Getting "Timer too close" errors 95% of all prints.
These errors happen at various times from starting the during the mesh probe to a couple of hours into the print. I have only managed 2 successful prints in 3 days.
moonraker.log only shows "klippy has shutdown" and I cannot read the problem from the klippy.log
18 Replies
rival-blackOP•2y ago
rival-blackOP•2y ago
Here's the next one 2 hours into a print
what raspberry pi do you have? What extra things have you installed on top of RatOS?
rival-blackOP•2y ago
I have a pi 3 B+ running the 32bit RatOS with nothing else on it.
I have a pi 3 B lying around, do you think I should swap them out and try that?
what microstep setting are you using?
rival-blackOP•2y ago
Which config file do I find the microsteps?
Never mind, found them. I'm running at 64 microsteps
step_pin: x_step_pin
dir_pin: x_dir_pin
enable_pin: !x_enable_pin
rotation_distance: 40
microsteps: 64
homing_speed: 50
homing_retract_dist: 0
step_pin: y_step_pin
dir_pin: y_dir_pin
enable_pin: !y_enable_pin
rotation_distance: 40
microsteps: 64
homing_speed: 50
homing_retract_dist: 0
usually you get
timer too close
when the CPU can't keep up - but a pi 3b+ should be able to handle it.rival-blackOP•2y ago
I had the machine tab open on my 2nd monitor and it runs at roughly 8% during printing.
What about memory? Do you get any undervoltage warnings?
rival-blackOP•2y ago
Memory runs pretty stable at 28%.
I don't get any warnings of any kind.
Just a sudden stop every time.
That's very strange. Maybe it's I/O, like a dying SD card or something. Have you tried a fresh installation on a new card?
rival-blackOP•2y ago
That was my thought as well, I'm going to try that tomorrow and if that doesn't work my backup pi 3 A
Timer too close
This often indicates the host computer is overloaded. Check
for other processes consuming excessive CPU time, high swap
usage, disk errors, overheating, unstable voltage, or
similar system problems on the host computer.
can also be sdcard issue
i hve this also seen on the LED animation plugin that injects its LED commands into the gcode qeue
try another SD card
rival-blackOP•2y ago
Well I tried 2 different sd cards and now I'm trying my older pi 3 A.
So, I sacrificed my Octopi board and it's been printing now 2.5 hours without errors. 2 benchy and 1 calibration cube.
I got lucky and found a dealer that just got a few pi 4 2GB and managed to get one. I'll install that on the weekend.
Thank you everyone for your suggestions.
Strange, the pi3a is slower than the Pi3 b+.
Apparently that pi3 b+ has problems.
rival-blackOP•2y ago
I think I know what it might be.
When removing all the wires, I noticed that the 2nd gnd that should have 3 pins had 4 empty pins between it and the +5v.
I put it in the correct pin but it still didn't work.
I probably damaged the board. 😣