Error after most recent update

I have the Orbitool O2 boards on my IDEX, and I'm getting this error after the most recent update. I tried reflashing all of the MCUs in the configurator, and adding PWM_MAX to my config, but that didn't work. Any help would be appreciated
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5 Replies
miklschmidt•5mo ago
Fix pushed.. There were problems with the orbitool o2 fan ports.. Unfortunately you have to use shutdown_value: 0.0 on the heater_fan which is quite bad. There's no way around it. If you refresh the update manager and update, it should work again.
dyocisOP•5mo ago
Fixed after update. Thanks @miklschmidt !
ptegler•5mo ago
??? confused here..... is this a limit of the orbitool board, or something calling the toolboard routines? Quote unquote from Mr Lorincz... ".... The HW design is done in a way that during shutdown the hotend fan is automatically enabled without software request. Software request value in shutdown only works if the micro is still alive; if not, then it does not do anything...hence we have the HW implementation instead of software config." again...confused here or I missed something somewhere here.
miklschmidt•5mo ago
is this a limit of the orbitool board
Yes. because it requires a max_power of 0.995, and software PWM, you can only go to 1 or 0 when the software is shut down, and since max is 0.995, 1 is not an option.
The HW design is done in a way that during shutdown the hotend fan is automatically enabled without software request
Ah! That's good to know, that solves an otherwise pretty nasty issue 😄
again...confused here or I missed something somewhere here.
No i was the one missing that detail, should probably be a comment in the orbitool o2 configuration example 😄
ptegler•5mo ago
sorry Mikkel if it was my possible lack of info...I saw this comment previously and asked Robert directly
Q maybe... findind default (must) shutdown_value: 0.0 is BAD! ...
Klipper issue?? seems flashing is an issue with anything other than shutdown_value: 0.0 set. this is NOT should default to (hot end at a minimum) fans left on full power when the machine...

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