vcore 3.1 500 Bed Mesh

So I put my vcore 3.0 now 3.1 back together in hopes of trying to get the bed mesh sorted. I have always struggled with bed adhesion issues on this printer, and I feel like the bed mesh is somewhat at the root of this, even with adaptive meshing. anyhow, I have taken this thing completely apart, watched all the videos, and I still come back with this same general bed shape. Sort of "Taco shaped, with a wave at the back. By moving the Z tilt positions some, I have been able to get it to lay a little flatter, but it still looks like either a sag in the bed, or a slight upwards curve in the gantry center. This time around I went with an aftermarket gantry. I have tried loosening the rail and tightening from the center out, and from one end to the other, and I get the same result. Is there anything I can do to tweak this, or should I go right to swapping the gantry out?
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3 Replies
AOne3d ago
Loose the screws of the gantry and tighten them when the chamber is fully heat soaked.
So I don't have the enclosure pieces installed at the moment due to all the fiddling, but I did preheat the bedplate and loosened the gantry and adjusted as well as re-cleaned the PEI plate and carefully cleaned the magnetic surface. The results are better, but certainly not perfect. This bed has always had that wave in it. In the past I have completely disassembled it down to the last extrusion and reassembled and it remains so I think that it is an artifact of a not perfectly flat bed plate. Any other suggestions or is .158 close enough for most cases?

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