RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Demdor on 1/25/2025 in #fix-my-printer
vcore 3.1 prints fine with prints that are up to 3 hours But with longer prints 5+ it layershifts
Title says everything. Printer is 3.1 300mm with rapido uhf hotend. Just default set up basically. and rat os 2.1 most updated version.
102 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Demdor on 1/18/2025 in #fix-my-mesh
Bed mesh on vcore 3.1 500 how to fix beacon
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Demdor on 1/18/2025 in #fix-my-mesh
issues with first layer and beacon this is my mesh Vcore 3.1 300
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Demdor on 1/18/2025 in #fix-my-print
Beacon Issues first layer after calibration
Fresh install. Printer just does not want to lay down a decent first layer. Steps ive done.
-Calibrated the z calibration BEACON_RATOS_CALIBRATE BED_TEMP runs through it perfectly fine no issues. - then when finetunning i print a sqaure that has the height of the layer height. - Things that go wrong. outer lines of the squar one or 2 sides never stick if im closer to the bed or away from the bed does not matter. THe lines will stick but like I said the outer lines wont. Most of the time messing up the entire first layer. I cant go under 0 with z offset because I know thats not really possible with beacon. im doing everythign correctly so im baby stepping and saving with SAVE_Z_OFFSET.
For the rest yeah I have no idea kind of losing my mind over this. I though the automatic z offset calibration was sort of chill and simple. But I always have issues with it.
The weirdest thing is. I had a printer before that I installed the beacon on and did the calibration and i had to do barely anything of fine tuning to it. Now im just i dont know ???
43 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Demdor on 11/18/2024 in #ratos-support
Issues with fine tuning Beacon contact
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Demdor on 11/9/2024 in #fix-my-print
Issues with first layer. 0.6 nozzle and beacon
As you can see my layer is not good. And it becomes worse no matter if i increase or decrease the z offset
15 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Demdor on 10/12/2024 in #fix-my-printer
Clogging issues with Revo hotend
Small prints/parts are fine. But when i go into bigger more complex prints it clogs after some minutes. what ive tried: Ive lowered the volumetric rate in orca slicer to 14 no difference. ive replaced the fan first had a noctua fan. But went for a Winsin ( Im kinda stuck now and dont know what is next. Is this fan even good enough. Should I lower print temps. Because im pretty sure its heatcreep Btw i have the voron revo. Vcore 3.1 500mm lgx lite extruder (which gets really hot) Enclosure Beacon pobe
5 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Demdor on 10/4/2024 in #fix-my-printer
Vcore 3.1 500mm Clogs constantly Revo Voron.
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Demdor on 9/7/2024 in #fix-my-resonance
So How should I read this....
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12 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Demdor on 7/24/2024 in #ratos-support
After installing rat os 2.1 dual fan setup doesnt wanna work.
So I have 1 fan connected to my mainboard on pin pd13 this one does not turn and feels hot to the touch. I have another fan connected to my eb 42 1.2v this one turns without any issues. THese fans are the part cooling fans
2 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Demdor on 6/5/2024 in #ratos-support
MCU 'toolboard' shutdown: ADC out of range. Suddenly I have changed nothing on the printer.
While printing half way after about 8 hours i get this error. I also do not really understand why. Is my thermistor broken.
The error now always shows up and Im unable to print
2 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Demdor on 3/28/2024 in #fix-my-printer
Weird artifacts in my print. after building the enclosure. Vcore 3.1 500 Belts are tensioned
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Demdor on 3/28/2024 in #fix-my-resonance
I have no idea what to do and what this should look like.
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Demdor on 3/21/2024 in #fix-my-print
print suddenly looks really bad. where to start? looks like z wobble but almost layershift.
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Demdor on 2/24/2024 in #ratos-support
I installed a btt smart filament sensor 2.0 but it gets triggered by the beginning purge of rat os.
Each time I start a print the filament sensor gets triggerd at the beginning purge in the corner and pauses after resuming it just prints normally how can i fix this. Include is the filament runout detection config.
10 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Demdor on 2/24/2024 in #fix-my-printer
I installed a btt smart filament sensor 2.0 but it gets triggered by the beginning purge of rat os.
Each time I start a print the filament sensor gets triggerd at the beginning purge in the corner and pauses after resuming it just prints normally how can i fix this. Include is the filament runout detection config.
4 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Demdor on 2/7/2024 in #fix-my-print
small gaps between layers across print. can sand it but just curious what it could be.
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Demdor on 1/17/2024 in #fix-my-printer
Lgx lite and rapido 2 constantly clogging.
After a print goes for a couple of hours sometimes 10 hours sometimes longer. there will be an clog and i have no idea why it happens.
25 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Demdor on 12/31/2023 in #fix-my-print
print is getting ruined on second layer by nozzle being to close to the first scraping it ?
15 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Demdor on 12/21/2023 in #fix-my-resonance
ACCELEROMETER_QUERY doestn work even when i run it twice
ACCELEROMETER_QUERY doestn work even when i use the command twice but when i do TEST_RESONANCES AXIS=X or Y works. I use a toolheadboard ebb42
1 replies