RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by chicken on 6/28/2024 in #fix-my-printer
VC4 * 500 Gantry warping issues as printer heats
Hi, My VC4 * 500 build is pretty much completed and I have been trying to run through an exhaustive set of testing and calibrating the printer. I am coming over from a VC3.0 500 that I built in 2021. One of the big issues with the VC3.0 was the bed mesh never being stable on that printer until I heat soaked it for 30-45 minutes before I used it. I tried a number of things to get around that but the only thing that ever worked was just letting it warm up and then it went on its marry way. With the VC4 I was hoping to get away from warming up the printer but it seems to have similar issues as the VC3 though Beacon help a ton vs the original bltouch and then superpinda on my VC3. Last night as I was doing some testing trying to fine tune my first layer on the VC4 I had it dialed down to almost perfect. I took a break for about 30 minutes and came back and planned to just try to find tune that last 0.005 in baby steps. When I tried picking up from where I left the printer it was like I forgot to save my z offset. It was completely off and I had to back off where I left off by 0.05 to get it back to clean again. The only change between those tests was I left the bed on and the front door of the enclosure. I did a few more tests and it seemed to be staying right where I left it so I called it a night. Today I figured I would document z-tilt changes and heightmap changes as I warmed the printer bed up from ambient temperature, where it sat overnight, up to a bed temperature of 70C and then eventually a bed temperature of 100C. The plan was to start with 70C and keep measuring the z-tilt changes and heightmap changes every 15 minutes until those stabilized and then move the bed temperature up to 100C and repeat the same process.
96 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by chicken on 12/27/2022 in #ratos-support
RatOS 2.0 with Octopus Pro 429 firmware issues
Had it working fine with previous version and wanted to play around with 2.0. backed up my old configs and reflashed the Pi fine. Went to the http://ratos.local/configure?step=1 and had it compile the firmware for the pro429 and then put it on a sd card like I have done dozens of times but the board will not download it. The file never changes to firmware.cur. Its almost like it complied the wrong firmware and the board would not download it.
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