Endstop crashes Octopus 1.1 / Raspberry pi

Hello, After careful wiring and checking if all of the connections are secure, solid and at the right place, the endstop always crashes the printer. I've attached a video where it shows that octopus registers the endstop, but each time I click, i resets the Pi and the octopus. If I hold the power of the endstop it kills the power to the PI and Octopus crashes. *NOTE: If I use the standard RatRig endstop no issues what so sadpepe
9 Replies
stormy-gold2y ago
So i think you have already answered. If with the standard it works something is shorting with the one you are using. Or it's faulty or the wiring is wrong.
VisualTech48OP2y ago
@.gandalfpt I've tried 3 different endstops, all the same Even the ones without motherboard crash the octopus the same. Even regardless where I put the endstop, as in if I put it in all 8 places where the endtops are accepted.
like-gold2y ago
this is definitely not the weird thing with the wires being in different order on the JST connector depending on how you plug it in right?
VisualTech48OP2y ago
@goldenspamfish No, I've checked that on the board it goes in a specific way, as stated in the Octopus documentation And that way I've tracked it towards the ednstop. It just refuses to work properly.
like-gold2y ago
are you sure that there's no difference between the order of switch poles for the ratrig official ones and the replacement?
VisualTech48OP2y ago
Yeah, I've even took a look at the video that uses that exact endstop and wired it the same. It glows as show in the video When you click it But it feels like ti shorts for some reason, crashing the board.
VisualTech48OP2y ago
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Vitamin G
Vitamin G2y ago
Have you tried a different endstop port?
VisualTech48OP2y ago
Ive written above that Ive tried 3 different Same result

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