RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by VisualTech48 on 9/28/2023 in #fix-my-printer
Stepper heavily buzzing
I've tried reversing the stepper cables and adding ! to invert the direction, to no avail, it still has this insanely high pitch while moving. The motor in question is the Z1 motor. And only Z1.
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by VisualTech48 on 9/4/2023 in #fix-my-printer
Adding a second fan 4028
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by VisualTech48 on 8/23/2023 in #fix-my-printer
Endstop crashes Octopus 1.1 / Raspberry pi
Hello, After careful wiring and checking if all of the connections are secure, solid and at the right place, the endstop always crashes the printer. I've attached a video where it shows that octopus registers the endstop, but each time I click, i resets the Pi and the octopus. If I hold the power of the endstop it kills the power to the PI and Octopus crashes. *NOTE: If I use the standard RatRig endstop no issues what so sadpepe
18 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by VisualTech48 on 6/29/2023 in #ratos-support
Beacon constantly triggered
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by VisualTech48 on 6/15/2023 in #fix-my-mesh
Issue with Bed Mesh
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by VisualTech48 on 5/17/2023 in #fix-my-mesh
Corner dip?
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by VisualTech48 on 5/12/2023 in #fix-my-resonance
Tension check, what to tension?
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by VisualTech48 on 5/12/2023 in #fix-my-mesh
Mesh issue, still can't figure it out
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by VisualTech48 on 4/30/2023 in #fix-my-mesh
Bed mesh fix results
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by VisualTech48 on 4/18/2023 in #fix-my-printer
Assembly, clicking left belt
I've tried and made sure the idlers are the same height as the motor but it seems to skip and click when I do a test pull. Video shows it best
3 replies