I installed a btt smart filament sensor 2.0 but it gets triggered by the beginning purge of rat os.

Each time I start a print the filament sensor gets triggerd at the beginning purge in the corner and pauses after resuming it just prints normally how can i fix this. Include is the filament runout detection config.
5 Replies
miklschmidt11mo ago
Disable it before running START_PRINT, enable it afterwards. Ie. use the SET_FILAMENT_SENSOR gcode command (look it up in the klipper docs), before and after START_PRINT in your custom start gcode in your slicer. However, the prime blob shouldn't trigger the sensor and may indicate misconfiguration.
DemdorOP11mo ago
I dont want to edit the gcode. Maybe i need a better config If you know of some
You aren't editing gcode. You probably just need to end the start gcode section of the slicer as that is statically applied once to each print file
DemdorOP11mo ago
Yeah i know what you mean but i think what you said is true i think my original config just isnt good.
Have you searched past posts? I feel like this comes up often enough that there should be a good example for you to copy

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