Possible to Not Home between prints (multicolor)?

Hello, I am trying to test some multicolor prints on my Vcore. I've tried a few settings without any sucess. I want to force the printer not to home between prints (different gcodes). Also i've tried the z lift on prusaslicer with 1mm but the nozzle still crashes on the first print with 0.6mm. Any suggestions? Thanks
9 Replies
Helge Keck
Helge Keck2y ago
why doing multiple prints? you can do multicolor in one print
exotic-emeraldOP2y ago
in the same layer?
Helge Keck
Helge Keck2y ago
yes you can tell the printer to pause for every filament change, then you can manually change it and resume the print
exotic-emeraldOP2y ago
i was thinking more like printing first all the white and then all the black, two separate stls something like this
exotic-emeraldOP2y ago
BV3D: Bryan Vines
How To Print Two Colors on the First Layer with a Single Extruder!
Hello, 3D Printing friends! Today we're going to see a simple technique to get multiple colors on a single layer with a single-extruder 3D printer. This is GREAT for making signs or cards! Did this video help you out, save you a bunch of time, or help you learn something new? If so, please consider becoming a channel member, or buying me a cof...
Helge Keck
Helge Keck2y ago
there is no reason to do multiple prints, thats insane thats exactly how multicolor printing works, differents stls
exotic-emeraldOP2y ago
ok, maybe i'm not explaining myself very clearly :D.
Helge Keck
Helge Keck2y ago
just set the number oif extruders you want and enter this
No description
exotic-emeraldOP2y ago
ok, will try it. Thanks

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