z probe not working

i have a V minion for 2 weeks now an have printed fine with it but now if a want to probe the bed the nozzle crashes into the bed. het probe is still red led even when i restart the printer. also it doesn't trigger when i hold a piece of metal under it.
13 Replies
sounds like one or more of the wires connecting the prob have broken. I would double check them and replace them if needed
multiple-amethystOP3y ago
nope cheked it wiring is fine it seems like if i only power the pi is it is fine but when i power de printer 24v the probe doenst respond anymore
multiple-amethystOP3y ago
which MCU board are you using (octopus maybe?)
multiple-amethystOP3y ago
yes indeed
did you follow the wiring guide from https://os.ratrig.com/docs/boards/btt/octopus-11 ?
multiple-amethystOP3y ago
yes i double checked
Well, it doesn't make sense that it works with just the PI powered on. And the fact it was working and now isn't, to me still points to a likely broken wire(s).
multiple-amethystOP3y ago
multiple-amethystOP3y ago
If the wires are broken why would it work with only the pi
You are just testing the LED there. You need to check the probe status in the web interface using the machine tab Also your octopus has power in both those videos, do I don't understand when you say you just have the pi on
multiple-amethystOP3y ago
the board is connected via usb power via the jumper i tried mutiple ways now can you say exatly wich jumpers i need to add or remove iam not sure anymore what im doing wrong here
What? You should have power coming into the board, not via USB from the pi Only the jumpers that the wiring diagram shows with green boxes. Remove all others

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