MCU 'mcu' configured for 180Mhz but running at 176Mhz!

It happens now often, that I get this message and also for the toolhead. I don´t know what to do. It happens also shortly after startup and I really have to reboot the complete printer with power off. What I already did: * checked the voltages... all fine at 5.1V and 24.1V * Exchanged the Pi * Removed my camera * Resorted the USB devices. Nothing helps. I added the to this "ticket". May be someone can narrow down this annoying issue.
17 Replies
RigattoniOP5mo ago
I can´t ignore... because Klipper won´t start up if this happens, even Firmware restart does not help.
I don't see that error in the debug logs you gave. Can you show how it is preventing startup?
RigattoniOP5mo ago
I´ll try when it happens again. In the moment it´s printing fine.
RigattoniOP5mo ago
Did it again...
RigattoniOP5mo ago
But now, Klipper was able to restart.... Don´t know what is the difference. Did not change anything on there.
It says it is just a warning, how is that preventing you from printing?
RigattoniOP5mo ago
Tbh... If this is still a rounding issue since around 4 years now... Why does it pop up now? I never seen this warning before.
It compares the mcu_frequency to the calculated frequency but it’s changing a floating point division to an integer.
It compares the mcu_frequency to the calculated frequency but it’s changing a floating point division to an integer.
That tells me that the current "fix" of the threshold for this warning is useless. It just made it worse.
miklschmidt5mo ago
There was no fix, they just limited it to only show the error when it was > 1%. 64-63 is more than 1% of 64. it does not prevent printing in any case if it's causing you issue, there's only one place they can do something about it (klipper discourse) I still don't know why they're warning about it with absolutely zero information about what you as a user can do about it or what effects it will have, which isn't documented at all, anywhere.
Helge Keck
Helge Keck5mo ago
thats probably the same like the stepper driver temp warning, was never meant to be a UI error, more like a log info
miklschmidt5mo ago
Yeah, tbh i don't know why mainsail thought it was a good idea to barf all of those at the user Or fluidd now in this case as well They don't understand what it is. The overtemp warning especially is so useless to a regular user 😂 It's barely english
RigattoniOP5mo ago
YesI know that this was no "fix"... Nevertheless as you both wrote. Useless message and there is not even a possibility to do anything. If this is really a rounding issue due to converting from a float to integer, without handling the rounding thematic... sorry, but this is not really good coding. May be Fluidd can try to suppress such useless warnings. I hate warnings... If you have a warning message in your car´s instrument cluster you would not stay calm. As a Problem Resolution Manager I really would "bump their heads on the table" until they got rid of that.
miklschmidt5mo ago
YesI know that this was no "fix"... Nevertheless as you both wrote. Useless message and there is not even a possibility to do anything. If this is really a rounding issue due to converting from a float to integer, without handling the rounding thematic... sorry, but this is not really good coding.
It's not in case of your 180 vs 176 example. But yeah it's an internal klipper thing, you'd need to take it up with the klipper devs. I've been blocked/banned from everything klipper for pointing out similar problems.
RigattoniOP4mo ago
Okay, opened a thread on Klipper Discord and they mentioned that the change for this warning came in in version 336. Fluidd is telling me that v0.12.0-316-g96cceed2 is up 2 date. Are we really that far behind? They are already on version 348 now.
miklschmidt4mo ago
That's RatOS.. Not klipper. There's a separate update manager entry for klipper. Again, the change for the warning does nothing to fix your "problem" (still unsure if this is a problem at all). The klipper discord helpers can't do much about it (or know what it's there for in the first place), you need to talk to the devs
RigattoniOP4mo ago
I just reflashed the printer completely new and let´s see how this works... May be that has already fixed this behavior.
miklschmidt4mo ago
makes no difference it's not a property of the os 😄 Don't spend too much time on something that's not actually a problem. Remember it's just a warning, nothing in the code actually changed other than you're now seeing the message. It's the klipper mcu firmware that's running on the mcu that determines the clock speed. It doesn't have anything to do with your pi.

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