RatOs v2.0 stuck on “initializing”

I went through the configuration wizard and successfully flashed my Octopus V1.1 and EBB42 v1.2. However, when I enter mainsail I am just stuck on the following screen
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3 Replies
exotic-emerald3y ago
https://discord.com/channels/582187371529764864/859890291591217162/1064534988479016960 had the same problem, starts from here on, maybe that's the solution for you also
silky-coralOP3y ago
went through that and still no luck :/ fixed! I downloaded moonraker error log and it indicated that my HTTP requests were refused. They were refused when i tried to connect from the same VLAN and from a different one. I just had to add the default gateways in CDIN notation as said in troubleshooting section, restarted moonraker and we're all good now! ty @heisenberg19x for leading me in the right direction : )
fair-rose2y ago
Had the same issue, luckely I have found this post, but I was still clueless where I can add now my VLAN to the trusted list. You need to navigate to following file /home/pi/printer_data/config/moonracker.conf in that file you can add your network to the trusted networks. After reboot you should be able to connect now to mainsail

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