Load Unload Filament klipperscreen

The Load and Unload icon does not work with hdmi 5, I added the Load T0 and T1 macros as well as the Unload T0 and T1 macros and it works very well with the macro menu in KlipperScreen, when I want to load the filament with the Load icon I have the message "select the head number, what should I do to make the icon work ?
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25 Replies
miklschmidt3mo ago
I don't think you can, you'd have to ask the klipperscreen devs to support filament load/unload macro's that require parameters. KlipperScreen doesn't really have any support for multiple toolheads afaik.
fredbeauchampOP3mo ago
Thanks for your answer , It's a shame, maybe in a next update
Helge Keck
Helge Keck3mo ago
you can create a custom macro that can be called from klipper screen like a unload macro for T0 with a fix temperatore and the same for T1
fredbeauchampOP3mo ago
I don't know how to do that, the load and unload function T0 and T1 are in the macro section of the screen, ideally there should be a shortcut to the Load and Unload key in the extrusion menu
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Helge Keck
Helge Keck3mo ago
you add a macro to your printer.cfg file, like t his for example
[gcode_macro UNLOAD_T0]
[gcode_macro UNLOAD_T0]
then on klipperscreen you can call this macro
fredbeauchampOP3mo ago
I have already done this and it works with macros but what I would like is for it to work with the Load button directly. Maybe we should add buttons to the screen?
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miklschmidt3mo ago
You can try this https://klipperscreen.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Configuration/#menu note that it only works when the machine is idle.
Configuration - KlipperScreen
KlipperScreen documentation.
fredbeauchampOP3mo ago
Thank you, I know a bit about programming but I'm afraid of making mistakes, I'll see but thank you very much for the research. Do you think this could be updated soon?
miklschmidt3mo ago
Thank you, I know a bit about programming but I'm afraid of making mistakes, I'll see but thank you very much for the research.
Don't be, it's just screen configuration, the worst thing that can happen is you'll have to restart klipperscreen.
Do you think this could be updated soon?
RatOS does not touch klipperscreen.
fredbeauchampOP3mo ago
I have a suggestion for load and unload @kiniad. I have to overwrite the whole Load/Unload-macros. I don't know, why Ratrig don't use the toolhead selection provided by klipper and implemented this cumbersome -1 default toolhead setting. This works for me, you also could use it in mailsail by selecting the toolhead in the extruder section. The best would be, if you upload it to your printer and add: [include load_unload_filament.cfg] to your printer.cfg I think my old LOAD_FILAMENT_T0, etc. now are expendable. @Helge Keck
miklschmidt3mo ago
Klipper doesn't provide any "toolhead selection" at all, it only gives you very minimal handles to switch the active extruder and carriage (which isn't accurately reflected across the system state). We could indeed use the currently active extruder if none are provided, i don't know if helge had some other idea.
and implemented this cumbersome -1 default toolhead setting.
Because there's no other way to do it if you want to programmatically unload/load a toolhead which is not currently selected.
I have to overwrite the whole Load/Unload-macros.
No you don't, you can just define a new macro that calls the native RatOS macro.
kiniad.3mo ago
Okay, are there any side effects for my implementation? If the macro is called with toolhead=0 or 1 it worked as usual, only if it get's toolhead=-1 it uses the active extruder (this is what I mean with "toolhead selection") I have tested this and it is working fine so far. but I haven't tested every situation. This is also what Klipperscreen needs for load and unload.
Helge Keck
Helge Keck3mo ago
Klipperscreen is not IDEX aware at all, what you call a Extruder selection is in reality a Toolhead selection. This might work for MMU systems where you have only a single extruder, but on idex machines the story is completely different we use a default of -1, no extruder/toolhead selected, to force the user to select one, this is made by purpose as mikl already said, you dont need to overwrite any of the ratos macros, you just can call them also, it should be a 5 minute job to change this directly in the klipperscreen config if you want to
kiniad.3mo ago
I would be happy to see how to change it in klipperscreen config. I don't know how, but I'm not familiar with klipperscreen. Otherwise, if "to force the user to select" is only to prevent the user to load/unload the wrong filament accidently, I'll take the risk. But there's no need to implement this in Ratos, it's working for me, as it is.
Helge Keck
Helge Keck3mo ago
the proble is using T0 and T1 before unloading a filament can result in toolhead movements, there are some situations where a user doesnt wants it this kind of unexpected behaviour is risky
kiniad.3mo ago
Yes, you are right, if the steppers are engaged, and you change the active toolhead/extruder, they are moving. But this happens on klipperscreen anyway, if you change the toolhead, also with the -1-safety net. Only if you than try to use the unload/load buttons nothing happens.
Helge Keck
Helge Keck3mo ago
no, thats the point, it doesnt happen at all if you use our macros toolheads do not move at all with them
kiniad.3mo ago
Changing the toolhead on klipperscreen sends a T0 or T1, and this macro isn't changed at all.
Helge Keck
Helge Keck3mo ago
yes, but our load and unload macros do not use this commands as i said, klipperscreen isnt really made for idex
kiniad.3mo ago
I know klipperscreen is not made for idex, but so you could load and unload filament directly on the printer, that's all I need. But long story short, I would appeciate the solution for klipperscreen, otherwise for me it's fine.
fredbeauchampOP3mo ago
very interesting discussion
fredbeauchampOP2mo ago
I installed the macro load and unload @kiniad and it works perfectly, it should be included in an update @Helge Keck @miklschmidt https://github.com/kiniad/Rat-Rig-V-Core-4-Idex-Tips/blob/main/load_unload_filament.cfg
Rat-Rig-V-Core-4-Idex-Tips/load_unload_filament.cfg at main · kinia...
Issues and tips for the Rat Rig V-Core 400 Idex. Contribute to kiniad/Rat-Rig-V-Core-4-Idex-Tips development by creating an account on GitHub.
Helge Keck
Helge Keck2mo ago
we already pushed the first fix of a 2 part update there needs to be considered much more than the macro you linked does like automation and copy and mirror mode it will be soon available
fredbeauchampOP2mo ago
perfect, with this fix, will I have to remove the macro I installed to leave the update in its place?
Helge Keck
Helge Keck2mo ago
thats of course the plan, but wait until we have tested all of it and published it

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