Rat Rig Community [Unofficial]


Rat Rig Community [Unofficial]

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UHF Oozing

I have a rapido 2f with the UHF nut. Previously was using the original rapido, HF with a v6. With PLA, the prints are perfect, but with 'oozier' filaments, like CFPC, or LWPLA, the stringing is a nightmare. I've done all the regular tuning, but my question is do UHF/Volcano hotends require more retraction than compared to non UHF nozzles? To get more filament out of the melt zone? Is there anything else I should be considering? Like retraction length vs retraction speed....

Rough start...

Been printing 100% for a while and all of a sudden, first layers are always going down horrible after a few minutes.... On different print jobs as well. Standard Ratos installation and doing a 20 X 20 bed mesh...
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Goliath Heat Creep

I am at a crossroad here. Right now I run a Goliath Air Cooled hotend with 0.6mm CHT Nozzle. I also run a CPAP. Let 'er eat at 100% while doing PLA. I've noticed that as long as I am doing large prints that have consistent extrusion, it woks great. However when it has to do intricate parts where my flow drop from 22-32³/s to something like 10-12. I start to run into heat creep issues. The filament will start to twist and jam. I am running 1mm/40mm's retraction, and 215C. So I am trying to decide. Is this hot end setup too much for what I am running? Should I drop down to say a Rapido with the settings I print at. Should I try to print faster, if so what have others gotten on a 500 Ratrig setup. I run 160mm/s perimeters and 230mm/s infill. I have nearly 800hrs on the clock for this setup, and only notice issue when filament is flowing at low volumes....

Inconsistent extrusion

Printer: Vcore 3.1, Phaetus Rapido + LGX Lite combo Slicer: PrusaSlicer (with its standard 3.1 profiles) Problem description:...
Looks like it only needed to be cleaned! I disassembled the whole extruder and cleaned it thoroughly with IPA (especially the teeth that grind the filament, and the issue seems to be completely solved 🙂
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Pressure advance tuning, infill weirdness

I am trying out the new pressure advance capabilities in RATOS 2.1 and am encountering an issue with my infill. It doesn't want to "draw' continues lines. It changes a bit when the calibration script changes PA values, however I do not believe it is a script or RATOS error but a slicing error (I have seen it before when doing "normal" prints. I use a Ratrig V-Core 3.1 300 running Ratos 2.1 (latest) with an rapido UHF plus CFT and orbiter 2.0 (added picture and clip. will try to add slowmo as wel...
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Z-offset problem

I can’t fix the first layer and it always changes the Z-offset when i start it. How do i fix it?

Struggling with PETG

I am running into a lot of issues with this print and I'm not sure how to fix it. I've run through all the filament tuning steps in orca including temp, flow rate, pa, and retraction. I am able to print a great benchy but when I try to print something for a project I'm working on it always comes out like crap. I have printed this model in ASA with no issues. The bottom layers are great and the first few infill layers are good and then it rapidly starts getting worse as the infill continues. The...
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z bindin on v-minion?

hi guys. im getting som strange pattern in my prints. this was printed standing up. looks like some kind of z-binding? z-lift is off. what should i look for and what can i do to try to fix this?...
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Reverse elephant foot

Hey everyone. I have an issue where the top layer is doing a reverse elephant foot. Does anyone have an idea or seen it before to know what might be causing it? Material is PLA from filament PM...
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Horrible Top Layer and a groove?

Just wrapped the guides and finished PA/EM so I decided to do a cal cube. This is an untouched Prusa slicer profile. Assuming the blob on top means more retraction? ...
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Extrusion inconsistencies

I really don't understand why, but when printing Overture PETG I'm getting very inconsistent extruding depending on what it's printing. Walls? Relatively decent. Anything else? Absolute gsrbage.garbage. The stringing I can deal with, though it isn't ideal. But my supports are looking terrible and my infil isn't much better. I don't understand why, as there's no difference in my speed or anything else with the exception of bridging but there's none of that in my pictures. I've got it running 55mm...
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extrusion issues

Finishing up my 500mm machine, toolhead is an orbiter 2, and rapido 2F. I used the rotation distance provided by LDO for the orbiter, and checking it seems accurate. My problem is with possible over extrusion. I have a pretty basic orca slicer profile, did not touch much other than setting the nozzle to 0.6mm (and 0.6 in klipper). The brim is flawless, absolutely perfect, but the first layer of the actual model seems over extruded. Any thoughts?...
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Vcore 4 endless ringing

Hey guys I’m desperately trying to get rid of ringing. I have the 500mm vcore 4 hybrid and can’t get rid of ringing on my benchy. I have spend hours and hours tuning the belts and making sure everything is aligned, but something just doesn’t seem to work. I’m using prusament pla and have turned the speeds down to 2000mm/^2 external perimeters and 50mm/s outside walls. Btw this is only using the core xy kinematics, as I haven’t added the hybrid stuff yet. I also attached my input shaper graphs as...
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Move exceeds maximum extrusion on filament change

Vcore3.1 - Ratos 2.1 - Orca slicer I'm trying to make a multi-color 1-extruder print. I have M600 in filament change g-code, using Orca.. On the first filament change after I changed filament manually and it tries to start printing again it errors out on this error: ...
For reference for others the issue was orca slicer setting, after I put all zeroes here and disabled ramming everything worked fine

Primeline RatOS 2.1

Primeline not working in new ratos 2.1 , primeblob working , changed to 'primeline' and when the print starts , it just skips it. No error, no output in terminal.
I do believe primeline was removed completely in 2.1 in favor of blob. It’s in the changelog

SuperSlicer won't extrude first layer

Hiya, Been trying to get Superslicer to work again as I'm having some print quality issues with Orca. However SS doesn't want to lay down a first layer irrespective of the version. It used to be fine but for some reason doesn't want to work anymore Attached is a succesful print from Orca (30x30x0.2) cube and the identical failure from SS. Running on a VC300 with RatOS 2.1 and Beacon Contact. ...
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poor surface on ASA and ABS

I’ve tried lowering solid infill thickness, slowing down, heating up, and everything I can think of. I haven’t put it in a dryer yet since the filament was fresh from factory. Otherwise I am a bit stumped.
Ended up being internal solid line width got reduced (to help) but it made it worse counterintuitively

Printer stops due to overheating

I try to print a wide flat part out of ASA for my ERCF buffer. It stopped at the point in the picture. Klipper throws out the error in the second picture. I suspect that the extrudermotor got close overheating due to being close to the 105°C bed. Is there an elegant way around this apart from watercooling the extruder motor od using a different filament?...
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Internal bridging issues

I have a problem where internal bridges will not connect to the perimeters, leaving the filament to curl at the edges and thus making the following layers ugly. I can't seem to find the correct setting in the slicer to make this interal bridge reach the edges. Can somebody tell me, what to change in my setting?
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First Layer problems

Hey, I have a Vcore 3.1 500 and even after a long time of fails you might can help me. I never get the first layer right as the printer seems to "over-calculate" the Z-offset when doing the first layer, normally it should flaten out the humps and bumps in the bed but in the areas where bumps are it drives the nozzle too high leading to non-sticking areas and on the other end on humps it drives the nozzle into the bed leading to stop the flow completely due to closing the nozzle by pressure of the bed. in the middle where the z-ofset is set its perfect. I even ordered a beacon to probe it even better but this didn't help at all, also setting up the complete printer from the ground didn't chance it. ...
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