Rat Rig Community [Unofficial]


Rat Rig Community [Unofficial]

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update speed stupidity slow

Not sure what channel to put this in, but my update speed is crazy slow. I have good broadband (250mbps) but this update transfer is just ridiculous. especially when the total files to be transmitted are 90mb, it’s taken 1 hour to transmit 7mb and only received 1.1mb What could be going on here ?...
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Logitec Brio webcam

Ive been trying to get this to work stable and reliably. Im not sure when but sometimes I get an image and the cam works. Then, it doesn't. Black. When I check dmesg and lsusb, the device is there. I delete the cam from the dashboard and add it, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. When I unplug the cam and replug it, sometimes I loose a connection the printer (the blue screen, not yellow) and it wont reconnect upon restart or firmware restart. I reboot the pi and mainsail works again, but the cam wont....

RatOS 2.1.0 RC1 from 2024-06-21 - why does the RatOs Hotspot password raspberry don't work

only for explanation what i have done: fresh install on SD with balena etcher - RatOs HotSpot appears - when i want to connect over WLAN with Phone it asks for password - i used raspberry amd when i try to connect (authentication...) the error message "connection failed, PLease try again" and password window opens again... tried it with CM4 in an Manta M8P aand also with RPi4 - same behavior

Cannot connect to Klipper

Total new install. Updated all packages. Connects to Moonraker but cannot connect to Klipper.
I unplugged the Beacon. Replaced the USB from RPi to Board. Now running config. It reflashed the board and this time the recheck worked.

Getting this error on each layer: Unknown command:"_ON_LAYER_CHANGE

Hi all, I'm getting my VCore 3.1 ready (first build) and slowly tuning the printer setting and filament settings. But I keep getting this error on each layer. Unknown command:"_ON_LAYER_CHANGE and have no clue what it means...

x endstop help

The Omron endstops supplied with the Vcore 4 are not available anywhere so I’m using cheap Amazon ones to upgrade my tool head. The Omron are closed by default. Will switching the pos and neg when connecting to the EBB42 work as a work around? I’m concerned that if I wire it wrong and the endstop triggers I could blow the board....

Reverse pin logic question

I'm trying to run an rgb nozzle light off the endstop port of the ebb36. I'm having trouble figuring out where to put the !. I would think it would be toolboard_t0:!PB6 but that returns an error. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Cannot get 2.1 to work on new install

I followed the RatRig dozuki site precisely regarding all electronics. I wired everything to the EBB42 v 1.2 toolboard and my Octopus v1.1 mcu. I created a totally new micro sd card with the latest version 2.1. I got to the install part where it asked for my toolboard. As expected it needed to be flashed. The automatic flashing did not work nor has any attempt to flash via DFU worked. And I have the 24vdc connected correctly. Brand new v3.1 USB cords. This is my third attempt in the 18 m...
Turns out connecting the PI via Ethernet solved the problems. I think my PI wireless is very weak.

Macro for getting the Hybrid belts result in crashing

See the macro in the picture this make the real time analysis tool crash after the frequence sweep. Strangely the toolhead doesnt move to the coordinate in the macro
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4 pin Part cooling Fan not turning on.

I have a vcore 3.1 with eva 2.0 head. I uncommented the 4 pin fan header for the part cooling fan in both 25khz and 100hz but nothing. I have a manta m8p v1.1 and its connected to fan5

Triangellab Euclid: Shutdown due to expected probe state to be stowed but is deployed (0)

Hello friends. I have installed the Euclid from Triangellab and can't get homing to work. Every time I get this error message. The cables are connected correctly to my TB EBB42. The light on the Euclid is red. As soon as I press the trigger by hand, the light goes off and on. I have checked the cables several times, they are connected correctly and work....
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No BEACON_INITIAL_CALIBRATION on vc-4.0 installation

Hello! Context: - VCore 4.0 500, hybrid - RPI 4B...

Has any used the adxl built into the EBB42 for input shaper?

I have the EBB42 with the adxl built in and am wondering how I would go about getting ratos to see it. I uncommet the adxl in printer.cfg but then get an error that is isn't connected.
Are you uncommenting the sdxl part within the tool board section?

4028 Inverted behavior on EBB42. Even with !fan_part_cooling_pin

I know this is mentioned multiple times here but i can't seem to solve it. I'm building an VCore 3.1 My 4028 4pin Part cooling fan keeps responding inverted whatever i do. (100% off 1% = full) ...

Euclid with brush Macro Configuration

Hello friends, I made the Euclid recording with Brush myself and wrote the code. Since I have only been working with configuration G-code for a few days, it does not work properly yet. When I trigger Brush Out Macro it goes out and with Brush in it goes in. When I press Probe load, the X & Y axis should be homed first, then the arm is extended and the Euclid is picked up....

Flashed the wrong board in the configurator, how to remove it?

During setup of RatOS V2.1, I ended up flashing my BTT MMB board instead of my EBB 42 toolboard (which took a lot of troubleshooting to figure out but we got it), but now if both board are plugged in I get the ADC out of range error because the MMB is being recognized and not the EBB 42. Anyone got any tips on how to re-flash the MMB or change the device id on it? I have enough issues with just trying to manually flash a board on my own let alone figure out how to fix this issue.
Once again, Mikl, you are the man. I renamed it per your instructions and all is good in 3D printer world once more. Thank you! Anything you can do to keep the likes of me from gettting balled up, I'm all for.

unload macro difference

Hi, recently I have upgraded my Minion to ratos 2.0.2 and from that time I face clogs after use unload macro. i believe that there was change in macro but i cannot find old macro that was used in previous ratos. my configuration is eva 2.4 LGX lite , rapido . if anyone could point me to old macro that i would be able to compare what is different , that would be great. thx

Help! How do I make my IP static?

Sorry if this has been asked before but my IP changes everytime I turn on my printer.
Best to set that up in your DHCP provider (usually your router)

Manta M8P v2 with cb1

Hello to all, I’m working on this trouble almost 3 days . Unfortunately, I can’t get it set up . Maybe one of you knows the solution for my problem . I running the Manta with the cb1...