Grinding/rubbing noise on radial movements
Is the noise heard in the video attached normal?
If not, where should I start looking for the problem?
Only happens on round sections of a print.
52 Replies
try to print this a bit faster
This is the VFA speed calibration test in Orcaslicer, so the speed progressively increased. I can provide another video of it printing that model at higher speeds if that helps, but the noise was present from beginning to end (100mm/s to 400mm/s).
additionally, I modeled this cone shape to see if i can target the problem with printing radii, and the results are very poor. During this print, the grinding noise was present as well.
45 degree cone, no supports. I can print straight lines mostly fine, just not curves. The motion components seem to be moving smoothly when i move the toolhead around by hand, nothing seems obviously binding
Have you tried a different slicer?
I have not. Let me give that a try.
I liked tree supports in orcaslicer as well as the overall GUI, so I switched from Superslicer when I built this ratrig vcore 4.
Do you suggest I build a profile from scratch on Superslicer, or utilize the preset from ratrig?
use the preset. I'm just wondering if it is a 'short lines to make curves' kind of issue
Substantial improvement! I will continue using Prusaslicer moving forward.
The grinding-ish noise is still present but less.
The test print came out almost acceptable, except there are still ribs. Perhaps the "short lines to make curves" issue you suggested? Any idea how to smooth this out?
It looks much more prominent in person.
I scaled it up to see if anything changes, and now you can hear and see the print head shaking back and forth, like a vibration, while it prints in a circle.
Those are both the same video, but one of them is edited down to 1/4 speed to see if the vibration can be seen
Other thoughts i had as i lose sleep over it is that perhaps the default current isnt enough? (1.1A)
if the currents not enough the motors will skip and let you know. I have the same grinding on corners. Something up in the motion system i reckon. Trying to avoid the inevitable of pulling it apart. Ahh just when i thought it was safe to put the zip ties on.
I did bump the current to 1.7A and didn't notice much improvement.
I took apart the motion system; belt rollers are all smoothly spinning. Toolhead moves around nicely by hand.
This ribbed surface effect only appears on round movements; straights look great in both x and y direction independently.
What about when you do vase mode?
is it the same as this on the corners?
No, mine sounds more aggressive. The aggressive noise has reduced significantly since the suggestion of changing slicers, but still there, and the ribbing on circular prints is still there.
i printed a test piece in Vase and it came out perfectly, seems to only get violent when i print cylindrical/conical shapes with more than one wall.
One other thing i did, which i havent had to do before with the Ender 5 Plus i came from, is i cranked up the resolution from within the CAD modeler to output higher res .3mf models. This seems to have gotten rid of the "Reese's cup" appearance of the cone test pictured above. However, the horrible sound has come back, and maybe worse than it was when i originally made this post.
If i was to describe it, it sounds like dragging a chair across a school floor.
What do the speeds look like in the slicer?
have you calibrated extrusion? maybe it is scraping over too much output, which is why the vase mode worked fine - all the excess squished out the side and you never ran over it again
Here are the speeds
No, I mean in the 3d view. I haven't done it myself but I believe there is a way to see what speed the head is omoving at in different parts of the print
Looks like it is in the bottom left for me in SuperSlicer:
Seems consistent :/
Interesting thought. but it seems to be coming from the movement itself, not the print head actually touching anything. i can confirm this in a moment by running the print without plastic loaded
ok, then probably not related. Does it change at all with different speeds and accelerations?
its so weird that it doesn't happen moving diagonally, but specifically "curves"
It seems to only do it when the ring pictured above is at the regular size of 50mm diameter. If i scale it up, it doesnt happen. I removed the Hybrid belts and let it print without plastic and could still hear the grinding, but maybe slightly less
So it is something in the motion system, but hiding itself well
exact same here. 150 x150 cylinder no worries but 50 x 50 is grinding.
I am not feeling certain of this. It definitely seems it is mechanical, but then again i was able to flawlessly print a vase-mode cylinder of about 50mm diameter
and @Backyarder seems to be experiencing something similar. There is a chance we both have the exact same mechanical issue. However we are both (i assume) using mostly default slicer/config settings from RatRig, so perhaps the issue is in there.
The ribbing on round surfaces seems to be resolved by increasing resolution on the exported CAD model. It did not resolve the grinding, though.
I have no grinding on my vcore3.1 at any radius, using SuSl and the slicer settings fromRR :/
hmm then it is sounding like a well hidden mechanical issue... but everything spins fine!!!
just noticed its in the y movement, sometimes, like when doing this movement. Does yours do this?
YES! i just noticed this yesterday that the noise is definitely more apparent in the y direction, and specifically only towards the middle area where yours is oscilating.
it sounds better when i am towards the front or back
This might sound pretty amateur but how do you make your printer oscillate like that without having to slice a model and print it without plastic.
hand writing gcode for something like that wouldn't be too hard (note, I have not done this)
that's interesting. You would think if it was the motion system, or a motor, it would do it all the time. Maybe it's a motor sync issue? But then the problem would be widespread. The printer movements are from the new resonance shaper in the new ratos/klipper update.
I am wondering if either we both installed the linear rails in the exact same incorrect way, or if we received the same batch of linear rails that had a manufacturing issue.
I've checked the rails out, re-adjusted, lubed but i guess i can't rule them out yet. Could be the case. More tests today. Cheers 😎
Let me know how it goes! I will send any new findings as well.
rails are smooth as silk, I'm ruling them out.
Do you still notice the issue if you were to disconnect the hybrid belts and print something?
pretty sure it's the hybrid belts. Threw the belt graphs out the window and backed them off half a turn. Running some prints now. Will confirm.
interesting. I still noticed the issue when i disconnected the hybrid belts, but it seemed like less aggressive/loud
Another question, how does your heightmap look? I originally had a twisted frame, which i corrected back when i first built the printer. But i am seeing now it might have come back, oddly. Id be surprised if that slight skew is causing such poor print quality and noise, but should fix it anyways
same here mate. Its improved but still there. My height map changes everytime i do it but its not bad. Very unstable frame. Its all over if you wind the legs out. My print quality has improved but a $150 bed slinger would still kick its ass atm.😆
Lol I'm in the same boat. It's frustrating because I decommissioned my Ender 5 Plus due to only having the space for one large printer, and now I miss it.
The grinding noise improved after re-squaring the frame, but it's still not even close to producing decent prints reliably.
Sounds like something is wrong with those extrusions and or linear rails
im thinking linear rails, too. but they feel fine when i move the toolhead around without belts/motors secured. I suppose i could purchase new rails to find it. It just seems weird that myself and @Backyarder are having the exact same problem
If the extrusion isn't straight or the linear rails aren't adjusted correctly it can bind very easily
I used the 3D printed jigs that came with the Ratrig kit to align the rails. Is there a better way of getting the rails centered?
Use that to align one of the rails, then you need to match the other rail to that one
Keep the other rail loose, move the X rail all the way to one end of the Y rails, and tighten one screw
Then move the X rail to the other end of the Y rails and tighten that screw
Now make sure everything is super smooth, you should be able to give the X rail a slight push and have it glide like halfway down the Y rails