could not compile firmware

I have a new Octopus Pro v1.1 H273. I installed RatOS on a Pi 4b 2GB, and it loaded up to the configurator just fine. I have the Octopus pro connected to the rpi via the usb-c on the octopus, to the usbA on the rpi. I can't get past the Control Board Flashing step in the configurator. When I click the Compile Firmware button, nothing happens. In the developer console, it shows an error:
TRPCClientError: Could not compile firmware for Octopus Pro H723 V1.1: An error occured while attempting to run script: Running board script /home/pi/printer_data/config/RatOS/boards/btt-octopus-pro-h723-11/\n\n
TRPCClientError: Could not compile firmware for Octopus Pro H723 V1.1: An error occured while attempting to run script: Running board script /home/pi/printer_data/config/RatOS/boards/btt-octopus-pro-h723-11/\n\n
I clicked to go back to the board selection page, and selected the first control board, and when i returned to the flashing page to click Compile Firmware, the firmware compiled just fine.
2 Replies
miklschmidt2y ago
Please update RatOS through mainsail (machine tab) and try again.
CHIEFdotJSOP2y ago
i didn't know there was a machine tab. so I guessed this meant there was a /machine path this is my first ever experience with RatOS after being on Marlin and an OctoPrint maintainer for years but i am seriously loving this interface so far ok, seems like it's moving to the next steps, so I think we can call this one resolved

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