New setup questions
Working on setting up everything and calibrating my printer before making my first self build printer. Bit of a newbie here ๐
1. I'm using klicky probe for my Vcore3.1 and im curious about the offset in the default klicky.cfg. I think i have to use KlickyProbe_Microswitch_XL ( in order to have the probe pass the rapido hotend, right? And if so, is the offset in the default cfg correct? The file says to not make any edits.
2. I havent really done any tuning on belt tensionig, but it looks like the x-rail profle is slightly off from being perpendicular to the y-rails. Is this something i fix with belt tension as i think this was pretty good when i was assembling the toolhead.
3. Does the print bed have to be perfectly level when doing the z-offset calibration?
Klicky-Probe/Probes/KlickyProbe/STL/KlickyProbe_Microswitch_XL.stl ...
Microswitch probe with magnetic attachement, primarily aimed at CoreXY 3d printers - Klicky-Probe/Probes/KlickyProbe/STL/KlickyProbe_Microswitch_XL.stl at main ยท jlas1/Klicky-Probe
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