Heater extruder not heating
Hi all again,
I can't seem to heat up the hotend on the vcore 3.1 I am trying to finish commissioning.
When I do the PID tuning for the extruder (the stock Phaetus Rapido), or when I just try to raise the temperature from the console, I always get this klipper error:
I am using the default conf for the hotend:
I checked all the cables and they are not broken, plus if I hold a lighter under the extruder I can see the thermistor is registering an increase in temperature.
What can be wrong? 🙏
12 Replies
What is the temp it is reporting?
around 19 which is the starting room temperature, and then no change and it throws the failure.
no change when you command a temp increase, but it does change with a lighter. hm.
Best guess right now is that the wiring is wrong
curious if you put 24V directly to the hotend if it heats
show us pictures of how you have it wired and your printer.cfg and ratos.cfg

I tested the HE0 port and it delivers 24v fine when I try to increase the temp.
I also tested all the fuses on the octopus and they are all good.
I do get a reading when testing the resistance… not sure if i’m doing it right?

that wiring looks right, and you are reading a resistance on the heater. Not sure what that resistance should be but as long as it isn't 0 or infinity seems alright
I read M Ohms… can that be a bit too high?
oh! Yeah thats way too high. Should be in the single digit Ohms
ah crap I guess it’s fried beyond salvation then 😕