Rat Rig Community [Unofficial]


Rat Rig Community [Unofficial]

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Commissioning Mesh - race to the top

I am working on meshing my cold bed before putting the heater on it, and I seem to be racing to the top with my left and right front corners. When i start, I am pretty much on the same plane with A,B, and D corners (FL, FR, BL) as well as rear middle probe point, with the C (BR) corner off by anywhere from -.4 to -.7.
If I make even a slight adjustment to the B corner to bring it up a tad, then then next mesh shows, the D corner off by -.4 to -.7. And I just seem to keep racing to bring both corner up and up and up....
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Mesh question, unconventional printer use

Hi, my questions remain unanswered in other forums, so I try my luck here. I am using a core 3.1 for research purposes with a room temperature liquid metal, self made nozzles and no heating, but thats not so important for the issue. The problem is i am printing on a soft polymer and it needs to be as flat as possible. I am only printing a single layer. Micrometer deviations, so I was thinking if I bed mesh the soft surface before the print it can adjust for that, but its not properly working (I can attach a mesh of the soft surface later)...

Leveling a warped Bed Mesh Vcore4 500mm

Hi, I am new to Ratrig machines and I am trying to remove the warp from my gantry following the manual and tips I found here. I have moved feet up and down to get as close as I could and then I loosened the fasteners on the gantry and tweaked it until I got to this mesh, my best so far. I started from a 1.3mm deviation. My brother assembled the frame and I was not there. Do I need to disasemble and reasemble or is there more I can tweak first?
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can/should I try to improve this with kapton tape?

Since replacing the Eva 3 with the RR Toolhead and using a beacon probe, I find that the z offset is tuned well for the center of my bed but closer to the edges it doesn't stick. In particular, I noticed this when attempting to do an EM calibration (with the 9 blocks) for a new filament. I thought maybe I could improve my mesh with a little bit of kapton tape. Good idea? Bad idea? (with the 9 blocks).
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Vcore 3.1 400 after beacon configuration

Z-tilt done several times yet the bed mesh looks like Z1 is off by 1mm. BEACON_CREATE_SCAN_COMPENSATION_MESH created the contact bed mesh profile which looks identical. I rotated the build plate by 90 deg and it's still the same (pictured). I verified the stepper motors via buzz as well.
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2 level mesh V-Core 4 - 400 - IDEX

Dears, I am puzzled from this bed mesh on a V-Core 4 400 IDEX. I don't know where to start because of this odd shape, on the Y axis I think... I found no similar references....
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Vcore 4 IDEX 500mm bed banana...

Just finally got my printer together, imo it was all square when building. Was built on a glass table and measured corner to corner where possible. I've done everything up to BEACON_RATOS_CALIBRATE then scanned the bed. I see a lot of people with a similar problem but this seemed like the worst. Not sure what to do 😦...
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V-core 4 500

I've watched the video several times but this is best I can get. Is .392 okay for a 500?
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New vc4 500 idex

New here and having issues with a new vc4. I cannot seem to get a good mesh. First layer runs from being to squish in the front left to barely sticking in the back right. I have gone back over the gantry and even replaced it when it was suspected to have a twist. releveled and adjusted the frame as well. Is the bed just that bad? any suggestions?

Fixing the hump - VC4 - 400

I recently rebuild my printer, relocation and all that and for the love of me I can't remember how to fix the horizontal hump. The narrow vertical dip is a toro tube issue, that i need to hamer out (literally). But the Horizontal wave is bugging me.
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4 corner peaks obvious dip in middle - what to do

Any idea mhat my best course of action is for this concave mesh?
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Low dip on D

Hi guys any advice on how to tackle the back left D point. have been trying to pull it down and tap it with a rubber hammer. but so far it wont improve much. V-core 4 500 Thank you in advance...
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Brand new bed - flatnes problem

I received a brand new V-core 3.1 400mm bed yesterday from RatRig But I have doubts about its flatness - what do you think whether this is grounds for a complaint?? I can honestly say that my previous bed has a 0.340 difference...
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Strange Heightmap Shape

Hi guys, I have V-Core 4.0 with IDEX and my heightmap looks like this. Is this an acceptable result? If not, what do I need to change here? Thanks in advance....
I have yanked my gantry down a couple of times and this is the result now. What do you think?
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Need Help with Commissioning Mesh VC4 500

Here's what I have after a few adjustments to the frame and retorquing the x and y rails. I also reduced the number of bolts on the y rails from 12 to 8. The range in the y axis has not change with all the adjustments I have done, which leads me to believe the bed is bent that way. I do not have a precision straight edge to check the straightness of the bed.
Are there any further adjustments I should make before possibly getting a new bed or should I live with 0.566 of range?...
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Bed flatness tolerance VCore4 500 8mm bed

What is the acceptable tolerance range for flatness of the 500mm bed? Frame adjustments have got me to within 0.361 mm, but looking closer at the bed with a calibrated bar, I am measuring a ~0.24mm gap in the x axis. Y looks very good.
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Stuck, considering rebuilding VC3.1 500

Printer sat, then was moved into basement, then sat some more, and I’m recommissioning it. I can’t shake this mesh, where the back is falling off the whole way. Z tilt doesn’t seem to do squat. Shimming the feet doesn’t help. After the mesh, z tilt is still reasonably within range (.03 vs .015) so it doesn’t seem to be stepper issues. Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope!...
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v-core 4 500 idex 8mm bed

mesh is pretty wacky. Have been tuning it for a day so far. Looking to see if I could get some helpful input. Also interested in changing the 40x40 beacon mesh.
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