Mesh issue, still can't figure it out
VCore 400,
I have this bed issue and I can't for the love of god figure it out.
7 Replies
.179mm range on a 400 bed? There is no issue really... That's a great mesh
loud-coral•2y ago
What do you expect? I have the same values on my 300 bed. That’s wat bed mesh is made for!!
Yeah it is low but just wondering why in the love of God is there a bowing on the middle of the bed...
loud-coral•2y ago
Is your printer enclosed? Did you heat soak? If yes. That could be caused by the gantry... Think about
GitHub - JiMcNulty/FDC: non-linear frame deformation calibration an...
non-linear frame deformation calibration and compensation 2.0 - GitHub - JiMcNulty/FDC: non-linear frame deformation calibration and compensation 2.0
Are you probing the bed, the mag sheet, or the spring steel? Could just be some irregularity in the mag sheet... Likely the bed itself is flat... You could try removing the right side linear rail and making sure no debris found it's easy between the rail and the frame while you were assembling... Could be skewing that side...
Overall though, prob not worth chasing unless you really need better precision over 400mm long parts
T hanks a lot for your all feedback, I think I'll first check the rail itself and the gantry. It might be skewed but best way to check for me is to just switch it with a new one and see a difference.
And yeah @sherbs I might have some debri or something; i need to see.
You think it would be bowing on that specfic spot because of that?
loud-coral•2y ago
I don´t know. Maybe ask . I installed the macro and my print quality increased very much overall. What you can also try is to heat the printer up and loose all screws on x axis rail and fasten them again. Then do you mesh again...