No trigger on z after full movement

I am working on setting up a v-minion for the first time and have run into a problem while testing homing of the z-axis. When I try to home the z-axis, it does not move, and after a delay, I receive the following error message: 'No trigger on z after full movement'. I'm able to move the z-axis using the Mainsail controls after entering SET_CENTER_KINEMATIC_POSITION command into the console so I know the z-axis motor is wired correctly and responsive to console commands. The x- and y-axes also home as expected. I'm using the stock inductive sensor that came with the v-minion kit. When I place a metal object under the inductive sensor and run the endstop test, both endstop z and probe show triggered. The outputs revert to open when I remove the metal object from under the probe so the wiring of the sensor and its function appear to be OK. Would anyone be able to help me solve this problem?
2 Replies
miklschmidt2y ago
So config looks fine. Does it make any noise when you're homing Z? Did you make sure your motor/leadscrew coupler is properly tightened? @nt8bleon in any case, it's definitely mechanical, if it moves fine with SET_CENTER_KINEMATIC_POSITION but not when homing, it could just be binding because of rail / leadscrew alignment. That's why i asked for noise.
NT8B - Leon
NT8B - LeonOP2y ago
Stand by and I'll double check. I can confirm that the coupler/leadscrew is properly tightened. checking for noise next.\ OK - I'm not sure what happened but I'm now getting movement as expected on the z-axis when I home z. I went through a process of checking and re-seating the motor connectors so maybe that was part of the problem? I don't know... Anyway, it looks like I can proceed with adjusting the height of the sensor and the rest of the setup process. I'm very grateful for your help. Thank you for being there.

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