I just bought a raspberry 5...
I assumed that RatOS-v2.1.0-RC1 would support it. To my surprise it did not. Any plans to support it soon? Compliments by the way! On my older raspberry pi it is a HUGE impromvent.
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You can read through the discussion in https://discord.com/channels/582187371529764864/859890291591217162/1238914634606706699
but the TL;DR - supporting pi5 is going to be a lot of work due to the amount of changes needed so it will not be anytime soon...
3 Replies
You can read through the discussion in https://discord.com/channels/582187371529764864/859890291591217162/1238914634606706699
but the TL;DR - supporting pi5 is going to be a lot of work due to the amount of changes needed so it will not be anytime soon
Wlli read the discussion. Have no idea what TL;DR means 🙂 by the way. But it is clear that apperently it cannot be fixed anytime soon. Thanks for your answer!
TL;DR = too long; didn't read (internet speak for "the short version")