Retraction Settings

I am using Prusa Slicer 2.8 and trying to tune the retraction settings on a finicky filament. When I set them in the filament tab and print, I dont see in the Mainsail screen of RatOS showing the updated settings as it prints. It defaults to the firmware retraction settings in the RatOS.cfg file, even though I have use firmware retraction unchecked on the printer tab in Prusia Slicer. Does it just not show real time retraction settings like is does PA or am I missing something. Thanks
The mainsail panel only shows firmware retraction settings. Since you're not using firmware retraction, they're just going to show whatever was last configured (the defaults from RatOS). It has no impact on your print, since you're not using it.
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6 Replies
miklschmidt•8mo ago
The mainsail panel only shows firmware retraction settings. Since you're not using firmware retraction, they're just going to show whatever was last configured (the defaults from RatOS). It has no impact on your print, since you're not using it.
miklschmidt•8mo ago
Slicer retraction isn't a standard, you can't easily tell slicer based retraction from other print moves in a flat .gcode file.
chickenOP•8mo ago
I assumed that was the case but looking around here and reddit I never saw a confirmation that was the case. I appreciate the response! thanks!
miklschmidt•8mo ago
I don't know why, but reddit is a terrible resource for 3d printing advice. Almost everything is either overly simplified, generalized or plain wrong (there's a lot of this).
chickenOP•8mo ago
it really is. There is so much other great information on reddit for other topics and hobbies but 3d printing is blah and dont get me started on Meta 😦
miklschmidt•8mo ago
Yeah it's odd.

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