Are there any plans to include the SKR Pico V1 in the near future?

see title 🙂
15 Replies
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
thanks for submitting a pull request to support it!
miklschmidt•2y ago
No, RP2040 currently cannot be automated, so out of principle it's not happening. Yet. It also requires a quirk file and i swore i would never allow that after the E3 Mini v3.0
extended-salmonOP•2y ago
a what file now? Now that you mention the E3... I'm trying to figure out all the pins for the pico atm: The pico pinout does not show diag pins. In the E3 Mini v3 (i guess thats the btt-skr-mini-e3-30 config), you set them to the endstop pins. Any harm in doing the same thing on the pico?
miklschmidt•2y ago
The RatOS modular klipper configuration. Contribute to Rat-OS/RatOS-configuration development by creating an account on GitHub.
miklschmidt•2y ago
It makes aliases not work because of a klipper limitation And no, no harm, they're always the same as the endstop pins on boards with diag jumpers.
extended-salmonOP•2y ago
oh, I see, it'll overrider stepper.cfg then. what do you mean by cannot be automated? automatic flashing?
miklschmidt•2y ago
tmc2209.cfg yes Flashing process is awful
extended-salmonOP•2y ago
i've not yet been at that point 😄 i think it includes a jumper and pressing a button but hey, i'm running a skr 1.4T on a CR10... no autoflashing either and i have to get to that little shit of a micro sd card each time...
extended-salmonOP•2y ago
One last question: is that board pins name (btt_skr_mini_e3_30) included somewhere else? If not, i'd rather create a btt_skr_pico_v1 in order to not break stuff down the road.
No description
EternalPath•2y ago
I see there is a generic pico V1 config file in the latest ratos. Why is it labelled generic? Is because there is no wiring diagram so you can have stuff plugged in differently?
miklschmidt•2y ago
i think you're referring to the klipper example files, not RatOS.
EternalPath•2y ago
Ah yes. So that config file should work as an include in my printer.cfg right? Then I just need to make sure I assign the correct steppers and heater outputs, thermistor input combinations etc?
miklschmidt•2y ago
Ah yes. So that config file should work as an include in my printer.cfg right?
No, that's a super basic vanilla klipper config.
EternalPath•2y ago
Okay, I'll have to do some more studying. Ty. Hmm. Looks like the generic klipper config file replaces two or more config files in the ratos config system. The generic klipper config file defines the IO objects and simultaneously links them to MCU pins. But in ratos the pins are given names in the board config and then the pin names are separately configured into IO objects. (IO objects = steppers, hotends, extruders, probes, etc.)
miklschmidt•2y ago
You can't use those files. You need to define a board_pin alias map like all the other boards in RatOS, look at one of them as an example. All it is, is an alias mapping the gpio's on the board to human readable aliases that are then used throughout the configuration. Well it's that, plus some USB device mapping and the [mcu] and [adxl345] configuration. You can skip the device mapping if you manually configure the MCU path like in a vanilla klipper setup.

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