VCore 3.1 300mm - reason for second peak on Y-Axis???
Dear all,
just set up my printer from scratch and now I'm doing the belt tension and resonance tests. Resonance shows a second peak, which I can't explain 😦
Belt tension - used the Macro Position which sets the Printhead to X150 & Y150mm - which means a free belt length of about 175mm - its hard to tell where its getting contact to the idlers.
Used Spectroid to set both belts to around 94,5Hz - 95,0Hz
Belt tension Diagram shows equal Resonance peaks ...
Resonance of X-axis looks quite good to me, but Y-axis shows a second peak and I have no idea where it comes from 😦
Any Idea whats going wrong with my printer?
BR, Volker

18 Replies
2 peaks on the first graph is desired and expected, one for x and one for y
Your y test triggering the x resonance might be an issue. Could be cables perhaps? Or could be in the XY joiners
Actually, XY joiners issue would probably show in x, not in y
So diagonal cables ? Share a photo
I'm using an EBB36 Toolhead with just 4 Highflex silicon AWG16, a very flexibel USB and a 6mm PTFE Tube. Erverything is nice and smooth

Hmmm, just for interest - loosened belt tension to 75HZ (which is the limit before the belts touch the frame in case of resonation) - it's getting a bit worse.
How much tension do you use at X150 / Y150? more than 95HZ? 95HZ is quite a strong tension in my opinion - but to check if thing get better - can I raise tension safely? Or am I already at the limit?

Check the tension with the gantry at the back
75hz with the gantry in the middle sounds way too loose
@pinky_narf recently reported that a loose back funnel can cause higher resonance peaks
Okay thanks - I'll check with the gantry at the back. Which freq. would be the target there? I'll remove the printer from the cab the next days and check the complete Printhead. Thx for your help!
I think 75 is about right for a 300 if I remember correctly
Great - I'll try this one 👍
like-gold•3y ago
HI elco, if you remember, is that with the gantry all the way back or in the middle?
Max belt length
Around 60hz on a 400, so 70-75 on a 300
So gantry at the back, exactly in the middle
Then equal tension on both sides
If you have a good musical ear, you can do it by ear (no beat frequency)
If you pluck both sides, you shouldn't hear a slow vibration between them
A 60hz and 62hz string will cause a 2hz beat frequency
like-gold•3y ago
Hello Again, after taking apart most of the Printhead, checking for loose parts and tensioning the Belt to slightly above 73Hz (gantry all the way back) - this is what came out:
Belts are equal in my opinion

But there is still a "second" small Peak on the Y_axis ....
X-Axis is fine...

Is this good enough?