Moonraker failed to load extension
Hi, after 2.0 beta update, Moonraker cannot start the service
5 Replies
You updated from beta 1 to beta 2?
Looks like you're still on an early alpha but didn't stay up to date, so you didn't see this notification (which would've shown up in moonraker):
And subsequently this:
You need to reflash to beta 2.
RatOS v2.0.0-alpha4 will stop working soon. · Issue #49 · Rat-OS/Ra...
Because of necessary major changes (bullseye and ~/printer_data conformity), you are encouraged to upgrade to the newest alpha image ASAP. RatOS updates will break your configuration in the near fu...
RatOS v2.0.0 BETA 1 is now available! · Issue #53 · Rat-OS/RatOS
We have now reached beta! Go to to download the beta release and flash it to your Pi's SD card. You cannot upgrade from alpha to be...
correct-apricotOP•3y ago
no, from alpha to beta 2
Yeah, you need to burn the new version to your SD and can't just click update
correct-apricotOP•3y ago
ok, thank you... but I wait the release version
for now I do replace the moonraker.conf with old config file and it work...