RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by CHIEFdotJS on 2/23/2025 in #fix-my-mesh
Commissioning Mesh - race to the top
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by CHIEFdotJS on 3/8/2024 in #fix-my-printer
Dual Axis Z1 moves in same direction for all moves
I have a configuration for a dual Z axis using a SKR 3 EZ. When i try the STEPPER_BUZZ STEPPER=stepper_z1 command, or try homing, the motor moves upwards even when it should be moving downwards. It also moves upwards when it should be moving upwards. At first I thought it was wiring, but since i confirmed proper movement on the other Z motor, I swapped the cable completely, and it still does it on Z1 motor. I also plugged Z1 motor cable into Z motor, and when I do it only moves in one direction.
# pins
[board_pins btt_skr_3_tmc2209]
# steppers
x_step_pin=PD4, x_dir_pin=PD3, x_enable_pin=PD6, x_uart_pin=PD5, x_diag_pin=PC1, x_endstop_pin=PC1,
y_step_pin=PA15, y_dir_pin=PA8, y_enable_pin=PD1, y_uart_pin=PD0, y_diag_pin=PC3, y_endstop_pin=PC3,
z0_step_pin=PE2, z0_dir_pin=PE3, z0_enable_pin=PE0, z0_uart_pin=PE1, z0_diag_pin=PC0,
e_step_pin=PD15, e_dir_pin=PD14, e_enable_pin=PC7, e_uart_pin=PC6, e_diag_pin=PC2,
z2_step_pin=null, z2_dir_pin=null, z2_enable_pin=null, z2_uart_pin=null, z2_diag_pin=null,
z1_step_pin=PD11, z1_dir_pin=PD10, z1_enable_pin=PD13, z1_uart_pin=PD12, z1_diag_pin=PA0,

step_pin: x_step_pin
dir_pin: !x_dir_pin
enable_pin: !x_enable_pin
microsteps: 64
rotation_distance: 40
endstop_pin: !x_endstop_pin
position_endstop: 0
position_max: 235
homing_speed: 50
homing_retract_dist: 5.0

[tmc2209 stepper_x]
uart_pin: x_uart_pin
run_current: 0.5
stealthchop_threshold: 1

step_pin: y_step_pin
dir_pin: y_dir_pin
enable_pin: !y_enable_pin
microsteps: 64
rotation_distance: 40
endstop_pin: !y_endstop_pin
position_endstop: 0
position_max: 235
homing_speed: 50

[tmc2209 stepper_y]
uart_pin: y_uart_pin
run_current: 0.5
stealthchop_threshold: 1

step_pin: z0_step_pin
dir_pin: !z0_dir_pin
enable_pin: !z0_enable_pin
microsteps: 64
rotation_distance: 4
endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop
position_min: -5.00
position_max: 250

[tmc2209 stepper_z]
uart_pin: z0_uart_pin
run_current: 0.5
stealthchop_threshold: 1

step_pin: z1_step_pin
dir_pin: !z1_dir_pin
enable_pin: !z1_enable_pin
microsteps: 64
rotation_distance: 4

[tmc2209 stepper_z1]
uart_pin: z1_uart_pin
run_current: 0.5
stealthchop_threshold: 1

max_extrude_only_distance: 100.0
step_pin: e_step_pin
dir_pin: !e_dir_pin
enable_pin: !e_enable_pin

[tmc2209 extruder]
uart_pin: e_uart_pin
interpolate: False
run_current: 0.35
stealthchop_threshold: 0

[gcode_macro RatOS]
variable_homing_x: "endstop"
variable_homing_y: "endstop"
variable_homing: "endstops"
# pins
[board_pins btt_skr_3_tmc2209]
# steppers
x_step_pin=PD4, x_dir_pin=PD3, x_enable_pin=PD6, x_uart_pin=PD5, x_diag_pin=PC1, x_endstop_pin=PC1,
y_step_pin=PA15, y_dir_pin=PA8, y_enable_pin=PD1, y_uart_pin=PD0, y_diag_pin=PC3, y_endstop_pin=PC3,
z0_step_pin=PE2, z0_dir_pin=PE3, z0_enable_pin=PE0, z0_uart_pin=PE1, z0_diag_pin=PC0,
e_step_pin=PD15, e_dir_pin=PD14, e_enable_pin=PC7, e_uart_pin=PC6, e_diag_pin=PC2,
z2_step_pin=null, z2_dir_pin=null, z2_enable_pin=null, z2_uart_pin=null, z2_diag_pin=null,
z1_step_pin=PD11, z1_dir_pin=PD10, z1_enable_pin=PD13, z1_uart_pin=PD12, z1_diag_pin=PA0,

step_pin: x_step_pin
dir_pin: !x_dir_pin
enable_pin: !x_enable_pin
microsteps: 64
rotation_distance: 40
endstop_pin: !x_endstop_pin
position_endstop: 0
position_max: 235
homing_speed: 50
homing_retract_dist: 5.0

[tmc2209 stepper_x]
uart_pin: x_uart_pin
run_current: 0.5
stealthchop_threshold: 1

step_pin: y_step_pin
dir_pin: y_dir_pin
enable_pin: !y_enable_pin
microsteps: 64
rotation_distance: 40
endstop_pin: !y_endstop_pin
position_endstop: 0
position_max: 235
homing_speed: 50

[tmc2209 stepper_y]
uart_pin: y_uart_pin
run_current: 0.5
stealthchop_threshold: 1

step_pin: z0_step_pin
dir_pin: !z0_dir_pin
enable_pin: !z0_enable_pin
microsteps: 64
rotation_distance: 4
endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop
position_min: -5.00
position_max: 250

[tmc2209 stepper_z]
uart_pin: z0_uart_pin
run_current: 0.5
stealthchop_threshold: 1

step_pin: z1_step_pin
dir_pin: !z1_dir_pin
enable_pin: !z1_enable_pin
microsteps: 64
rotation_distance: 4

[tmc2209 stepper_z1]
uart_pin: z1_uart_pin
run_current: 0.5
stealthchop_threshold: 1

max_extrude_only_distance: 100.0
step_pin: e_step_pin
dir_pin: !e_dir_pin
enable_pin: !e_enable_pin

[tmc2209 extruder]
uart_pin: e_uart_pin
interpolate: False
run_current: 0.35
stealthchop_threshold: 0

[gcode_macro RatOS]
variable_homing_x: "endstop"
variable_homing_y: "endstop"
variable_homing: "endstops"
3 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by CHIEFdotJS on 8/19/2023 in #ratos-support
could not compile firmware
I have a new Octopus Pro v1.1 H273. I installed RatOS on a Pi 4b 2GB, and it loaded up to the configurator just fine. I have the Octopus pro connected to the rpi via the usb-c on the octopus, to the usbA on the rpi. I can't get past the Control Board Flashing step in the configurator. When I click the Compile Firmware button, nothing happens. In the developer console, it shows an error:
TRPCClientError: Could not compile firmware for Octopus Pro H723 V1.1: An error occured while attempting to run script: Running board script /home/pi/printer_data/config/RatOS/boards/btt-octopus-pro-h723-11/\n\n
TRPCClientError: Could not compile firmware for Octopus Pro H723 V1.1: An error occured while attempting to run script: Running board script /home/pi/printer_data/config/RatOS/boards/btt-octopus-pro-h723-11/\n\n
I clicked to go back to the board selection page, and selected the first control board, and when i returned to the flashing page to click Compile Firmware, the firmware compiled just fine.
6 replies