Move out of range: 20.000 -7.000 2.000 [0.000]

Had to reinstall of Ratos now i have this. Printer is vcore3 500 with beacon probe. all works well will heat home z tilt but when z tilt is complete it comes back to the middle homes z again raises up then come back down like it always has but instead of moving to back middle to park for extruder heat up i get this error now i. I cant see anything that i am missing so wondering if anyone can tell me what i am overlooking. Thanks
9 Replies
blacksmithforlife•17mo ago
RacOutlawOP•17mo ago
@blacksmithforlife 🇺🇸 sorry thought i attached that and had to run to town for a sec.
RacOutlawOP•17mo ago
and if i try Z_OFFSET_APPLY_PROBE i get this back Nothing to do: Z Offset is 0 Z_OFFSET_APPLY_PROBE Nothing to do: Z Offset is 0
blacksmithforlife•17mo ago
why do you have this?
[mcu] serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32g0b1xx_38000C0012504B4633373520-if00 [beacon] serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Beacon_Beacon_RevD_6F439364515137474C202020FF0C1626-if00
RacOutlawOP•17mo ago
the beacon is usb and has to have that to talk to board and the other one is the serial for the CM4 pi yea ran the beacon calibrate and saved it or it use to have that for the beacon before it was intergrated.. Dont know if it is still but i added it just to make sure wait i see from an older version of ratos that this is in the printer.cfg and i am not seeing it in the latest version that i sent you [stepper_x] position_max: 500 position_endstop: 0 [stepper_y] position_max: 500 position_endstop: 500 ? no that should not matter as that is in the printers vcore3 500 section ok kloaded up the old printer.cfg and it worked
RacOutlawOP•17mo ago
RacOutlawOP•17mo ago
that one worked i see this was missing from under beacon section in there.. [beacon] serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Beacon_Beacon_RevD_6F439364515137474C202020FF0C1626-if00 x_offset: -20 # update with offset from nozzle on your machine y_offset: 0 # update with offset from nozzle on your machine mesh_main_direction: x mesh_runs: 2
blacksmithforlife•17mo ago
you should redo your printer.cfg, that one is a mess
RacOutlawOP•17mo ago
yea think i will... thanks for the help .. @blacksmithforlife 🇺🇸

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