RatOS 2.x + Beacon ignoring configured offset and discarding offset at print end

I believe I've accurately followed the steps outlined here: https://github.com/HelgeKeck/RatOS/blob/documentation_v2.1/site/docs/configuration/beacon_contact.md#6-first-print-and-fine-tuning I've printed a simple single layer print, baby stepped the offset, and then executed SAVE_Z_OFFSET. Doing so resulted in the following output on the console:
Beacon model offset has been updated, new value is -0.00524
You must run the SAVE_CONFIG command now to update the
printer config file and restart the printer.
Beacon model offset has been updated, new value is -0.00524
You must run the SAVE_CONFIG command now to update the
printer config file and restart the printer.
Which is, in fact, reflected in my printer.cfg:
#*# [beacon model default]
#*# model_coef = 1.476854667586476,
#*# 1.8257187670592463,
#*# 0.8000676386844287,
#*# 0.3652225333958514,
#*# 0.2946874145303699,
#*# 0.27036577839966525,
#*# -0.13702065685017686,
#*# -0.22685839327522975,
#*# 0.16605067102751772,
#*# 0.167889650961572
#*# model_domain = 1.8412885714875363e-07,1.939865108701818e-07
#*# model_range = 0.200000,5.000000
#*# model_temp = 50.332679
#*# model_offset = -0.00524
#*# [beacon model default]
#*# model_coef = 1.476854667586476,
#*# 1.8257187670592463,
#*# 0.8000676386844287,
#*# 0.3652225333958514,
#*# 0.2946874145303699,
#*# 0.27036577839966525,
#*# -0.13702065685017686,
#*# -0.22685839327522975,
#*# 0.16605067102751772,
#*# 0.167889650961572
#*# model_domain = 1.8412885714875363e-07,1.939865108701818e-07
#*# model_range = 0.200000,5.000000
#*# model_temp = 50.332679
#*# model_offset = -0.00524
However, when a print starts, I see:
RatOS | BEACON: Nozzle expansion offset of 0.044757mm applied to T0
RatOS | BEACON: Nozzle expansion offset of 0.044757mm applied to T0
And sure enough, the first layer doesn't squish/adhere very well. Furthermore, if I babystep back to my above value, things look good. Until the next print. An additional item of note is that it appears any babystepped value is cleared at the end of the print. So, it seems, one must execute SAVE_Z_OFFSET during the print.
RatOS/site/docs/configuration/beacon_contact.md at documentation_v2...
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - HelgeKeck/RatOS
187 Replies
Helge Keck
Helge Keck6mo ago
Beacon model offset has been updated, new value is -0.00524 You must run the SAVE_CONFIG command now to update the printer config file and restart the printer.
if you get this resposne it means it didnt updated the thermal expansion multiplier, isntead it created a offset in the beacon you are using two different methods that fight against each other run `SAVE_Z_OFFSET during printing then it works as expected
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
they are definitely fighting with each other, that's for sure
Helge Keck
Helge Keck6mo ago
its also normal that it resets the offset after a print has finsihed
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
no that's what I did
Helge Keck
Helge Keck6mo ago
do you have the thermal expansion activated?
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
printer was printing, don't know how to activate or deactivate thermal expansion
Helge Keck
Helge Keck6mo ago
also, SAVE_Z_OFFSET needs to be run in the console, do not print any button in the toolehad control for it otherwise you run a different command but you need to know if oyu have enabled it at a point?
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
I issued it via the console
Helge Keck
Helge Keck6mo ago
and made the calibration
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
based on the console output during the print, it seems to be active 2:45 PM RatOS | BEACON: Nozzle expansion offset of 0.044757mm applied to T0 I adjust the offset immediately after, and issue SAVE_Z_OFFSET, and get the output I provided I can do it again in this log session if you'd like
Helge Keck
Helge Keck6mo ago
so the only reasonm why ratos can fall back to the original apply z offset macro is when you either have thermal expansion deactivated or if you have a negative thermal expansion offset if you have a negative offset, which is physically impossible, then this points to a loos hotend or nozzle during the thermal expansion calibration
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
my desired offset is negative from the applied one
Helge Keck
Helge Keck6mo ago
i highly recommend to recalibrate tit, there is something off negativ can not be, this means oyur hotend is contracting when it gets hotter im pretty sure during your calibration some z offset issues where present its the only logoical explanation so i would check the nozzle the hotend and all the screws on the toolhead and then recalibrate it
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
the hotend is rock solid, push/pull and the entire printer moves
Helge Keck
Helge Keck6mo ago
still, if oyu want to have a negative offset, then something is off your setuip its jsut no posible that the hotend wants less offset after you are heating it up redo the calibration please make sure to remove any other beacon z offset that might be there in your config
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
I understand what you're saying, but also know what I'm seeing... they don't agree
Helge Keck
Helge Keck6mo ago
i have seen this issue already multiple times, it had always the same root cause you have no other choice than to redo the calibration and then to check if you still wnat a negative value if this is the case this points to some sort of z-issues
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
redo the entire calibration or just the thermal expansion bit?
Helge Keck
Helge Keck6mo ago
no matter from where they get induced jsut the thermal thing
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
heating and cleaning the hotend to ensure no drippage
Helge Keck
Helge Keck6mo ago
hotend must be empty
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
that's part of cleaning it removing commented offset from printer.cfg but leaving other values running BEACON_CALIBRATE_NOZZLE_TEMP_OFFSET check that, have to wait for nozzle to reach ambient first going to call current temps ambient No trigger on contact after full movement have to start over Probe samples exceed sample_tolerance yay
Helge Keck
Helge Keck6mo ago
i rest my case, you have some repeatability issues
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
I lowered the amps on my z motors, but seems I need to keep them higher. Will see once the calibration is finished No trigger on contact after full movement I'm at a loss at this point will redo the entire beacon calibration removing every bit of saved information under (and including) [beacon model default] Ran BEACON_INITIAL_CALIBRATION followed by SAVE_CONFIG Running BEACON_POKE_TEST
Beacon poke test result:

Average latency: 2.00
Excellent performance for a typical printer
Beacon poke test result:

Average latency: 2.00
Excellent performance for a typical printer
running BEACON_CALIBRATE_NOZZLE_TEMP_OFFSET Once it reaches the 250C test samples just keep exceeding tolerance only give of any kind I can find is the linear rail carriage itself found a culprit... some filament left that seems to have been it, no retries on this run so far yep, no retries on that run T0 expansion coefficient 0.050937, higher than the original Ran the BEACON_FINAL_CALIBRATION BED_TEMP=60 calibration now on to a first layer trial and adjustment This seems to have worked, but still needed to step the offset to a near negative value to get the desired first layer 0.006
Hotend thermal expansion compensation

New value is: 0.187613
The new multiplier value has been saved to the configuration.
Hotend thermal expansion compensation

New value is: 0.187613
The new multiplier value has been saved to the configuration.
Testing an untouched reprint of the model now
Helge Keck
Helge Keck6mo ago
z-offsets can be negative but the expansion multiplier not
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
reprint's first layer looks nothing like the adjusted first print looks like someone threaded a loom
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
Adjusted first layer
No description
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
Untouched reprint
No description
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
Does it matter that my printing temp is higher than the highest temp used during the calibration?
miklschmidt6mo ago
yes, but should be negligible this looks like a combination of extrusion issues and too high Z. Are you printing with a 0.6 and forgot to put it in the slicer by chance?
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
nope 0.4 and BTW, saving z offset after print does NOT work:
5:17 PM
Nothing to do: Z Offset is 0
5:17 PM
5:17 PM
Nothing to do: Z Offset is 0
5:17 PM
I assure you I made a change
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
No description
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
and attempting to replicate it after printing:
5:19 PM
Beacon model offset has been updated, new value is -0.05000
You must run the SAVE_CONFIG command now to update the
printer config file and restart the printer.
5:19 PM
5:19 PM
5:19 PM
Beacon model offset has been updated, new value is -0.05000
You must run the SAVE_CONFIG command now to update the
printer config file and restart the printer.
5:19 PM
5:19 PM
Helge Keck
Helge Keck6mo ago
not doing z offset after print, doing z offsets while printing, after print is finsihed you canonly save the previoulsy add offset you cant zhop up or down and then save it all after the print
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
Look at the screenshot, the offset was changed while it was printing attempting to save after the print failed it's all in the screenshot
miklschmidt6mo ago
looking through the code...
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
if it matters, the baby stepping was done from mobileraker going to redo it from mainsail well, printing at 270 vs the calibrated 250, other materials will be MUCH higher, 100C+ higher
miklschmidt6mo ago
@JaminCollins if you slicer is not set up to correctly report layer numbers the offset stuff won't work And there's no warning (adding one) What profile and slicer are you using?
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
START_PRINT EXTRUDER_TEMP={first_layer_temperature[0]} EXTRUDER_OTHER_LAYER_TEMP={nozzle_temperature[0]} BED_TEMP=[bed_temperature_initial_layer_single] CHAMBER_TEMP={overall_chamber_temperature} TOTAL_LAYER_COUNT={total_layer_count} X0={adaptive_bed_mesh_min[0]} Y0={adaptive_bed_mesh_min[1]} X1={adaptive_bed_mesh_max[0]} Y1={adaptive_bed_mesh_max[1]}
START_PRINT EXTRUDER_TEMP={first_layer_temperature[0]} EXTRUDER_OTHER_LAYER_TEMP={nozzle_temperature[0]} BED_TEMP=[bed_temperature_initial_layer_single] CHAMBER_TEMP={overall_chamber_temperature} TOTAL_LAYER_COUNT={total_layer_count} X0={adaptive_bed_mesh_min[0]} Y0={adaptive_bed_mesh_min[1]} X1={adaptive_bed_mesh_max[0]} Y1={adaptive_bed_mesh_max[1]}
miklschmidt6mo ago
this isn't it
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
been there, done that
miklschmidt6mo ago
IT's in the "on layer change" custom gcode
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
that's what the warning pointed to
miklschmidt6mo ago
Sorry i might be out of the loop, what warning?
miklschmidt6mo ago
RatOS/site/docs/slicers.md at documentation_v2.1 · HelgeKeck/RatOS
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - HelgeKeck/RatOS
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
# check for TOTAL_LAYER_COUNT parameter, important for beacon probe
{% if params.TOTAL_LAYER_COUNT is not defined %}
{% set link_url = "https://github.com/HelgeKeck/RatOS/tree/documentation_v2.1/site/docs/slicers.md" %}
{% set link_text = "RatOS Slicer Configuration" %}
{% set line_1 = '"Your slicer gcode settings are not up to date._N_Learn more about the <a href="%s" target="_blank" >%s</a>"' % (link_url, link_text) %}
CONSOLE_ECHO TITLE="Incomplete Slicer Configuration detected" TYPE="warning" MSG={line_1}
{% endif %}
# check for TOTAL_LAYER_COUNT parameter, important for beacon probe
{% if params.TOTAL_LAYER_COUNT is not defined %}
{% set link_url = "https://github.com/HelgeKeck/RatOS/tree/documentation_v2.1/site/docs/slicers.md" %}
{% set link_text = "RatOS Slicer Configuration" %}
{% set line_1 = '"Your slicer gcode settings are not up to date._N_Learn more about the <a href="%s" target="_blank" >%s</a>"' % (link_url, link_text) %}
CONSOLE_ECHO TITLE="Incomplete Slicer Configuration detected" TYPE="warning" MSG={line_1}
{% endif %}
miklschmidt6mo ago
This is all part of the default RR profiles That's not it
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
it's looking for TOTAL_LAYER_COUNT
miklschmidt6mo ago
yeah different variable, different warning 🙂 Not used for zoffset either Please see the doc i linked
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
so, I should be getting some sort of warning on print start?
miklschmidt6mo ago
Or use the official RR profiles No That's what i'm saying, there's no warning about this Which is a problem I'm adding one
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
ok, added all of them
miklschmidt6mo ago
@Helge Keck i must be blind, but i can't find anything linking SET_GCODE_OFFSET to _BEACON_APPLY_RUNTIME_MULTIPLIER
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
but this is a single layer object
miklschmidt6mo ago
doesn't matter You still need it
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
resending the resliced object
miklschmidt6mo ago
it defaults to 0 and checks for 1..
Helge Keck
Helge Keck6mo ago
No description
miklschmidt6mo ago
lol my name is even on it, what file is this in? :kekw:
Helge Keck
Helge Keck6mo ago
was your stupid idea :kekw:
miklschmidt6mo ago
omfg i found it it's in overrides.cfg Okay good It's just the layer change gcode that was missing from his profile then Will add a warning about that
Helge Keck
Helge Keck6mo ago
yeah, we need a warning for that
miklschmidt6mo ago
on it 👍
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
If you have time for another oddity, while the printer is preparing for the reprint... z-tilt appears to use odd coordinates by default I can report that seperately if you'd like ok, set the z_offset, running save while printing
miklschmidt6mo ago
V-Core 3?
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
No description
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
v-core 3.1
miklschmidt6mo ago
yeah you need to adjust those manually when deviating from the stock setup. Same with bed_mesh and possibly printer limits.
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
and we are back to the original issue
miklschmidt6mo ago
No way to automate yet Can i see your slicer config for the after layer change gcode?
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
No description
miklschmidt6mo ago
Which slicer is this?
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
miklschmidt6mo ago
I wonder if it shouldn't have the +1 Can i see the .gcode?
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
and even with that adjustment the layer looked like the loom one
miklschmidt6mo ago
we'll deal with that after the z-offset saving issue
miklschmidt6mo ago
It's calling it correctly... Will add some debugging info to figure out what's going on.
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
double checked, all components are up to date (just FYI)
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
forcing a recheck shows a few updates * KlipperScreen * moonraker-obico * ratos-configurator * 15 system packages Don't think any are related, but happy to force the update Need to step away for a short bit to feed dogs
miklschmidt6mo ago
you should always run the check, it's only refreshed automatically once a month. It's not "forcing" anything You prolly want the ratos-configurator updates though
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
ratos-configurator updated
miklschmidt6mo ago
Gotta reboot to commit the code, having yubikey problems. brb
xrealx20246mo ago
You forced recheck by clicking on the circle arrow on machine tab right?
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
No description
xrealx20246mo ago
Okay I just did that although I think mine is update to date, because I did a new rpi os setup to see if that was causing my issues
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
everything is up to date now
xrealx20246mo ago
Jamin, you pass the calibration process right?
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
I think the first time I did step #5, but not this time
xrealx20246mo ago
Interesting 3 new packages... from yesterday
xrealx20246mo ago
No description
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
Fixed the oddball z_tilt locations
xrealx20246mo ago
yours were wrong?
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
I've got a v-core 3.1, I believe the config had them set for a left side mounted pinda or similar
xrealx20246mo ago
I used to have a 3.1 that was an interesting setup I got rid of the pinda and put a euclid
miklschmidt6mo ago
they aren't odd when using stock hardware 🙂 yes, stock hardware (superpinda)
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
I know, I know not saying you got it wrong, just that I fixed it for my setup I truly appreciate what you do, and believe I've said so more than once Since that layer change macro is needed, when I did my first change to z_offset I'm guessing that it would have calculated the thermal expansion value incorrectly, right?
xrealx20246mo ago
Jamin did you fix yours?
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
no, we are working on it
miklschmidt6mo ago
testing that i didn't make any syntax errors, couple mins and it should be ready @JaminCollins RatOS ready to update
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
queuing the recheck and will update it
miklschmidt6mo ago
Before starting the next print, run ENABLE_DEBUG Or at least run ENABLE_DEBUG before hitting the z offset buttons 🙂
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
I can add it to the gcode 🙂
miklschmidt6mo ago
Sure, that'll work. You'll have to update again, found a mistake 😂
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
ENABLE_DEBUG is the first thing it does before exclude objects
miklschmidt6mo ago
it'll barf out all sorts of stuff now, just fyi
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
and made sure I was editing the right file with the layer change update pulling RC2-104 ready? print started and I see DEBUG output
miklschmidt6mo ago
Aight look for the _BEACON_APPLY_RUNTIME_MULTIPLIER debug message (should be printed when you hit z-offset buttons)
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
waiting for it to actually start the print and apply its own offset first
miklschmidt6mo ago
it'll be queued to run after anyway, so yeah start print is a long effin process
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
yea, just force of habit at this point
miklschmidt6mo ago
Good habit, because else you'll be hitting that button asking why nothing's happening only to get a bunch of z_offset added at the start of the print.
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
almost there he says as the nozzle is heating... 😮‍💨 Z-Offset: 0.011
6:32 PM

print_temp: 270, z_offset: -0.0385321749769785, temp_delta: 120, nozzle_expansion_coefficient: 0.05093749999553543, coefficient_per_degree: 0.0005093749999553542, z_offset_per_degree: -0.0003211014581414875, old_multiplier: 0.18761267932967918, new_multiplier: -0.6303832307624666

6:32 PM

layer_number: 1, is_printing_gcode: True, beacon_contact_z_calibration: True, beacon_contact_expansion_compensation: True

6:32 PM
6:32 PM

print_temp: 270, z_offset: -0.0385321749769785, temp_delta: 120, nozzle_expansion_coefficient: 0.05093749999553543, coefficient_per_degree: 0.0005093749999553542, z_offset_per_degree: -0.0003211014581414875, old_multiplier: 0.18761267932967918, new_multiplier: -0.6303832307624666

6:32 PM

layer_number: 1, is_printing_gcode: True, beacon_contact_z_calibration: True, beacon_contact_expansion_compensation: True

6:32 PM
pausing print so we will still be printing if we want to try to save this offset I'm guessing this is the problem part: old_multiplier: 0.18761267932967918, new_multiplier: -0.6303832307624666
Helge Keck
Helge Keck6mo ago
ok, you have 2 possibilities now 1. turn off thermal expansion comepnsation and work with classic z-offset 2. try to find the root cause for that negative multipler
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
but I did 1 successful SAVE_Z_OFFSET since the most recent BEACON_CALIBRATE_NOZZLE_TEMP_OFFSET. I'm wondering if not having the layer change setting messed up the calculated multiplier
Helge Keck
Helge Keck6mo ago
my guess is hardware issues
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
and the print at that time, looked good, the subsequent prints did not when I ensure the hotend is fully empty I get zero retries on the temp calibration the errors I had here were that it had just enough left in it to mess things up I can go back through it one more time but if I can make it through the entire temp calibration with no retries, how do I have hardware issues or repeatablity issues?
miklschmidt6mo ago
@JaminCollins is your bed heated when you're doing the hotend temp compensation calibration? ie is the enclosure heating up
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
unit is not currently enclosed
miklschmidt6mo ago
Well... nevermind then 😂
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
the bed is not heated, the step says to start with ambient temps
miklschmidt6mo ago
yeah exactly, just wanted to make sure
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
happy to go back through it one more time
miklschmidt6mo ago
since you're running things manually and not using the actual one-step macro
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
Collected 3 samples, 0.0005 sd lines like that make me question the hardware issue
miklschmidt6mo ago
I'd try using the official BEACON_RATOS_CALIBRATE in that case
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
I've done both the one shot and the manual
miklschmidt6mo ago
yeah, but found filament in the process, right?
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
not on my first config no
miklschmidt6mo ago
It's just that with the one shot macro, there's no possible gotcha's
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
but first config had this problem too happy to try what ever you'd like got docs for the BEACON_RATOS_CALIBRATE?
miklschmidt6mo ago
beacon docs linked in the description of #beacon-contact
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
this one, right?
miklschmidt6mo ago
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
so purge all configuration details for beacon, then run that with the bed value and no chamber since not enclosed kk... emptying filament, ensuring nozzle is empty, letting everything cool back down, and firing it off again
miklschmidt6mo ago
yep should have the configurator rerender the ratos-variables.cfg as well just to ensure a clean slate
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
what do I need to do, in order to do that?
miklschmidt6mo ago
actually, got the defaults:
nozzle_expansion_applied_offset = 0
nozzle_expansion_coefficient_multiplier = 1.0
nozzle_expansion_coefficient_t0 = 0.06
nozzle_expansion_coefficient_t1 = 0.06
nozzle_expansion_applied_offset = 0
nozzle_expansion_coefficient_multiplier = 1.0
nozzle_expansion_coefficient_t0 = 0.06
nozzle_expansion_coefficient_t1 = 0.06
You can just save those manually
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
no idea why mine has idex values, should I leave them or nuke them?
miklschmidt6mo ago
leave them, they're just defaults
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
super heated the nozzle to ensure nothing is left in it beacon values removed from printer.cfg, variables defaults saved firmware restart, and starting the beacon config, once things cool down you want debug back on or just go through the configuration?
miklschmidt6mo ago
doesn't hurt to turn it on, just in case I don't actually think there are any debug messages in that process, but if there is, they'll be printed 😄
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
We're about to find out waiting for extruder to get back to sub 40C ok, here we go
7:02 PM
Collected 3 samples, 0.0008 sd
7:02 PM
Collected 3 samples, 0.0008 sd
7:02 PM
Collected 3 samples, 0.0004 sd
7:02 PM
Collected 3 samples, 0.0004 sd
latency=2 through so far, heating to 150C moving on to 250C
miklschmidt6mo ago
so far so good
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
moving back to 150C no retries on any probing so far first 150C, Result is z=0.052187 first 250C, Result is z=0.112500 moving back to 250C second 150C, Result is z=0.054687 second 250C, Result is z=0.110312 I believe it's on to step #4 now no retries throughout, thus far latency 2 on current pokes possibly on to step #5? it's probing around the bed calibration completed Beacon poke test result: Average latency: 2.00 Excellent performance for a typical printer T0 expansion coefficient 0.055625 Gantry twist relative to the center Very low gantry twist: 32.111553μm. No beacon scan compensation needed. Front left: -7.731122μm Front center: -22.302433μm Front right: -21.276609μm Left center: 16.449132μm Right center: 7.265514μm Back left: 32.111553μm Back center: 26.475461μm Back right: 20.287185μm What would you like me to do next? BTW, saving the current variables as a backup
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
Here's the log through that calibration run
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
Should I print the first layer?
miklschmidt6mo ago
All of that seems to be great. Try printing?
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
will do reprinting the debug enabled first layer gcode
miklschmidt6mo ago
btw what material are you using since you're running 270C?
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
you won't believe me when I say PLA
miklschmidt6mo ago
That's some very cooked PLA 😅
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
but it's not... that's the super odd part it's the weirdest stuff
miklschmidt6mo ago
Uhm.. You sure your thermistor is reporting correct temps? Would explain a lot 😂
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
Shop | Tangled 3D Printer Filament
3D Printer Filament that is affordable, made in the USA and actually used by the people that make it.
miklschmidt6mo ago
ah it's some "special" stuff
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
already went down this road... independently verified it with both a screw in thermistor and a laser hand held trying to find it's top flow is why I moved from a Rapido to a Dragon UHF it's happy over 300C
miklschmidt6mo ago
that's toxic af if it's anything like real PLA
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
any reason baby stepping from mobileraker would be an issue?
miklschmidt6mo ago
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
k, just making sure it's the easiest way for me to baby step things
miklschmidt6mo ago
as long as it's calling SET_GCODE_OFFSET like everything else, should be fine
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
also halving the printers speed so there's more time to babystep 🤦 need to load filament again
miklschmidt6mo ago
I gotta go, friday night is gone 😂 03:23AM
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
sorry, thanks for hanging
miklschmidt6mo ago
Hope you figure out what's going on. Hopefully it's just all unicorns and rainbows from here.
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
one can hope, but ... restarting the first layer print
7:33 PM
Hotend thermal expansion compensation

New value is: 0.250936
The new multiplier value has been saved to the configuration.

7:33 PM

multiplier: 0.2509363295207556, beacon_contact_z_calibration: True, beacon_contact_expansion_compensation: True

7:33 PM
7:32 PM

print_temp: 270, z_offset: 0.016749999994006434, temp_delta: 120, nozzle_expansion_coefficient: 0.055624999995005364, coefficient_per_degree: 0.0005562499999500536, z_offset_per_degree: 0.00013958333328338695, old_multiplier: 1.0, new_multiplier: 0.2509363295207556

7:32 PM

layer_number: 1, is_printing_gcode: True, beacon_contact_z_calibration: True, beacon_contact_expansion_compensation: True
7:33 PM
Hotend thermal expansion compensation

New value is: 0.250936
The new multiplier value has been saved to the configuration.

7:33 PM

multiplier: 0.2509363295207556, beacon_contact_z_calibration: True, beacon_contact_expansion_compensation: True

7:33 PM
7:32 PM

print_temp: 270, z_offset: 0.016749999994006434, temp_delta: 120, nozzle_expansion_coefficient: 0.055624999995005364, coefficient_per_degree: 0.0005562499999500536, z_offset_per_degree: 0.00013958333328338695, old_multiplier: 1.0, new_multiplier: 0.2509363295207556

7:32 PM

layer_number: 1, is_printing_gcode: True, beacon_contact_z_calibration: True, beacon_contact_expansion_compensation: True
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
Adjusted and saved first layer looks acceptable
No description
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
Now for a straight, reprint
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
So far so good
No description
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
TL;DR - Not a hardware issue, but rather appears to have been a software issue. Specifically, the lack of the AFTER_LAYER_CHANGE macro settings in Orca Slicer. Not having this defined seems (happy to be corrected) to have altered how the nozzle_expansion_coefficient_multiplier is/was calculated resulting in the wrong value being saved. This being retrieved on later prints led to an incorrect offset that only got compounded with repeat attempts to correct it. Eventually driving this value negative which is an impossible value.
xrealx20246mo ago
Jamin did you get it working? Looks like it..
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
So far, but not sure I care for the thermal expansion stuff maybe once I have a way to ensure the nozzle tip is clean, but for now too much variance due to the slightest bit of left over filament on the tip
xrealx20246mo ago
Im unable to pass.. everthing is fine.. does the initial tests.. then at the end my sample sizes go to hell... and my latencies which were 1-3 at the start/middle all of a sudden are 4-6 at the end
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
sounds like you do have a different problem, and if the latencies aren't holding, it likely is some flexure in your toolhead
miklschmidt6mo ago
I think it's a lot more useful at "normal" printing temps. It seems that it is very much not linear 😄 (which makes sense as it appears to be the hotend accounting for most of the expansion, and we're measuring the temp of the nozzle)
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
I've disabled it for now, until I can ensure a clean nozzle at probe time
xrealx20246mo ago
What effect does the turning off of the thermal expansion? Does it let you adjust z?
JaminCollinsOP6mo ago
xrealx20246mo ago
Interesting.. I got mine to pass calibration.. but my print quality is not very good..
miklschmidt6mo ago
but my print quality is not very good..
Well that's not a beacon issue 🙂
Arthur_C5mo ago
@Jamin Collins [VC 3.1 400mm] I have exactly the same issue. I read this post and see a lot of similarities. I have made my printer.cfg anow, removed inlusions of custom stuff, reverted back to an older RatOS version, etc, etc. I am also at the point of kicking the machine out of the door and by a Bambu machine. I tried to log my efforts here: https://discord.com/channels/582187371529764864/1292556582336335904. Can you identify the the actual moment that your z-height was saved? i.e. What did you do to sort that out? Helge suggested that I was not using the Temperature compensations (it is set to TRUE if I do a RATOS echo of the variables) and Mikkel suggested to remove all non essential macro stuff. I don't want to tag them in each and every topic (those guys are doing enough, already) but I also would like to finish my printing project and that requires a working printer,... Any pointers are appreciated I lastly removed the beacon model from my printer.cfg and set the variables in ratos-variables.cfg to default as per above suggestion. I did an initial beacon calibration, poque-test and at the temperature-compensation test,. it failed so I kicked the dog, took out a football for a walk and went to work (4 hours late...). I think you can relate to those feelings 😉
JaminCollinsOP5mo ago
My printer (and sanity) was saved by removing RatOS 2.1 from the printer and taking everything into my own hands. This was done before (and I believe somewhat led to) the fairly recent rework of z-offset handling. For now, I've gone back to purely probing offsets. I had some holiday prints that needed to be finished. I do plan to revisit touch probing on my own in a week or two. https://discord.com/channels/582187371529764864/859890291591217162/1289702051277963325 Happy to assist you in migrating to native Mainsail if you'd like.
Arthur_C5mo ago
Haha,... not realy "there yet" with kicking out RatOS as it has some nice features I would like to keep using... Keep you posted (I might have accidentally solved my issue,... to tired now for further testing but first result are that the nozzle is actually in the neighboorhood of the bed!!! See my thread https://discord.com/channels/582187371529764864/1292556582336335904 if your curious)

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