Webcam not found after Update to Crowsnest v4

After Update of my 3.1 to Crowsnest V4 my Raspi-Cam (CSI) is not working any more. The crowsnest.log says: [05/24/23 22:05:09] crowsnest: [cam 1] [05/24/23 22:05:09] crowsnest: mode: camera-streamer [05/24/23 22:05:09] crowsnest:
[05/24/23 22:05:09] crowsnest: enable_rtsp: false [05/24/23 22:05:09] crowsnest: rtsp_port: 8554 [05/24/23 22:05:09] crowsnest: port: 8080 [05/24/23 22:05:09] crowsnest: device: /dev/video0 [05/24/23 22:05:09] crowsnest: resolution: 640x480 [05/24/23 22:05:09] crowsnest: max_fps: 15 [05/24/23 22:05:09] crowsnest: INFO: Detect available Devices [05/24/23 22:05:09] crowsnest: ERROR: No usable Devices Found. Stopping crowsnest. Crowsnest.conf says: [crowsnest] log_path: /home/pi/printer_data/logs/crowsnest.log log_level: verbose # Valid Options are quiet/verbose/debug delete_log: false # Deletes log on every restart, if set to true no_proxy: false [cam 1] mode: camera-streamer # ustreamer - Provides mjpg and snapshots. (All devices) # camera-streamer - Provides webrtc, mjpg and snapshots. (rpi + Raspi OS based only) enable_rtsp: false # If camera-streamer is used, this enables also usage of an rtsp server rtsp_port: 8554 # Set different ports for each device! port: 8080 # HTTP/MJPG Stream/Snapshot Port device: /dev/video0 # See Log for available ... resolution: 640x480 # widthxheight format max_fps: 15 # If Hardware Supports this it will be forced, otherwise ignored/coerced. #custom_flags: # You can run the Stream Services with custom flags. #v4l2ctl: # Add v4l2-ctl parameters to setup your camera, see Log what your cam is capable of.
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35 Replies
wise-whiteOP2y ago
In putty I get the following reports: pi@ratos:~ $ vcgencmd get_camera supported=1 detected=1, libcamera interfaces=0 pi@ratos:~ $ v4l2-ctl --list-devices bcm2835-codec-decode (platform:bcm2835-codec): /dev/video10 /dev/video11 /dev/video12 /dev/video18 /dev/video31 /dev/media3 bcm2835-isp (platform:bcm2835-isp): /dev/video13 /dev/video14 /dev/video15 /dev/video16 /dev/video20 /dev/video21 /dev/video22 /dev/video23 /dev/media1 /dev/media2 mmal service 16.1 (platform:bcm2835_v4l2-0): /dev/video0 rpivid (platform:rpivid): /dev/video19 /dev/media0 The cam was working before without any problems. It was working with port /dev/video0. The same cam is working on my V-Minion with the same settings but this one is not updated to Crowsnest V4 Any ideas what I can try to let my webcam work again?
toml2y ago
Did you reinstall crowsnest? V4 has many breaking changes. See blog post:
Crowsnest v4 contains breaking changes and requires manual steps to...
Crowsnest just recently made huge changes to the way it works. This is great news, because it should be much faster and more reliable. Unfortunately, it also means that there are major breaking changes, and you'll need to do some manual steps to upgrade. When you update to V4 through the machine tab in mainsail, crowsnest will stop working until...
toml2y ago
You will need to do the process outlined in the blog on your V-minion too.
miklschmidt2y ago
Please post crowsnest.log
adverse-sapphire2y ago
I have the same. After the update, the RB Pi camera (Waveshare Camera HD B OV5647) is not recognized. I did everything as in instructions (in Blog and by tomlawesome). Crowsnest v4 reinstalled twice, webRTC in browser is enabled. [05/24/23 23:20:36] crowsnest: [cam 1] [05/24/23 23:20:36] crowsnest: mode: camera-streamer [05/24/23 23:20:36] crowsnest:
[05/24/23 23:20:36] crowsnest: enable_rtsp: false [05/24/23 23:20:36] crowsnest: rtsp_port: 8554 [05/24/23 23:20:36] crowsnest: port: 8080 [05/24/23 23:20:36] crowsnest: device: /dev/video0 [05/24/23 23:20:36] crowsnest: resolution: 640x480 [05/24/23 23:20:36] crowsnest: max_fps: 15 [05/24/23 23:20:36] crowsnest: INFO: Detect available Devices [05/24/23 23:20:36] crowsnest: ERROR: No usable Devices Found. Stopping crowsnest.
conscious-sapphire2y ago
For me, exactly the same result [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: crowsnest - A webcam Service for multiple Cams and Stream Services. [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: Version: v4.0.2 [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: Prepare Startup ... [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: INFO: Host information: [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: Host Info: Distribution: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: Host Info: Kernel: Linux 6.1.21-v8+ aarch64 [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: Host Info: Model: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5 [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: Host Info: Available CPU Cores: 4 [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: Host Info: Available Memory: 3705528 kB [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: Host Info: Diskspace (avail. / total): 50G / 59G [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: INFO: Checking Dependencys [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: Dependency: 'crudini' found in /usr/bin/crudini. [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: Dependency: 'find' found in /usr/bin/find. [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: Dependency: 'xargs' found in /usr/bin/xargs. [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: Dependency: 'ustreamer' found in bin/ustreamer/ustreamer. [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: Dependency: 'camera-streamer' found in bin/camera-streamer/camera-streamer. [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: Version Control: ustreamer is up to date. (v5.38) [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: Version Control: camera-streamer is up to date. ((9106d2c)) [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: INFO: Print Configfile: '/home/pi/printer_data/config/crowsnest.conf' [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: [crowsnest] [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: log_path: /home/pi/printer_data/logs/crowsnest.log [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: log_level: verbose [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: delete_log: false [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: no_proxy: false [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest:
[05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: [cam 1] [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: mode: camera-streamer [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest:
[05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: enable_rtsp: false [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: rtsp_port: 8554 [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: port: 8080 [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: device: /dev/video0 [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: resolution: 640x480 [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: max_fps: 15 [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: INFO: Detect available Devices [05/25/23 07:33:22] crowsnest: ERROR: No usable Devices Found. Stopping crowsnest.
automatic-azure2y ago
For me exactly same, don´t need to post any logs or configs, all same with others here
wise-whiteOP2y ago
Yes, of course I followed the manual step by step! Yes, I will do this evening but it will look like the ones before. No error exept the "No usable devices found" in the end. That's why I posted it in a short version.
automatic-azure2y ago
Same with nobbistyles, also followed the manual step by step, also double double check everything. use this cheap pi camera. Before updating camera was working. Done update after reading blog post, so did all under control of blog post. Any way go back to version 3 in a simple way? Or better wait or a solution?
toml2y ago
Can you confirm which version of Raspberry camera you have? For now you can switch back to legacy/v3 by following the blog post to uninstall. Before you reinstall, switch the git branch: git checkout legacy/v3 sudo make install And you should be able to use your old configuration for now. If you have raspberry camera v3, there is a project going on to add support this using another package.
automatic-azure2y ago
I use this cheap 5MP Camera labelled as Raspberry Pi Camera Rev 1.3
wise-whiteOP2y ago
I use a OV5647 5MP Nightvision Cam.
automatic-azure2y ago
this one
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wise-whiteOP2y ago
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toml2y ago
I'd recommend trying to use the legacy/v3 option for now. If that doesn't work, I'd create a support thread over in as the developers of Crowsnest will be able to help you better.
automatic-azure2y ago
I can see, this problem seems to affect several people. For me I just keep my system as is (Crowsnest 4) without working camera and wait for an update solving the problem. So long i will use an independent security-cam towatch my prints. Anyway learned something for myself: Don´t hurry with updates, wait some time, before update just clone the SD-card. So if anything fails, just change SD-card and wait for better updates. Anyway thanks alot to all the ones, assisting and helping and doing research and development. 👍
toml2y ago
That’s probably easiest yeah. Second hand Logitech c270 off eBay works well too I think if you prefer to wait until raspberry cam support is fixed. I got one off eBay for just £5 and there’s a printable modification to adjust focus point.
adverse-sapphire2y ago
Waveshare OV5647 camera works fine with default mjpeg settings after temporarily reverting to legacy/v3 👍 . Now waiting for updated v4.
wise-whiteOP2y ago
OV5647 5MP Nightvision Cam works with legacy/V3 too
toml2y ago
Good news.
wise-whiteOP2y ago
Thank you Helge, will try that this evening and report here if it works for my cam. @Helge Keck @helmuts1 and @buszmen61 I just followed Helge's Link ( ) and can confirm that it works for my OV5647 5MP Nightvision Cam too. The entry of dtoverlay=ov5647 to /boot/config.txt made crowsnest able to detect the cam again. /base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/ov5647@36 was the device to enter in the crowsnest.conf like in the description too. My cam is running with 1920 x 1080 at 30fps now!
Helge Keck
Helge Keck2y ago
@miklschmidt maybe you want to add this to the crowsnest blog entry
gradual-turquoise2y ago
Thank you for posting this fix. Although I am able to use my camera again, everything now has a horrible magenta cast to it and for the life of me I can't figure out why.
gradual-turquoise2y ago
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adverse-sapphire2y ago
I tried 2 times according to the Blog: reinstallation, legacy camera - disabled, added line: dtoverlay=ov5647. Camera - recognized, stream - started, and ... black screen😐 Camera sensor: OV5647, interface: MIPI CSI-2 [05/27/23 10:31:09] crowsnest: [cam 1] [05/27/23 10:31:09] crowsnest: mode: camera-streamer [05/27/23 10:31:09] crowsnest: [05/27/23 10:31:09] crowsnest: enable_rtsp: false [05/27/23 10:31:09] crowsnest: rtsp_port: 8554 [05/27/23 10:31:09] crowsnest: port: 8080 [05/27/23 10:31:09] crowsnest: device: /dev/video0 [05/27/23 10:31:09] crowsnest: resolution: 640x480 [05/27/23 10:31:09] crowsnest: max_fps: 15 [05/27/23 10:31:09] crowsnest: INFO: Detect available Devices [05/27/23 10:31:09] crowsnest: INFO: Found 1 total available Device(s) [05/27/23 10:31:09] crowsnest: Detected 'libcamera' device -> /base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/ov5647@36 [05/27/23 10:31:09] crowsnest: Try to start configured Cams / Services... [05/27/23 10:31:11] crowsnest: INFO: Configuration of Section [cam 1] looks good. Continue ... [05/27/23 10:31:13] crowsnest: Starting camera-streamer with Device /dev/video0 ... [05/27/23 10:31:13] crowsnest: ... Done!
HD G camera - Raspberry Pi wide-angle camera with adjustable focal ...
5-megapixel HD camera module with OV5647 sensor designed for Raspberry Pi computers. The camera is equipped with a fisheye lens, the focal length is adjustable. Waveshare RPi Camera (G)
Prav2y ago
You haven't changed the the config with the right device: Edit crowsnest.cfg and switch line with device: /dev/video0 to device: base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/ov5647@36
adverse-sapphire2y ago
Thanks Prav ! 👍 Now works fine
Im using rpi v2 and after this update IT stopped to work. Ive followed this manual and my camera started to work again but nów IT hangs my print. I receive communication that mcu is overloaded or bad wiring etc When im trying to print. Before was working fine. When i turn off crowsnest IT works.
miklschmidt2y ago
Pi might be using too many resources with the settings you’re using? Try turning down resolution and/or framerate
I was using the same settings as before. 1280x720 and 15fps. Previously was no issues.
miklschmidt2y ago
I just now noticed you said "Rpi v2". That is actually not supported. Try switching back to mjpeg If that doesn't work you can go back to crowsnest v3, by running the steps in reverse. Ie. uninstall, checkout legacy/v3, reinstall.
Okay, will do that
miklschmidt2y ago
If the issues persist you might want to create a thread here:

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