PA testprint from Ellis the results do vary a lot, so i seems that the values in my cfg dont get implemented in the actual prints.. thoughts?...
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Adding a BTT Eddy to my RatRig 3.1

Please can someone assist me in this I have tried to add and remove it and it doesnt want to work. I can grab the Printer.cfg if needed but ive looked for somone who has done this or knows how to do it.

Biqu Microprobe how to select?

Hi, I see in the directory structure, I see microprobe.cfg, but it's not a selectable entity in the configurator. How do I make it appear or leverage it?...