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Just built my 400mm 3.1. Stock
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16 Replies
Vitamin G
Vitamin G13mo ago
This is good 👍 The small hump above 100hz isn't desirable. You probably have something in the EVA that could be tightened further but I'm not sure it's worth worrying about. Try and print a calibration cube and check for ringing
shadyguidoOP13mo ago
thank you so much for responding! After inputting the input shaper numbers I printed a ringing tower and it had zero - and I mean zero - ringing up all the way to the top! However, there was some terrible layer shift 15mm from the top (three bumps from the top) - which I think gives me a max accel of 5500 right? Anything I can do to fix the layer shift? or is that just a limitation of the motors? Or is it the steppers? I am totally stock - not even a fan blowing on the steppers
Vitamin G
Vitamin G13mo ago
Sounds more like the belts need more tension The steppers won't be your limiting factor they can go much faster even uncooled
shadyguidoOP13mo ago
hrm. any way to tell from the graphs whether they are tense enough? or which one is not tense enough? I tightened a bit and here's what I got
shadyguidoOP13mo ago
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Vitamin G
Vitamin G13mo ago
Try loosening the bottom belt about a quarter turn
shadyguidoOP13mo ago
Its.... worse?
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shadyguidoOP13mo ago
I tied the shaper cable to the umbilical and took out the filament... maybe that did something?
Vitamin G
Vitamin G13mo ago
Oh yeah load the filament back in
shadyguidoOP13mo ago
you think that had something to do with it? How?
Vitamin G
Vitamin G13mo ago
It's caused issues with people in the past. I'm not sure exactly why Did you remove the filament roll from the printer completely or just unloaded it from the extruder?
shadyguidoOP13mo ago
Vitamin G
Vitamin G13mo ago
Just set the tensions back to normal
shadyguidoOP13mo ago
Hah ok. Is one of the belts just too long?
Vitamin G
Vitamin G13mo ago
I think your printer is fine. I'm not exactly sure what caused the layer shift for you I'd try to add air cooling to your drivers and try the performance settings to see if that helps
shadyguidoOP13mo ago
For future builders searching for a solution to a similar problem: My rear motor mounts were not tight, nor were the grub screws holding in the gears to the motors. I wrenched down everything. no more layer shift or diagonal leaning or any ohter keyword that might come up on a search 😉

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