VC4 500 hybrid y resonance speed low

I just ran the resonance tests again, and I'm seeing charts that look great for X, but y is showing half of what I'd expect for acceleration speeds. I'm wondering what I missed.
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7 Replies
VisualTech48•7mo ago
For a 500 that doesn't look bad I think, you can always increse the belt tension on the Y but do it ever so slightly.
JessicaOP•7mo ago
Shouldn't the acceleration speeds be significantly higher on the Y axis for a hybrid 500?
VisualTech48•7mo ago
On the 500 I'm not sure how far would it go. Again, that depends on the actual tension you put on the Y as well, so they are linked. More tension (to a point) = faster acceleration. @Prav is the IS guy 😄
Prav•7mo ago
i don't have hybrid, but based on 247's review of the 500, and Helge reaction to it being more or less "it's not fully tuned could be better" i'd say you could get better results. but they aren't terrible either. the amplitude on your graphs is also on the low end, so most likely you could tighten the belts more. realistically if you get clean graphs, all you could change to get higher recommendations without mods, is tightening the belts is pretty much all you can do.
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JessicaOP•7mo ago
I was able to tighten up the belts and fix one issue last night that got the graphs closer to the one on the right
Prav•7mo ago
that's great! 🙂 as far as 500's go, i don't think anyone posted much better graphs yet. tension is tricky, because almost all levels work and can produce clean graphs. For higher shaper recommendation you want them tighter, but if you go too tight print quality might degrade even if graphs are great. if you ever feel interested about more methodical way of measuring tension i can link you few things 🙂 but you don't need it if you want to print cool stuff instead of trying to milk all the performance out of the printer.
chicken•7mo ago
@Prav I would be interested in methodical ways 🙂

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