Fine Tuning PETG, Reduce Seam Blobs and Nozzle Build-up

I have little dots around the print that I believe are where the seams are. I think Cura has a setting called coasting but I use SuperSlicer. Not sure if that's what would fix it but I'm open to other suggestions. I also get a lit of build-up on my nozzle, especially on the first couple layers. Print settings: Overture PETG, 0.96 extrusion multiplier, 247C nozzle, 80C bed, 55mm/s (44mm/s perimeters)
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additional-chocolate2y ago
Cura seam blips, I find hide seam is better than random. If the tip is getting built up, there probably is excess material being scrapped up. I run PETG down at 235 and 90 bed so it is less gluggy, and run the cooling fan at 100, despite general guidance to run no fan. You might still be over-extruding or because the temp is up and close to the bed there is higher than intended flow on the initial layers. Try backing off the temp a few degrees and or extruder a few percent.

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