help testing orange pi 3 lts in case anyone wants to try out the orange pi 3 lts image of ratos I created. If this works then Mikel can merge in my pull request and we can add it to the experimental supported boards. You must be signed into GitHub for that link to work properly.
201 Replies
fair-roseā€¢17mo ago
Any specific model? I guess I'm asking what's the slowest Orange Pi we are expecting it to work on?
blacksmithforlifeā€¢17mo ago
Well this is specific to the 3 lts as that's the image from armbian I used. Different orange pi use different CPU so the images aren't interchangeable
fair-roseā€¢17mo ago
I'll check what we have at work, we got some in during the Raspberry Pi shortage
blacksmithforlifeā€¢17mo ago
Though I would hope that it would be as simple as copy the orange pi 3 lts config for the other orange pi boards, in practice it isn't always so simple
fair-roseā€¢17mo ago
Ok I borrowed one but now I can't find an SD card lol
blacksmithforlifeā€¢17mo ago
Lol. I did find an issue, the wifi doesn't start properly with wpa_supplicant Also the board doesn't have the ability to scan for WiFi while hosting a hotspot @beany new image is building now @beany ok so because the configurator doesn't allow you to just enter the ssid and the password manually there is a bit of work to get the wifi working. You first have to disable the wifi by running sudo systemctl disable create_ap then connect via ethernet and use the configurator as normal after it saves and reboots, then you need to re-enable by running sudo systemctl enable create_ap then you can either wait until you reboot again or start it manually by running sudo systemctl start create_ap I just tried on my board and all this worked. Yeah not a great experience, but should make it much smoother @riddlez. šŸ‘† in case you also want to test
genetic-orangeā€¢16mo ago
Works as stated. Also, adding manual wifi config to the configurator will make the experience considerably better.. Thanks for your time with the OrangePi blacksmith! My machine has been running smooth with the OPI LTS. No stability issues at all. Been printing almost constantly.
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
What are the new changes? I can test it after I get off work a few hours later
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
I fixed the wifi hotspot, and as soon as the latest build is complete I fixed the SPI so the ADXL should work
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
Ok, I recently tested if I have time, today re-assembled, my v-core3.1 replaced with abs prints, about 2 days to test completed
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
I was testing last night. I can get through everything until it comes time for the unit to connect to wifi. It will not connect and always goes back to the AP I can get it to see the wifi networks, but it also shows double of my networks. But it never connects
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
yes, that is unfortunately the hardware. It doesn't seem able to do both at the same time
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
hmm I can only get this to connect to wifi on the debian based armbian image been working on it for the last hour and it just won't connect to my wifi even though it's getting great signal strength and the password is correct, i've tried both of the 2.4g that show up and both the 5g that show up for a total of 4 networks and nada Going to let it sit for a few and see if it shows up on the router I do have it connected via ethernet initially, and I had been leaving it in, but i disconnected it on this reboot to see if it will force the wifi to connect
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago is what starts the hotspot or connects to the wifi
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
Thank you. I ended up just going into orangepi-config and adding it there and it's working now about to reboot and see if it sticks Did not stick after reboot šŸ˜¦
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
Because that script starts the hotspot sooner. It is meant to work with the Rat-OS configurator which writes the SSID and password to wpa_supplicant file
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
ahh, okay interesting, i was going back through the steps writing notes for myself and when I went to the configure page after sudo systemctl disable create_ap it was showing the wireless ip lol
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
Did you look at the script like I suggested?
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
No, I didn't realize you were saying to look at it. Thought you were just telling me about it Either way, it's sitting next to me with wifi working Also, thank you for responding. I'm still a noob on linux and pi's etc. Figured I'd be a good test case lmao For testing, I was connected via wifi and ran sudo systemctl start create_ap and did a reboot. It went back to creating the AP and hasn't connected to wifi. I'm going to move it back and connect via ethernet and take a look at cancel that, found it, but running to Ace before it close for some bolts bbl to continue
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
so you can see here ratos configurator will write the SSID and Password to the wpa_supplicant file until that file exists AND it is able to parse the SSID and password AND it is able to connect to that wifi, it will continue to create the hotspot until is implemented there is no way to manually enter the wifi info - so yeah it stinks but hey orangepi isn't supported yet
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
Totally understood. I can get it up and running by disabling the AP. Like I said, I figured I was a good test subject lol.
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
you don't disable the AP
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
looking at the wpa_supplicant file i do see my network in there under a section called Supplied by RatOS Configurator sorry, it works if i run this "sudo systemctl disable create_ap"
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
yeah - don't do that that is what I am trying to tell you - that script will start the wifi using the info in the wpa_supplicant file No need to enable wifi via orangepi-config or anything
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
okay, so then why won't it connect? the info is in the supplicant file i'm using your instructions from the 11th?
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
Possibly. I'll reflash and try again. Should I not use what you wrote on the 11th?
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
I would re-flash using the latest image I linked ( since I have no idea what you are talking about - probably ignore it for now I have updated the image several times since the 11th
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
but note - you CANNOT set the wifi using the configurator because that is a hardware limitation so you must write the WPA_supplication file yourself (until that feature I mentioned is implemented) everything else should be working as normal RatOS
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
Okay, got it. So reflash, let it boot up, get in via SSH and add my network manually to the WPA_supplication file?
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
yeah that's old - no need to do that anymore if you want it to stop doing hotspot and connect to wifi - yes
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
yeah i have no need for hotspot i can throw it on the ethernet to configure initially
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
echo "## WPA/WPA2 secured
ssid="put SSID here"
psk="put password here"
}" | sudo tee /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
echo "## WPA/WPA2 secured
ssid="put SSID here"
psk="put password here"
}" | sudo tee /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
replace ssid and psk with your info
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
and thank you again
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
yeah - thank you for testing! I don't have a spare printer to test on yet so I can only do so much
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
lmao, i write technical documents for other things so I feel any pain explaining things to people i'm building my first rat rig currently, electronics and wire routing is where I'm at now, but wanted to get the orange pi going while doing other things
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
Well as a programmer/tech lead - I am probably the reason you feel such pain though (even if I do say so myself) I think is pretty good documentation
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
no, people just don't read instructions, which i can be guilty of too
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
as is everyone
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
on second thought, I'm adding any cybersecurity dept to 2nd on the list after users lmao I work with a bunch of them, I get it and their job is important, but when you're 3 layers of windows deep because a certain app can only be run in VDI in a specific environment... yeah, no fun
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
So yeah - let me know if you run into any other issues than that wifi stuff. Not much more I can do until Mikel implements that work around
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
Will do. Thank you again for your help! Also, wifi generally seems to be an issue on this board. I couldn't get it working on the Armbian Jammy version, had to use Debian
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
Yeah the wifi is a mess. I got it to work on bullseye armbian, but then I couldn't get SPI to work
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
Which language do you all use java/python/c++?
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
Typically I use Java and python. But I have used many others to a lesser degree. I don't do as much programming as I used to unfortunately
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
I am not a programmer so I use what the Google says to use lol
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
I took a C programming class in high school back in the 90's... I decided then that I wasn't a programmer lol
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
I will only a little python is not very proficient, this year in the study of java Currently working in software testing, or want to learn more about programming
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
My must read books that changed how I wrote programs+in no particular order): * Clean code * Accelerate: the science of lean software and DevOps * Release it! * The culture code * Effective Java * Hacking the art of exploitation * Designing data intensive applications
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
Okay, thanks for sharing
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
Lol, so my wifi name includes both spaces and the name wifi. System thinks it's an extra argument Tried turning on my guest network but it said secrets weren't provided And to get to that point, I still had to disable create_ap. As of now, the only way I can get it working is to run sudo systemctl disable create_ap and connect via orangepi-config
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
Well if you feel up to the challenge, you can try improving how it finds the SSID grep -E "^\s+ssid" /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g' | cut -c 7- | sed 's/.$//' Either that or edit to have quotes around the SSID and password variables @paerrin should have changes so that your SSID having spaces in it shouldn't cause an issue you still need to enter your info though via
echo "## WPA/WPA2 secured
ssid="put SSID here"
psk="put password here"
}" | sudo tee /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
echo "## WPA/WPA2 secured
ssid="put SSID here"
psk="put password here"
}" | sudo tee /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
Downloading to test now. Here's what I get when I run the script when the create_ap function is disabled:
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
No description
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
and then it hangs but it does recognize the wifi name now, took at look at and saw you added quotes
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
Well I can't really help debug it because then you would have to post your SSID and password. But if you find out the reason and there needs to be a change let me know
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
will do, is it possible to have it wait before it creates the AP? I'm wondering if it just doesn't have enough time to connect and/or if it's not passing the pw properly based on that error the pw is definitely correct in the file
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
RatOS/ at orange_pi_3lts_using_official_image Ā· jsc...
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - RatOS/ at orange_pi_3lts_using_official_image Ā· jscancella/RatOS
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
You can try copying and pasting lines 6 and 8 and testing if the output is correct
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
I will try that!
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
Soon, I'll start testing after the installation today after work
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
No description
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
I like the silver extrusions! Sorry got distracted doing wiring lol. I did both and it's pulling them so šŸ¤·
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
Yeah, I couldn't buy the black translucent pc board so I ended up buying silver aluminum and clear pc board.
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
and what is the output from sudo nmcli dev wifi connect "${SSID}" password "${PASSWORD}" ?
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
how would I see that output? might be beyond me
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
You run that command and the console will write output Just like when you run ls and it outputs the files and directories there
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
okay, I tried just running it and it came up empty but I had been fiddling with that one so I just flashed it again and hooked it up to ethernet
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
If it didn't put anything out it probably connected to your wifi. So yeah IDK why it isn't working for you @paerrin I am looking at and I have to apologize - that is indeed the way to get the wifi to work. but once Mikel implements the ability to just enter the info via the configurator then you shouldn't need to do it
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
All good. I was learning new things šŸ™‚ So I thank you either way. Yeah, this is the solution. But disabling the create_ap function works. I do not re-enable it though, that's where it goes wrong for me. If I leave it disabled everything works as intended.
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
that's because you are using orangepi_config to input the wifi though right?
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
Correct. That's what I had done. I'm just about to try again from a fresh image. It was giving me fits connecting to the ethernet.
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
yeah, don't do that. Use the configurer, that is what the create_ap is designed in mind with so after you disable, visit <orange pi IP>/configure?step=0
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
IIRC even doing that, it won't connect and always creates the ap uno momento
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
step 1: disable create_ap - sudo systemctl disable create_ap step 2: reboot - sudo shutdown -r now step 3: go to <orange pi IP>/configure?step=0 and follow directions as normal step 4: after configurer reboots enable create_ap - sudo systemctl enable create_ap step 5: reboot one last time - sudo shutdown -r now your wifi should be working if it doesn't work, then most likely there is either a bug in the start script or the wpa_supplicant file is formatted wrong
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
on step 2 on the final reboot yeah, AP is running again, one sec
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
grep -E "^\s+ssid" /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g' | cut -c 7- | sed 's/.$//' returns the correct SSID?
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
and disabling it again does not connect me to the wifi, so I have a feeling your suspicion is correct
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
grep -E "^\s+psk" /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g' | cut -c 5- returns the correct password?
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
one sec it's rebooting after I re-enabled create ap SSID is correct, the password returns a long string, looking at wpa_supplicant.conf It does show the correct pw commented out with a new psk= under with the long string after and that's what's returned
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
right that is the hashed password what happens when you run
SSID=`grep -E "^\s+ssid" /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g' | cut -c 7- | sed 's/.$//'`
PASSWORD=`grep -E "^\s+psk" /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g' | cut -c 5-`
sudo nmcli dev wifi connect "${SSID}" password "${PASSWORD}"
SSID=`grep -E "^\s+ssid" /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g' | cut -c 7- | sed 's/.$//'`
PASSWORD=`grep -E "^\s+psk" /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g' | cut -c 5-`
sudo nmcli dev wifi connect "${SSID}" password "${PASSWORD}"
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
No network found because it's running the AP
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
disable it - reboot and run the above
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
Device 'wlan0' successfully activated with '04.... etc.
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
ohhh - I just thought of this. It may not like that sudo in the script šŸ˜… what does sudo systemctl show -pUser,UID create_ap output?
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
UID=[not set] User=
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
yeah... it is running as root and I am an idiot so I don't need to call sudo in that script - that is the bug
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
once is done building it should be fixed
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
kk, i'll give it a shot when it's done
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
not sure if you want to try and edit that script (command line text editing isn't the easiest)
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
i think i can do that, i can just open it in nano
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
ok, I have to do bathtime with kids. Just remove sudo from /usr/bin/
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
On it. And ooo fun! Mine is too old for that now. Not gonna lie, I don't totally miss it lmao She hated getting her face wet. It was challenging...
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
Mine is same, I had to get him a towel because I got water in his eyes šŸ™„
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
the joys of being a parent lol
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
This evening I should be able to start testing, reinstallation of most of the work has been completed, on the remaining wiring
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
No description
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
edited the file and removed the sudo but still didn't work, always goes back to the AP I'm about in the same spot you are. I just need to shorten two more wires and put the bed heater on and wire that up and I will be able to test
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
What does sudo journalctl -xe output?
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
Mar 23 02:07:44 ratos kernel: sun8i-dw-hdmi 6000000.hdmi: read_hpd result: 2 Mar 23 02:07:44 ratos kernel: sun8i-dw-hdmi 6000000.hdmi: EVENT=plugin Mar 23 02:07:44 ratos kernel: sun8i-dw-hdmi 6000000.hdmi: read_hpd result: 1 Mar 23 02:07:55 ratos kernel: sun8i-dw-hdmi 6000000.hdmi: EVENT=plugout Mar 23 02:07:55 ratos kernel: sun8i-dw-hdmi 6000000.hdmi: read_hpd result: 2 Mar 23 02:07:56 ratos kernel: sun8i-dw-hdmi 6000000.hdmi: EVENT=plugin Mar 23 02:07:56 ratos kernel: sun8i-dw-hdmi 6000000.hdmi: read_hpd result: 1 Mar 23 02:08:07 ratos kernel: sun8i-dw-hdmi 6000000.hdmi: EVENT=plugout Mar 23 02:08:07 ratos kernel: sun8i-dw-hdmi 6000000.hdmi: read_hpd result: 2 Mar 23 02:08:07 ratos kernel: sun8i-dw-hdmi 6000000.hdmi: EVENT=plugin Mar 23 02:08:07 ratos kernel: sun8i-dw-hdmi 6000000.hdmi: read_hpd result: 1 Mar 23 02:08:18 ratos kernel: sun8i-dw-hdmi 6000000.hdmi: EVENT=plugout Mar 23 02:08:18 ratos kernel: sun8i-dw-hdmi 6000000.hdmi: read_hpd result: 2 Mar 23 02:08:19 ratos kernel: sun8i-dw-hdmi 6000000.hdmi: EVENT=plugin Mar 23 02:08:19 ratos kernel: sun8i-dw-hdmi 6000000.hdmi: read_hpd result: 1 Mar 23 02:08:30 ratos kernel: sun8i-dw-hdmi 6000000.hdmi: EVENT=plugout Mar 23 02:08:30 ratos kernel: sun8i-dw-hdmi 6000000.hdmi: read_hpd result: 2 Mar 23 02:08:30 ratos kernel: sun8i-dw-hdmi 6000000.hdmi: EVENT=plugin Mar 23 02:08:30 ratos kernel: sun8i-dw-hdmi 6000000.hdmi: read_hpd result: 1 Mar 23 02:08:41 ratos kernel: sun8i-dw-hdmi 6000000.hdmi: EVENT=plugout Mar 23 02:08:41 ratos kernel: sun8i-dw-hdmi 6000000.hdmi: read_hpd result: 2 Mar 23 02:08:41 ratos sudo[38130]: pi : TTY=pts/2 ; PWD=/home/pi ; USER=r> Mar 23 02:08:41 ratos sudo[38130]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for u> i have a monitor hooked up
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
I guess you could also add some logging to the script and then check what it is outputting when it runs
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
Is this the latest package? I'll sort it out and test it later
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
No description
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
Skip it here?
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
No description
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
Depends on which step you're on. If you're just starting, yes, you skip this if you want to make your firmware.
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
Oh, then skip the executable ones here as before
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
Here how to access via Ethernet well? Or through the HDMI mouse keyboard operation
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
ethernet keyboard and mouse won't work
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
ok,I'll try it after work tomorrow. I'm too tired after I finish connecting today
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
No description
No description
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
It doesn't work, and cannot be accessed after the last reboot http://ratos.local/configure?step=1
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
that's not much to go on. You are going to have to help me out and look at logs and try and figure out why it isn't working cause I can't reproduce it locally
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
I think the hotspot didn't shut down successfully, the hotspot restarted after a reboot and I saw the hotspot's ip on ssh
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
No description
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
the hotspot only starts if it can't connect to the wifi - you need to investigate that part this part of the script:
if [[ -e /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf ]]
#get info from wpa_supplicant
SSID=`grep -E "^\s+ssid" /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g' | cut -c 7- | sed 's/.$//'`
#PASSWORD=`grep -E "^\s+#psk" /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g' | cut -c 6-`
PASSWORD=`grep -E "^\s+psk" /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g' | cut -c 5-`
nmcli dev wifi connect "${SSID}" password "${PASSWORD}"
if [[ -e /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf ]]
#get info from wpa_supplicant
SSID=`grep -E "^\s+ssid" /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g' | cut -c 7- | sed 's/.$//'`
#PASSWORD=`grep -E "^\s+#psk" /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g' | cut -c 6-`
PASSWORD=`grep -E "^\s+psk" /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g' | cut -c 5-`
nmcli dev wifi connect "${SSID}" password "${PASSWORD}"
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
Okay, let me check it out Which file is this part in?
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
No description
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
yeah lines 3-10
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
It seems that the connection was not successful
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
you have to disable the hotspot first before trying
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
Yeah, I just disabled it, I'll try again
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
No description
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
No description
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
No description
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
"After the last reboot, it still turned on the hotspot, and it seems that the connection was not successful." "Manually connecting via SSH can succeed. Could it be that there was a lack of password verification, so it did not succeed?"
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
No description
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
No description
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
I haven't been able to get it to work without leaving the hotspot off. Once I do the disable command, I don't turn it back on. If you don't need the AP to be created, I don't see a reason you need to turn it back on unless you lose the unit at some point.
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
yeah but that's not going to work for Mikel, so if you want it officially supported we got to get it to work. new build if anyone wants to try I made some changes to the script so that it will log information when it tried to run stuff
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
Fair. I tossed my unit in my build so I could start testing that. I have a second unit coming tomorrow morning and I can use that for testing. Has anyone done any testing with webcams? I'm off to Micro Center to pick one up for the new printer I'll stick with Logitech as it's known to work with linux and crowsnest lol alright, well the Logitech C922 worked with no issues
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
No description
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
I have my WIFI and password here, but it still doesn't work
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
That log doesn't have any of the output from the script Maybe the log got rotated, so look for other v-core.log files
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
Okay, I'll try it again and find it
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
@blacksmithforlifeCould it be here?
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
GNU nano 5.4 vcore.log 2022-09-06 11:22:07: Updating RatOS Config dir: /tmp/create_ap.wlan0.conf.NX3ECZpE PID: 1981 Network Manager found, set wlan0 as unmanaged device... DONE Sharing Internet using method: nat hostapd command-line interface: hostapd_cli -p /tmp/create_ap.wlan0.conf.NX3ECZ> Configuration file: /tmp/create_ap.wlan0.conf.NX3ECZpE/hostapd.conf Using interface wlan0 with hwaddr 68:d6:f3:91:c0:b0 and ssid "RatOS" wlan0: interface state UNINITIALIZED->ENABLED wlan0: AP-ENABLED wlan0: interface state ENABLED->DISABLED Doing cleanup.. wlan0: AP-DISABLED wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-TERMINATING nl80211: deinit ifname=wlan0 disabled_11b_rates=0 2023-03-25 18:27:44: Stopping RatOS done 2023-03-25 18:27:51: Updating RatOS 2023-03-25 18:31:07: Stopping RatOS 2023-03-25 18:31:15: Updating RatOS 2023-03-25 18:32:27: Stopping RatOS 2023-03-25 18:32:36: Updating RatOS Config dir: /tmp/create_ap.wlan0.conf.p4kjAhh6 PID: 2118 Network Manager found, set wlan0 as unmanaged device... DONE Sharing Internet using method: nat hostapd command-line interface: hostapd_cli -p /tmp/create_ap.wlan0.conf.p4kjAh> Configuration file: /tmp/create_ap.wlan0.conf.p4kjAhh6/hostapd.conf Using interface wlan0 with hwaddr 68:d6:f3:91:c0:b0 and ssid "RatOS" wlan0: interface state UNINITIALIZED->ENABLED wlan0: AP-ENABLED
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
ok I found the issue. even though I put a requirement to have the network up before running the creat_ap service it still isn't up fully. So you end up getting an error that the SSID isn't found... should fix that
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
Okay, I'll test it after the build is successful My klicky is finally adjusted
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
I'm flashing it now to test Alright, got distracted lol Seems to be working with the instructions posted now!!! Here's the output of vcore.log: GNU nano 5.4 vcore.log 2022-09-06 11:22:09: Updating RatOS 2023-03-26 06:55:57: Stopping RatOS 2023-03-26 06:56:04: Updating RatOS 2023-03-26 06:58:14: Stopping RatOS 2023-03-26 06:58:22: Updating RatOS 2023-03-26 07:00:55: Stopping RatOS 2023-03-26 07:01:03: Updating RatOS I wasn't able to connect via ratos.local but could via the IP
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
Yeah you don't need to share vcore.log anymore. That didn't work for some reason anyway
Maba_Kaloxā€¢16mo ago
@blacksmithforlife how usable is orange pi as host for ratos 2 currently? (Sorry if wrong channel) I am ready to help test btw, currently finishing my vcore with Orange Pi 3lts + skr1.3 (no software part yet, just mechanics is done)
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
currently you cannot be on hotspot and use the configurator to set the wifi because the hardware cannot both host a hostpot and scan for wifi signals. Otherwise I believe it should have feature parity with a normal raspberry pi
Maba_Kaloxā€¢16mo ago
Oh, that is more or less fine. This behaviour sounds pretty much how esp32 behaves, it refuse to scan in AP mode, but it supports mixed mode(AP+STA), and in mixed/STA mode it scans fine. Does orange pi support STA+AP mode? I checked branches in RatOS repo, there is two branches (official image and without it) which one would you recommend to use?
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
use this one (you need to sign into github before the link works)
Maba_Kaloxā€¢16mo ago
I am fine to build from source, this link seems to be to artifact. But I guess from armbian in name, this is official image branch?
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
ignore the name, it is too much hassle to have it properly pick up that it is using the official orangepi images But the image itself is NOT armbian (that is a different branch). I wasn't able to get the hotspot working with official armbian
Maba_Kaloxā€¢16mo ago
GitHub - jscancella/RatOS at orange_pi_3lts_using_official_image
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - GitHub - jscancella/RatOS at orange_pi_3lts_using_official_image
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
again you don't need to build from source - I gave you a direct link to the image
Maba_Kaloxā€¢16mo ago
I just like to build staff from sourcešŸ˜… Gentoo user here
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
believe me, don't.
Maba_Kaloxā€¢16mo ago
Okay, got it. I guess if you recommend, it is a hasslešŸ˜… I will follow your advice
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
the only problem is that the hotspot and wifi cannot work at the same time, it can be used through manual connection, I have been using it for a while, no other problems
Maba_Kaloxā€¢16mo ago
Weird bug, I boot up this artifact (, and followed guide to 1) disable create_ap 2) open /configure?step=0 failed to scan wifi network fixed, for some reason NetworkManager.conf had my device as unmanaged...
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
In between step 1 and 2 there you need to reboot
Maba_Kaloxā€¢16mo ago
yep. did it. Just some sneaky [keyfile] unmanaged-devices=wlan0 in NetworkManage.conf Now I am curious, will ratos fit into 8gb emmc. Requirements in documentation suggests - no, but hope suggests - yes
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
I wouldn't
Maba_Kaloxā€¢16mo ago
okay. it fitted, though almost took entire flashšŸ˜… (5.8gb/7gb) btw, what happens with printer on kernel panic? Is there some safety measurement in klipper like heartbeat check? (both directions) I faced same issue, seems like collision of dpkg and ratos modifications to avahi. Running sudo dpkg --configure -a and responding N(keep your currently-installed version) fixed the issue
other-emeraldā€¢16mo ago
Sweet. I'll check it when I get home on Saturday.
Maba_Kaloxā€¢16mo ago
Do someone use Orange pi with mellow fly sht? I can not successfully finish reflash randomly, dfu-utils fails with error:
dfu-util: Error during download get_status: -4 (LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_DEVICE)
dfu-util: Error during download get_status: -4 (LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_DEVICE)
` if device is in dfu mode by jumper, if it was flashed and in normal mode, it fails with
dfu-util : failed to detach
dfu-util : failed to detach
, both this errors appears after successful reflash and during get_status after - :leave command in dfu-utils, though device seems to function normally afterwards (it exits DFU state and boots into flashed firmware).
Maba_Kaloxā€¢16mo ago
I discussed this problem in, but because flashing same firmware in dfu mode by my Linux PC, does not report same error, I guess something is wrong with Orange Pi
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Maba_Kaloxā€¢16mo ago
Or maybe I have faulty Mellow fly sht36 or/and faulty Orange pi 3 lts. So, I would be thankful if someone would try to update firmware of fly-sht 36 by Orange pi 3 lts Sorry. False alarm, that is not Orange pi fault, but rather - bad configuration of firmare/faulty fly-sht 36. It fails on
with error code:
, which according to documentation of libusb, means:
If the reset fails, the descriptors change, or the previous state cannot be restored, the device will appear to be disconnected and reconnected. This means that the device handle is no longer valid (you should close it) and rediscover the device. A return code of LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND indicates when this is the case.
If the reset fails, the descriptors change, or the previous state cannot be restored, the device will appear to be disconnected and reconnected. This means that the device handle is no longer valid (you should close it) and rediscover the device. A return code of LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND indicates when this is the case.
And I manage to get same error on PC by running:
python3 ~/klipper/scripts/ -t "stm32f072xb" -d "/dev/ttyACM0" -s "0x8000000"
python3 ~/klipper/scripts/ -t "stm32f072xb" -d "/dev/ttyACM0" -s "0x8000000"
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
@miklschmidt FYI image is ok
like-goldā€¢16mo ago
Few people use emmc directly, 3lts emmc is still too small Use sd card, emmc is not much faster
Maba_Kaloxā€¢16mo ago
So, I just separated root and home partition, so root take only 63% of emmc of 3lts and rest the laying in external sd card. Maybe you have some crazy speed sd card, mine is speed class mark 10 and it is a lot slower then 3lts emmc by a lot (8.7mb/s vs 110mb/s). Probably thought such speeds are useless for 3d printer firmware, but I enjoy fast boot timesšŸ˜…
miklschmidtā€¢16mo ago
@blacksmithforlife might want to include this in the image yes, the mcu's will go into shutdown mode if they lose connection with the klippy process at least they should šŸ˜„
blacksmithforlifeā€¢16mo ago
So how do you do this non-interactively?
Maba_Kaloxā€¢16mo ago
If you would like to fix image, I think it is better to not cause dpkg errors instead of fixing them. Is Avahi embedded into RatOs image? (Preinstalled) as I understand, dpkg did not like that avahi config file was already present before avahi installation, so maybe worth to put RatOS related configuration into configuration subdir in etc/avahi, rather then modifying avahi.conf? I am just guessing, I can try to fix it in a week and send PR
Maba_Kaloxā€¢16mo ago
I canā€™t find what check_install_pkgs does, but maybe it does not call dpkg configure, unlike apt?
Maba_Kaloxā€¢16mo ago
Okay, now I feel dumb, I remembered that I used orangepi-configure tool and asked it to install avahi, it hanged and I decided to kill it, that probably caused ā€œdpkg was interruptedā€, so we are discussing un existing problemšŸ˜… Though I started to try to install avahi through orangepi-configure as mdns did not workā€¦ If I will find spare SD card, I will try to check it, as currently my only SD card occupied by Home petition of RATos
national-goldā€¢14mo ago
Can someone share the link to the latest image. I have one of these devices and am willing to test.
national-goldā€¢14mo ago
Ok cool. Downloaded that version already. Just wasnā€™t sure if it was current. Quick update. The Wi-Fi issue is a pain, but interestingly enough, if itā€™s connected to any Wi-Fi network, it will scan for othersā€¦. I couldnā€™t get Ethernet to work, so I had to disable start-ap, manually bring up Wi-Fi, re-enable start-ap, then run through the configuratior and was able to compete without problems using an up address To get it to self-register mdns, I had to install avahi-daemon.
blacksmithforlifeā€¢14mo ago
I couldnā€™t get Ethernet to work
how long did you wait for ethernet connection?
national-goldā€¢14mo ago
Long enough ;-). Probably close to 10 mins.
national-goldā€¢14mo ago
When I installed avahi-daemon it gave me an error about the conf file existing already, but I allowed it to overwrite since the conf file existed but was empty. I now have a functional orangepi3 Thatā€™s strange. It clearly wasnā€™t on my install.
blacksmithforlifeā€¢14mo ago
and the fact your ethernet isn't working when it works fine on mine indicates something is wrong. I would check your SD card
national-goldā€¢14mo ago
Iā€™ll reflash and document the steps. Iā€™ve reflashed and started from scratch with the first boot protocol. Plugging the Ethernet before first boot, it seems to get further in the config process. Iā€™ve issued ctrl-alt-f1 and am watching the console messages for the last half hour. Still no avahi-daemon though.
national-goldā€¢14mo ago
This is on a clean build. I had Ethernet connected for 40 minutes to let things settle. Then I ran through the configuration to set hostname and wireless. Rebooted, then logged in, checked interfaces, then checked to see if avahi was installed.
No description
blacksmithforlifeā€¢14mo ago
does avahi package not install avahi-daemon?
national-goldā€¢14mo ago
sudo apt-get install avahi [sudo] password for pi: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package avahi sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Reading state information... Done The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: libcmark-gfm-extensions0 libcmark-gfm0 pandoc-data Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them. The following additional packages will be installed: libavahi-core7 Recommended packages: libnss-mdns The following NEW packages will be installed: avahi-daemon libavahi-core7 0 upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 210 kB of archives. After this operation, 589 kB of additional disk space will be used. Do you want to continue? [Y/n] sudo apt-cache search avahi avahi-autoipd - Avahi IPv4LL network address configuration daemon avahi-daemon - Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD daemon avahi-discover - Service discover user interface for avahi avahi-dnsconfd - Avahi DNS configuration tool avahi-ui-utils - Avahi GTK+ utilities avahi-utils - Avahi browsing, publishing and discovery utilities gir1.2-avahi-0.6 - GObject introspection data for Avahi libavahi-client-dev - Development files for the Avahi client library libavahi-client3 - Avahi client library libavahi-common-data - Avahi common data files libavahi-common-dev - Development files for the Avahi common library libavahi-common3 - Avahi common library libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev - Development headers for the Avahi Apple Bonjour compatibility library libavahi-compat-libdnssd1 - Avahi Apple Bonjour compatibility library libavahi-core-dev - Development files for Avahi's embeddable mDNS/DNS-SD library libavahi-core7 - Avahi's embeddable mDNS/DNS-SD library libavahi-glib-dev - Development headers for the Avahi GLib integration library libavahi-glib1 - Avahi GLib integration library libavahi-gobject-dev - Development headers for the Avahi GObject library libavahi-gobject0 - Avahi GObject library libavahi-ui-gtk3-0 - Avahi GTK+ User interface library for GTK3 libavahi-ui-gtk3-dev - Development headers for the Avahi GTK+ User interface library python3-avahi - Python utility package for Avahi libnet-rendezvous-publish-backend-avahi-perl - Perl module to publish zeroconf data with the Avahi library libapache2-mod-dnssd - Zeroconf support for Apache 2 via avahi squid-deb-proxy-client - automatic proxy discovery for APT based on Avahi xmms2-client-avahi - XMMS2 - avahi client
like-goldā€¢12mo ago
@blacksmithforlife The download link for the ratos image of orange 3lts is not working.
blacksmithforlifeā€¢12mo ago
which link? Are you signed into github?
like-goldā€¢12mo ago
blacksmithforlifeā€¢12mo ago
The following artifacts have expired and are no longer able to be downloaded.
like-goldā€¢12mo ago
blacksmithforlifeā€¢12mo ago
like-goldā€¢12mo ago
It's okay. I've saved it before. I should have it on my hard drive.