I installed a btt smart filament sensor 2.0 but it gets triggered by the beginning purge of rat os.

Each time I start a print the filament sensor gets triggerd at the beginning purge in the corner and pauses after resuming it just prints normally how can i fix this. Include is the filament runout detection config.
3 Replies
Oskait12mo ago
Is the filament switch or runout triggered? Set the detection_length: 5 (or even higher) I noticed that the slack the filament has in the PTFE tube can be enough to trigger the Runout detector. Maybe your filament is "relaxed" in the ptfe tube, then when starting the print it gets pulled tight first, triggering the filament sensor. After you restart it pulls through the sensor as it is already "tight".
DemdorOP12mo ago
I fixed it for now with just the config from the github page https://github.com/bigtreetech/smart-filament-detection-module
GitHub - bigtreetech/smart-filament-detection-module
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DemdorOP12mo ago
this actually fixed it

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