Homing X moves Z as well

I just verified that all the steppers are working via STEPPER_BUZZ. Now I want to home axis by axis. I started with homing the X-Axis (sensorless) but before it homes X, it moves the bed downwards. Is this expected behaviour or did I misconfigure something? The following X-Axis homing is fine though.
3 Replies
miklschmidt15mo ago
That's called z_hop so you don't bust your plate when you home with the nozzle touching the print bed. (yes it's intended)
miklschmidt15mo ago
Configuring RatOS Macros | RatOS
RatOS comes with a bunch of flexible predefined macro's that can be customized via variables and macro hooks.
miklschmidt15mo ago
z_hop: 15
z_hop: 15

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