VC4 Part cooling fan will only run at 100%
Hi all so i have my 4028 part cooling fan installed it works but irrelevant of what percentage i set it at in slicer or manually in mainsail it only runs at 100% or off currently have blue wire from fan going to what i assume is PA0 on the toolboard i have tried the white wire as well ground is going to one of the heatbed neg terminals and power is going to one of the fan headers on the octopus please help here are my config files i use a user config as well pictures to follow
29 Replies
add this to ur printer config
looking at the octopus diagram the heater pin u use is pb10
and u can ignore the diagram if u have set this
already in my user.cfg
pin: !fan_part_cooling_pin
cycle_time: 0.00004
enable_pin: PB10
this is set
shouldnt it be printer.cfg?
also i did not see it in the zip u provided
Can be in either i use user.cfg to keep things easier to find
sorry i must not have selected it
idk anything about using a different file sorry
but those where the steps i used for the same pinout
its exactly the same
but thanks for trying to help
did it working correctly with the default wiring that's in the quide?
as in running the pwm back to the octopus
Nope like in the guide online how the red and black go to the fan pins and pwm goes to the tool board is the default
it was so long ago i cant say i remember but if im not wrong this makes the fan run at 100% on startup
It will be at boot yes but that may be better than no speed control
true true will try changing back i assume i have to change the enable pin back?
Correct you will have to change it back. Wait did you try inverting the pin I think someone else had to do that 🤔
not tried this
nope inverting made 100%when off
Can you remind me what the of config is?
I'm actually not sure sorry
okay just deleted stuff from user.cfg it now works and i can controll %
so pwm was always okay
something wrong with config endd
now to reassemble my toolhead for the billionth time
Well glad it's working now 😁 I really wish I had the motivation to finish mine
what you stuck at
Gotta take my x apart and install the TI bar and index head and wire both fans
ah so not a small task
Anyways man glad your up and running
thanks for the help
Something is going on with that pin: line. Comment that out and it works. I duplicated your scenario and with that line I can also only go 0 or 100.
In case you get tired of 100% at startup you can swap that wire back to the heater port and try again.
Don't know enough about klipper to understand why. Maybe duplicate definition?
Good to know I'll leave as is for now I'm done tinkering want to actually get some prints done
Yer klipper has so weird behaviour
The logic doesn't always logic