4028 Inverted behavior on EBB42. Even with !fan_part_cooling_pin

I know this is mentioned multiple times here but i can't seem to solve it. I'm building an VCore 3.1 My 4028 4pin Part cooling fan keeps responding inverted whatever i do. (100% off 1% = full) I use the EBB42 1.2 toolboard.
In the config.cfg i included: [include RatOS/boards/btt-ebb42-12/toolboard-config.cfg] and [include RatOS/boards/toolboard.cfg]
Blue wire of NIDEC W40S12BS2E5-57T04HF9 is connected to PA0 of the toolboard In the config.cfg i tried [include RatOS/4pin-fans/part-cooling-fan-100hz.cfg] but got an error: Pin '4p_fan_part_cooling_tach_pin' is not a valid pin name on mcu 'mcu' Therefor i copied the content from 4pin-fans/part-cooling-fan-100hz.cfg and placed it in the config.sfg. With the same error. So i changed 4p_fan_part_cooling_pin to fan_part_cooling_pin. when placing the code at the same position in config.sfg as the include it works but inverted. There is no change when using pin: !fan_part_cooling_pin or pin: fan_part_cooling_pin I use PA3 of my octopus 1.1 as enable pin
############################################################################# FANS If your board has 4 pin fan headers and you want to use them, you can enable them here. NOTE: If none are uncommented, the default 2pin fan headers will be used. ############################################################################# Part cooling #[include RatOS/4pin-fans/part-cooling-fan-25khz.cfg] #[include RatOS/4pin-fans/part-cooling-fan-100hz.cfg] [fan] pin: !fan_part_cooling_pin enable_pin: PA3 cycle_time: 0.001 Hotend / Toolhead cooling #[include RatOS/4pin-fans/toolhead-fan-25khz.cfg] #[include RatOS/4pin-fans/toolhead-fan-100hz.cfg]
When placing the same code in the overrides section of config.sfg it won't work! when setting any speed the fan blows 100% except for 0% and 100% then it stops What am i missing? Your help is much appreciated
22 Replies
WernerSOP9mo ago
Sorry this is my first build and i'm totally new on Discord.
Learning every day.
looks like it is being overwritten by the toolboard imports because they assume your will connect your fan there. take lines 164-167 and move them to the USER OVERRIDES sections https://os.ratrig.com/docs/configuration/includes-and-overrides explains how order is very important in that config file
WernerSOP9mo ago
Thanks. but that is exactly what i did and it wont work When placing line 164-167 in the overrides section of config.sfg it won't work! when setting any speed the fan blows 100% except for 0% and 100% then it stops
try different cycle time maybe cycle_time: 0.00004? depends on what fan you are using
WernerSOP9mo ago
yes tried that. But also wont work. Is still is inverted. And only when placed in the code not in the override section
if it is just inverted, remove the ! - I thought it only acting as off or fully on
WernerSOP9mo ago
when the code is in the overides section it is only on off when the code it is at the position like in the file it is Inverted removing the ! Make no change. It stays inverted in the configuration file it states that I need to include: include RatOS/4pin-fans/part-cooling-fan-100hz.cfg] but then i get this error: Pin '4p_fan_part_cooling_tach_pin' is not a valid pin name on mcu 'mcu'
that is only for boards that have 4 pin fan headers - the octopus doesn't have this
WernerSOP9mo ago
then either you didn't reload klipper, your fan is busted, or something with wiring
WernerSOP9mo ago
but it is an 4 pin fan
fan HEADER, on the octopus board
WernerSOP9mo ago
not the PWM from the ebb42? (blue wire) and power from octopus?
what header are you talking about on the EBB42? https://os.ratrig.com/docs/toolboards/btt/ebb-42-12 shows how things are supposed to be wired up except for using a 4028 fan Instead you need to follow the 4028 guide https://os.ratrig.com/docs/guides/4028#pwm that shows how to wire it for an octopus board
WernerSOP9mo ago
then I understood it wrong. I assumed that connecting the pwm wire to PA0 could work like with the VCore4
you can wire it that way, but then you aren't using the enable pin to keep it off when starting up
WernerSOP9mo ago
I will try tomorrow connecting directly to octopus . Thanks for your time
good luck - let us know if you run into more issues
spectrum3607mo ago
How did you solve problem with fan?
TheTik7mo ago
Open your own thread please.

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