Circles not round *solved*

M ade a bottle. It is hexagony like and huge vibrations on 10k accel. Lowered accel, less vibrations, but still the lines are there. I can feel them. Made a cylinder in orca to check whether it is not the model. It seems the.model had something that made the printer wobble more. The cylinder also is not that good, surface is not consistent on all axes. Where should I start looking? Input shaper done,pressure advance corrected from default to smth like 0.007 Edit: (kinda solution) So I put the printer on the ground, eliminating vibrations that were coming from the table. At the same time I recalibrated the ADXL. Additionally I checked the idlers and motor pulleys. One axis, left one, was not level with the pulley. Adjusted the motor pulley, so the top and bottom would be sitting flush. Tightened the belts. Checked with the resonance app spectroid so thet the sound was kinda equal. The cube I printed out was near flawless, even though something happened with layers and I got spaghetti in the end, oh well. Need to work with the extruder. Made a test print of a cylinder. The vibrations were kinda gone, I could not hear anything bad.
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6 Replies
How are your belts? Good shape? Are they under good tension and well streched and simetric?
CookieJunkyOP13mo ago
Basically new. Assembled the vcore two days ago. Checked the belts. They were okay, tightened them a bit, made sure they were equally tensioned.
kakapo13mo ago
any updates? got the same on my minion
CookieJunkyOP12mo ago
Oh, sorry, did jot see the comment. Well, I had it fixed. 3d printer on the ground, reran shaper, pressure advance. Buuut I had my sd card somehow dead, started from scratch without adxl, because it died and right off the bat bad prints
kakapo12mo ago
i think i solved the issue with tightening the belts it is at least way less noticable maybe input shaping well make it better even
CookieJunkyOP11mo ago
I forgot this was open. I just needed to rerun adxl and set to mzv. And better stl files ofc

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