RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by xrealx2024 on 9/7/2024 in #ratos-support
Beacon Rev H - Will not pass calibration. What is wrong?
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by xrealx2024 on 12/17/2022 in #fix-my-printer
Z offset does not work consistently..
I have a vcore 3.1 500. I am using the superpinda... I set the z offset using CALIBRATE. It works, I then fine tune it.. I do a print. I do a second print.. then the third print, I have to make adjustments.. At which time I SAVE CHANGES. I then do another print.. then another.. then I need to fine tune it again.. and so on.. I have never experienced this before.. Any idea why? I look at my printer.cfg I see my z offset set there, but its requiring constant changes. My bed is heating up before the print starts, once its heated the bed levelling starts (qgl and then 7x7).. Any ideas? thoughts?
4 replies