Ratteling Noise on diagonal moves (V-Core 3.1)
Hey everyone,
I have this strange rattling noise on my printer (see attached Video). It only occures, when the printhead is moved diagnoally (so x and y on the same time) - so on Top/Bottom Layers and Infill. It´s origin seems to be the EVA Carriage. It occurs on high (150 mm/s) and low speed (35 mm/s), with accelerations below 5000 mm^2/s. X and Y moved alone don´t have a hint of this noise, even when the printhead moves much faster than stated. No resonance tuning done to it, no accel-sensor attached.
What I´ve tried so far:
Tested with no filament in the extruder to confirm that the nozzle isn´t rubbing
Checked the belt tension
Retightend all Belt Pulleys
Completly disassembled and reassembled the EVA Carriage, making sure every screw grabs a nut and is tight.
Does anyone have an Idea what to check as a next step?
13 Replies
flat-fuchsia•2y ago
Are rails properly maintained/greased?
They're new and lubed like the instructions told me to. The printer now has ~10 hours of runtime, most of it was setup. This is one of the first prints ^^
And it does not rattle when doing moves in only X or Y direction 🤔
flat-fuchsia•2y ago
Did you lube them? Out of the the box they don't
Oil you see on rails is just to prevent rust during transportation
There is a very light coating of sewing machine oil, applied with a paper towel - I would say thats sufficiant, but I am by no means an expert on linear rails 😓
The transport coating was removed with Isopropanaol.
flat-fuchsia•2y ago
I don't think it is sufficient, but that is my own experience.
that's fine for rust prevention, not for lubricating the balls in the ball-bearings in the rails
what lubrication should be used?
Most PTFE Based Bearing Greases should be fine (according to the reasach I did after this conversation). Look for Temperature resistance over 90°C or higher when having the printer enclosed. The Grease should not have abrasive contents like Graphite based greases!
Lubrication Basics - Keep your 3D printer running smooth and quiet
A common question I get asked is how do I properly apply grease to my printers motion components, in this video will cover the basics using methods I've found work well over the years and touch on some other related subjects as well
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Quick update from me - Lubed all rails according to the linked video. No difference. Put extra Grease on the rails where the print happens even more (way more than pictured) - no difference.
Disabled Stealthchop in the printer.cfg - it got worse...
Part of the ratteling was caused by the "super Pinda" - the super high pitch overtone is gone. But the rattle still mostly persists.
Regular suspects: could be the LGX extruder, put a finger on the lever or the gear while its moving to see if it disappears. Could also be the fan vibrating, same test there.
For what it's worth, i have the same issue and have not yet found a full fix.
flat-fuchsia•17mo ago
Try changing infill direction to 90 (instead of default 45), parallel to X or Y - same rattle?
It can be LGX too, one of mine have way too much freedom in gears
From what I can feel the vibration is strongest on the pinda probe, fan horn and probably the nozzle (can't confirm tho, didn't touch that xD). Fans are clamped down really well, no noise there.
The whole movement system starts shaking with these moves - you can feel it on the Belts and the whole EVA System. I believe, as mentioned, it's worst on the lower half.
Switched Stepper drivers today - that made it a little better. Used other motors (no effect), turned down the stepper Amperage (little better). Rechecked the whole Hotend Assembly - worse again.
Probably gonna reprint the whole EVA System, if asychevs Ideas don't work out tomorrow 🥲