Micro Sd keeps failing during Balena Etcher download

Hey guys/gals. I'm trying to write 2023-06-09-RatOS-2.0.2-raspberry-rpi32.img.xz to my micro sd card using balena etcher but it keeps failing. This Pi is being set up for a vcore 3.1. Any help is appreciated.... Chris
Ran it again this morning at work using pi imager.... worked perfectly, verification passed! Thanks guys
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11 Replies
CrashTestCharlie / VC4 400h
Try an earlier Balena version. Reportedly version 1.18.11 and earlier work. And are you sure you want an old version of ratos?
ChrisBOP5mo ago
Hey Crash Test I thought this was the newest ratos.... new to this....
CrashTestCharlie / VC4 400h
No worries, grab the 2.1 rc2
ChrisBOP5mo ago
Hey Crash Test not to be a pita but which one? there is a .sha or xz or json Ive done this before a long time ago and I dont remeber struggling like this
CrashTestCharlie / VC4 400h
.xz is the compressed image (xz is a compression format) The .sha is a check sum file, and the .json is other data. You only need the .xz https://github.com/Rat-OS/RatOS/releases/download/v2.1.0-RC2/2024-07-27-RatOS-2.1.0-RC2-raspberry-rpi32.img.xz Then once up and connected. Run the updater from the machine tab. Click to update ratos in its own button, then you can hit update all for everything else. Then do your machine config after the updates.
ChrisBOP5mo ago
So this is the file ive been trying to install..... the one you pointed too..... i refromatted the micro sd card before trying the etcher i also got the version of balena etcher that you recommended
CrashTestCharlie / VC4 400h
Ok, hail mary attempt, get the formatter from sdcard.org to reset it to normal https://www.sdcard.org/downloads/formatter/
ChrisBOP5mo ago
I did finally get it to work last night. I actually went with balena etcher 1.15 and when it was done I skipped the verification. It worked. I was able to get the pi on my network. Thanks for all your help
don't skip verification - that is ensuring what you think you wrote to the SD card actually got written. If you skip this you risk running corrupted software with unknown results
ChrisBOP5mo ago
ah damn back to the drawing board then....
ChrisB5mo ago
Ran it again this morning at work using pi imager.... worked perfectly, verification passed! Thanks guys

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