Rat Rig Community [Unofficial]


Rat Rig Community [Unofficial]

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Increasing bed mesh points?

Hey guys i'm wondering if there is a way in the printer.cfg file to increase the number of probed points. I'm currently using the super pinda probe and it appears to probe 7x7 or 49 points. I guess im wondering if I could say double that somewhere? Thanks again guys Chris...

PT1000 Problem

The printer ( v core 4 ) will not extrude PLA on 220 degrees celius. i dont know what the problem is but cant find the solution, anyone an idea??...

VAOC probleem

I cant connect to the camera but al cables are correct, need some help please...

mcu pin name vs board pin name

Trying to utilize one of the four 24V heater block connections labeled HE0 - HE4 on the BTT Octopus V1.1 board to power the LED bars I received with my V4 kit. For no particular reason I conected first to the HE3 block and set up my "LED" text Identifying the "white" pin as PB11 per the BTT pinout. Klipper provided an immediate "No LED pin defined" that I eventually troubleshooted by finding the text "e_heater_pin=PA2" in the RatOS.cfg. I moved my wiring to HE0 and redefined the LED pin as "P...

NOT!!!! Yet another VAOC problem I did not read the commision guide!!

Camera is working and can be seen from the mainsail interface as well as if the cam is plugget into the computer.

MCU shutdown: 'Timer too close' at the end of VAOC Calibrate Z-Offsets

I went in an mcu shutdown timer too close during the z-offsets calibration process in the VAOC. This is repeatable. The probeing procedures completed for both toolheads, but at the very end when the offset between the toolheads is calculating it fails and the printer run in a mcu shutdown, quickly. It looks like the pi is too busy, but i think specially at this point the calculating of the offset is not a very complex (a simple subtraction?). The printer is in stock configuration except a usb webcam and two BTT sfs v2 filament sensors. It is a VC4 500 Idex machine....

toolboard device conflict

I'm trying to configure my printer for a pico-mmu, where I have an EBB42 on the toolhead (vc3.1) and another for the mmu. They're both coming up as t0. I tried following the instructions at https://github.com/lhndo/LH-Stinger/wiki/Pico-MMU-RatOS but my situation was different, in that both of my toolboards had already been flashed as t0 at some point (the one now on the MMU was originally on the toolhead as I was assembling it, but the USB broke off and has since been repaired). I've tried USB flashing just the 2nd one (they both appear as t0 in the configurator), I've tried USB flashing both the first and second board,...

Change Wifi SSID without configurator

Hello everyone, is there a way to change the wifi ssid (same password, just a different ssid on 2.4 GHz instead of 5 GHz) without having to go through the configurator again? Thank you in advance!
I believe you can just run through the configurator for just that step and save, but if you don't want to try that you can edit the wpa_supplicant file manually

[VC3.1-400][ratos 2.1.0-RC2] Do I have to restart from scratch?

Yesterday I put the 2.1.0-RC2 ratos installer on my Pi and followed the setup instructions. I successfully got the Pi to connect to my WiFi network. Next, the Pi successfully detected my Octopus and flashed the firmware onto it. After that the webclient asked me to choose my Extruder, Thermistor, Fan, etc. which I did. So I believe I am now at the step where I go to the Update Manager and update the RatOS package. But there is no RatOS entry in my Update Manager. As you can probably tell I am not really a software guy and this is my first time working with a Pi. At this point is it safe for me to connect all my steppers, fans, etc. to my Octopus? How do I know if I have made any mistakes so far?...
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Filament runout detection pausing at start of sprint

I'm running a Mellow Filguard Filament detector. Like the title says it's pausing the print at the start of a print. When I extrude a bit of filament I see the sensor and jam sensor both turn to "detected". But if I don't do this they are initially marked as empty and when the print starts they are still empty and it pauses the print. pressing resume won't help in that case I have to disable the sensors for the print to actually start and continue. I set it up on my config in the following way:...

DataCloneError: The object can not be cloned.

Getting this error message when trying to use realtime analysis from my iphone or ipad.

Ellis pressure advance tool won't print

I'm trying to do PA tuning with a new filament, and the generated gcode from Ellis' tool results in a "print aborted".
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Trying to flash Ebb 42 Can 1.2 but it will not go into DFU mode for flashing? any suggestions?

Building a Vcore 4 and have been successful without help on everystep until now lol. What could i possibly be doing wrong ? did the button sequence multiple times. Switched USB ports on my pc from the front ports to the back and have plugged all three boards in and off multiple times to reset. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you sir! You were correct! Connected to an alternative power source I was able to flash both boards easily!

Bug report Mis-asigned pin

Hello, I believe I found a bug Ratos 2.2RC3 BTT Manta M8P Z on motor 4, Z1 on motor 5,...
Just pick the right version. You've picked v1.0, but the pins you want is v1.1 of the m8p.

VAOC won't connect

The camera wont connect maby because I did not wire it correct but I check evertying, and it connecten good. so dis meant somthing els is up can somebody help me please?...
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Update to new version

Hi all! Running now about a 1 year old installment of ratos, i beleive i was 1 of the first to go ratos when it released.
Now almost 1 year in i noticed there are a lot of new thinf (nozzle cam / visual inputshaper and such)...

"Invalid wifi credentials"

[ratOS v2.0.2] So its my first time building a V-core 3.1. I have flashed my SD card and inserted it into my Raspberry Pi 3B+. I connected to the Wifi hotspot and I got to the page: No problems up to that point. My issue now is that when I try to select my home's WiFi network and I provide the WPA2 password, it simply says "Invalid wifi credentials", which is obviously not the case. I saw in a post from 2022 that passwords containing '$' cause it to bug out. Does '!' also cause an issue? My password contains a '!', but it does not contain a '$'. ...

klippy location

where the klippy log file kepted ?

RatOs invalide

Hi! I’m triying since the morning to install RatOs as explain on the website but I m not able to update RatOs or RatOs configurator. On the picture you can see that the both are invalid… soft or hard recovery have no effect...
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RatOS Post-Processing Introducing Errors in GCode (More like destroying good GCode)

I've recently run into issues with what seems like the RatOS post processor mangling GCode. For background, I sliced a model (actually had errors in a couple other earlier prints of different parts too) in PrusaSlicer 2.9.0 for my VCore4 IDEX with the 400 IDEX machine selected in PrusaSlicer. When I upload it to the printer to print, at some point the printer errors out during the print saying some ridiculous move out of range error: "Move out of range: 1882.736 206.573 4.148 [2567.194]" That X movement is of course impossible. Knowing I was already running into issues earlier with a model I directly uploaded to RatOS from PrusaSlicer, I had opted to export the GCode from PrusaSlicer first and then uploaded to RatOS using the webUI. It turns out, the RatOS post processing seems to damage the GCode, introducing syntax errors and whatnot (posted the screenshot of some examples). I have no clue how that happens... I've attached both the pre and post processed files in case anybody is able to discern something... debug zip is also attached in a later comment...
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