can't connect after router restart.

Hi I have 3 printers 2 of them running klipper and 1 running ratos. Yesterday I had to reboot my router. After that the 2 klipper printers connected with no issues but I can't connect to my rig. Ethernet cable didn't help. It doesnt appear when I try arp -a either. How can I troubleshoot this if I can't connect to the Rpi? Thanks
7 Replies
miklschmidt•2y ago
Did the RatOS hotspot show up?
national-goldOP•2y ago
Nope, no signs of life Also it never connected via "myname.local" I always had to use the ip address. Now neither connects Omg I just tried the "myname.local" option again and it's managed to connect now. What did you do? Lol. Any tips to avoid that in the future? I literally couldn't connect to my rig for a whole day.
miklschmidt•2y ago
I'm not sure there was anything wrong in the first place. It might've gotten a new IP when you booted your router? Any other tip i can give is just "Try RatOS v2.0" 😄 RatOS is just using wpa supplicant like any other raspberry pi installation.
national-goldOP•2y ago
Yep the adress is changed. But only on ratos for some reason. I don't think I ever shut down the router since I built it. Will it switch ip now and then on this situations? Now the .local connected but when it doesn't how can I know the new ip? Another question is why I couldn't see it with arp command in terminal? I can see it now with the new ip after I logged in the ui but not before that. The klipper ones are always show as connected even if not opened in browser. I think my ratos having some connection issues. I mean my wifi credentials did not change after reboot why it didn't connect so u could identify it in my arp connections even if it's got the new ip adress? I am using ratos v2!
miklschmidt•2y ago
Will it switch ip now and then on this situations?
Not if you assign it a static ip on your router. You should be able to do that through it's admin interface.
Now the .local connected but when it doesn't how can I know the new ip?
In RatOS 2, this should always work, unless the hostname conflicts with another device on the network (ie, another device using the same hostname).
Another question is why I couldn't see it with arp command in terminal? I can see it now with the new ip after I logged in the ui but not before that.
Caching. Use your routers admin interface to see connected devices.
The klipper ones are always show as connected even if not opened in browser.
In ARP, they would if they keep the same ip address yes.
I think my ratos having some connection issues. I mean my wifi credentials did not change after reboot why it didn't connect so u could identify it in my arp connections even if it's got the new ip adress?
It did, you just hit your arp cache. Also arp is ancient, it has been replaced by ip
national-goldOP•2y ago
Thanks for all the answers really appreciated <:ratrig_heart:1064311078290456727>

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