x endstop help

The Omron endstops supplied with the Vcore 4 are not available anywhere so I’m using cheap Amazon ones to upgrade my tool head. The Omron are closed by default. Will switching the pos and neg when connecting to the EBB42 work as a work around? I’m concerned that if I wire it wrong and the endstop triggers I could blow the board.
5 Replies
TheTik8mo ago
I've read too many warning about incorrect endstop wiring blowing up boards to be okay with that most switches have a NO and a NC contact, are you not able to use those?
Tracy7734OP8mo ago
Actually, I couldn’t figure out why the EBB42 showed no power when I wired it just like the RatRig dozuki showed. I switched the pos and neg on the x endstop and now it appears to be working fine. Also, the 2.0x and 2.1 Ebb42 wiring diagrams show completely different endstop wiring pictures. My assumption, likely wrong, is that either the pin programming has changed or the endstops have.
Tachyon7mo ago
Just bumping as I am having this same issue. Can I ask that your X Endstop reported only "Triggered" when wired as sent by Ratrig and assembled per build guide? Seems like my Red and Yellow wires are around the wrong way (as red goes to PB6 and Yellow goes to +5V) but I don't want to change the order and fry the board.
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Tachyon7mo ago
Apologies, please delete.

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