"Timer too close" errors keep occurring.

36 HOURS into a ~48 hour print and I just got another timer too close error. This is on a Pi 4 8GB, after a brand new v30 SD card, and new USB cables connecting both my Octopus and ERCF mcu's. Already tried removing my klipper screen hardware previously and that didn't fix the issue either. What should I try next?? Going to poke though log files now but any advice on what might be worth a test next?
16 Replies
TheTik11mo ago
How are you powering the pi?
Have you installed any software? Or doing extra things like time lapse?
CampapaloozaOP11mo ago
Power adapter plugged into my UPS...could try replacing that and going straight into the wall just for kicks yeah
CampapaloozaOP11mo ago
Here's my full list. Only one that's "not stock" that I'm definitely using is HappyHare (ERCF). I didn't end up using beacon, but I can't find uninstall instructions lol. I'm not using timelapse (least I don't think I am) and so I assume that might be just a stock one I'm not sure.
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CampapaloozaOP11mo ago
This appears to be the relevant portion of Klippy.log, leading up to the crash...I do see a few 90% CPU usages with a small amount of >100%, but those weren't right before the crash at least as I'm reading it. Anybody else see any helpful info here that I'm missing?
What are all these trace statistics stuff? Seems to be eating into your CPU
CampapaloozaOP11mo ago
Those appear to be parts of HappyHare (ERCF)...aren't those essentially debug/logging? You think that would be sufficient to overload the CPU? Or what makes you think that? I mean I could turn those down...but I've never touched those and I've had this installed for a long time (far longer than this timer too close error has been hitting me)
CampapaloozaOP11mo ago
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IO requires blocking CPU. So if you're writing a lot, yeah you can eat up CPU. Doesn't hurt to turn the logging down and try
CampapaloozaOP11mo ago
Fair enough...doesn't hurt to try. In the interest of the "shotgun approach" of seeing what sticks I'll probably also back up all my config and just clean-install RatOS too. My new V30 SD card I just cloned, thinking it maybe just was a speed or failing SD card related issue but that doesn't appear to be the cause either. Although...I can't figure out why there's no 64-bit release of v2.0.2 on Github
Because it offers no benefit and actually caused a bunch of issues because the 64 bit versions of software had bugs
CampapaloozaOP11mo ago
I see....welllll crap lol literally just finished clean-installing 64-bit lol. Should be virtually zero chance this timer too close error could be caused by x64, though correct?
IDK, I forget what exact errors people ran into. Maybe Mikel remembers, but I would definitely switch to 32 bit
CampapaloozaOP11mo ago
Thanks man. One more quick (unrelated) question - any idea how to disable the RatOS SSID being automatically broadcast? I have my pi hardwired, so that's just extra wireless environment "junk" in my case lol. I guess I can manually connect it to my wireless (too) just seems redundant
sudo systemctl disable autohotspot.service I think should do it
CampapaloozaOP11mo ago
Thank you sir!

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