Toolhead clicking sound

So - after some time investigating this and fixing quite some errors on the way - they don't seem to be the one i am actually looking for. Maybe somebody recognises this clicking sound and is able to tell me where the heck this is coming from, because i sure as hell am not able to pinpoint this sadpepe i thought for a long time this is the nozzle rubbing over infill lines and "flipping" them for this sound...
36 Replies
xenial-black2y ago sounds plastic to me...but hey, I'm no expert. Guess you've checked your bearings?
rare-sapphire2y ago
the axes, as in belts, pulleys etc are definitely not related to the sound. if i touch the filament above the extruder, i can't feel the clicks either. the extruder itself internally would be a probable culprit, but i am not sure what could even go wrong there that would produce this sound
stuck-chocolate2y ago
what infill linewidth are you using? have you stopped mid print and checked the infill for broken lines ect.? I had similar issues at the beginning with my v-minion. After some back and forth I solved the issue by setting the line width for infill to 0.6 for a 0.4 nozzle. You can try that. Also check the part that houses the belt tensioner system. It is screwed onto the kind of triangle shaped black aluminum part with two screws. After I don´t know how many print hours they where both loose and the hole assembly klicked everytime the bed changed direction. But that sound was not plasticly at all. belt tensioner of the printbed* What also comes to my mind. The superpinda is far away enough though?
rare-sapphire2y ago
😬 i already did this in an attempt to tackle the problem - didn't change anything unfortunately the belt motion is not related to the sound - not any belt - i checked yes, definitely not touching
stuck-chocolate2y ago
mhm but the sound defently comes from the toolhead? Any way that the umbelical from the bedwires is making that noise? Kind of sounds like an endstopswitch beeing pressed umbilical*
rare-sapphire2y ago
No, it is the toolhead for sure, there is basically nothing that CAN move at the toolhead, except the filament atm - ich checked it , not related :/ the bedwires are in a chain - which actually makes a sound at a certain point, but it does not at this print and it sounds differently
stuck-chocolate2y ago
strange. Idk in your case I would go over again and check every screw on that printer. If that doesn´t help I would first try the same print without the extruder attached to check if it belongs to motion/acceleriation or extruder related. Also is it only at that perticular print and with this particular filament?
rare-sapphire2y ago
yeah - a lot points to some extruder internal issue atm i guess. will have to take him off and apart and see if i can find anything had the same problem with PETG and PLA Filaments now - on any print, it always only starts a bit into the print though
stuck-chocolate2y ago
what extruder are you using? orbieter? orbiter*
sherbs2y ago
That sounds like your extruder is skipping If you print a bit slower, does it still happen?
rare-sapphire2y ago
Yeah, Orbiter 2 The skipping you would feel when you touch the filament before it goes into the extruder - but you don't. i also tried to heighten the temperature just for safety, and tensioned the extruder way harder - no difference there
stuck-chocolate2y ago
As I said I would try and disasble that extruder. inspect it and do a "dry print" without extruder attached to the toolhead and check if it still appears. If yes then there is a problem related to acceleration/montion of you minion. If it doesn´t then the problem is somwhere in the extruder area
rare-sapphire2y ago
that is actually a pretty simple but effective idea, i should've thought of that myself 😅 then again, that's why we employ the swarms intelligence here, aye 😬
stuck-chocolate2y ago
let us know when you have some updates
rare-sapphire2y ago
i can't detach the extruder from the toolhead though. and i think the stepper driver will complain when there is no motor plugged in, butt we'll see ^^ (using a toolboard with a short wire)
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